Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2088: The offender, though far away

Chapter 2088, the offender, though far away


At this moment, a black hole slowly appears above the earth.

In the black hole, the figure of Wang Xian emerges.

"One hour of black hole structure directly sent me to the sky above the earth. It seems that the strength of the gods and gods is stronger than imagined!"

"Absolutely not the first step of the eternal god, it should be higher!"

Wang Xian’s heart is in the dark, and his eyes are looking in the direction of the earth.

He can sense that there is a strong momentum on the earth.

"I will improve my strength first!"

Wang Xian said, immediately took out a piece of Shen Dan Shen Cao directly swallowed.

"I really didn't think that there is such a force in this desolate area!"

Located in the air above the sea, 100,000 meters in the air, more than twenty figures are suspended, their eyes glance at the whole earth, showing a greedy look.

"This should be a planet coming from other places. More than a dozen countries of the gods are all around. Hey, if these gods are well remodeled, they can be regarded as a new country of God!"

"It’s really a waste to let a group of weak people practice here!"

A young man glanced around and his face was glowing.

"God, I suggest destroying the power of this planet and enslaving the entire planet!"

"There are at least a few thousand semi-god strong people in the entire planet, although not many, but it is not bad!"

An old man next to him looked at the youth, said Senran.

"The palace in the ocean is a bit strange, we can't break it together!"

"Nothing, Zhao Yuan has gone to the dynasty to take the law, as long as the formation of the law, they do not surrender is to die!"

Several old people in the center spoke.

"It's really an unexpected joy here. Although the appearance of the magic cave is dangerous, it may not be a chance!"

The youth said faintly, there was a strong desire in the eyes.

The appearance of the magic cave directly occupied several planets, making the northern region more than one hundred strong planets in danger.

But in the past six months, the eternal thunder guards only belong to their planet, and they ignore the outside caves.

This makes the rest of the northern powers only united.

Now in order to fight against the myriad of evil spirits, some forces go to the abandoned planet to find cannon fodder.

The so-called abandoned planet is that the planet does not have enough resources to make the planet of the gods.

What surprised the Tianyang gods was that the gods they sent out were actually fallen.

Later, the Tianyang gods came to the strong and arrived and discovered the existence of the earth.

More than a dozen shrines stand tall, powerful palaces are located in the ocean, and everything on earth makes them full of shock.

This is a treasure!

"Since the group of guys are hiding inside, we will find a place to take a break, wait for Zhao Yuan to come, and take over the planet!"

The Tianyang **** said to the gods with a smile on his face, and his body shape flew directly toward the land.

A group of gods immediately followed behind and flew toward the mainland.

At this time, however, the entire planet was shocked by what had just happened.

More than 20 horrible powerhouses kept attacking the Dragon Palace and shouting in the sky.

A demon monkey from the Dragon Palace came out to fight and was injured.

"What are the forces of the more than 20 gods? Why did the Dragon Kings fail to kill them?"

"With the strength of the Dragon Palace, it should be enough to kill them, and they are not allowed to be arrogant!"

"Yes, the Dragon Palace who can even suppress the eternal God? Why didn't you shoot?"

In reality and on the Internet, countless people are talking about it.

Although the sudden appearance of more than 20 gods is very strong, but in their view, it should be much weaker than the original Guangyao God and the hundreds of gods who besieged them.

"Maybe the Dragon King and the Dragon Palace are not here!"

Some people guessed.

"This planet is very interesting!"

In a coastal city, more than twenty strong men of the Tianyang dynasty suspended in the sky.

God looked at the position below and looked straight down to the ground.

"It's the group!"

Inside the city, some people noticed that more than twenty people who attacked the Dragon Palace flew toward their position and their faces were transient.

"No, what are they going to do?"

Looking at them all, everyone looked nervous on his face.


The gods fell on the ground, and their eyes looked around.

Some people on the earth saw them and cautiously immediately hid in the distance.

"Catch some beautiful women, let's relax, wait for Zhao Yuan to come over!"

The gaze of the gods and gods glanced around, and said to a middle-aged faint side.

"Oh, good god, give it to me!"

The middle-aged figure disappeared instantly.

"What are you going to do, I warn you, don't mess around, or the Dragon Palace will not let you go!"

"Damn, what are you doing, ah!"

Soon, there was a voice of screaming and anger around.

"It's really annoying, a bunch of ants!"


Slightly unpleasant sounds, the range of tens of kilometers in front of the square was instantly flattened!

At this moment, everyone in the city has changed dramatically.

"Not good, turtles, the 20 strong men went to the moon market and killed a lot of people!"

Located in the location of the Dragon Palace, a picture was introduced into the Dragon King Hall of the Dragon Palace.

Twenty of the gods appear clearly in the picture.

The violent middle-aged razed a few dozen kilometers to the ground, killing many people and seeing them clearly.

"At present, the strength of Vaughan is not enough to fight against them, wait for the Dragon King to come!"

The turtles frowned slightly.

"Xiao Xian does not know how long it will take to get there, damn, wait for Xiaoxian to arrive, we will kill them!"

A group of girls looked at the scene with some anger.

"The Dragon King is now in the East, very far away from here. If you come, it will take at least seven or eight days!"

Turtle said, looking at the picture in front: "I hope they don't kill people, otherwise it will be a disaster for the people on earth!"

A group of girls looked at the scene in the picture with anger.

Twenty or thirty women with a good face were caught, and each face showed a very angry look.

"Let us go...other... otherwise Dragon King will not bypass you, Dragon Palace will kill you!"

A girl stared at the Tianyang gods with horror and shouted loudly.

"Oh, the temper is really fierce. In the future, your whole planet will be the satellite of our Tianyang dynasty. You will all be our slaves, what dragon king? Dragon Palace?"

"The people in the palace in the ocean are not hiding in it, don't dare to come out, don't worry, they will soon surrender or die!"

The gods moved to the palm of the hand and grabbed the girl’s neck directly, with a smirked smile!

(End of this chapter)

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