Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2089: The offender, though far away

Chapter 2089, the offender, though far away

Frightened, angry, humiliated!

At the center of the coastal city of the coastal city, a group of girls looked pale and looked at the gods of the Tianyang gods!

"Is this Tianyang dynasty the existence of the Dragon Palace and the Dragon King that they can't provoke?"

A group of girls panicked in their hearts.

Around the tens of kilometers of the location, one by one looking at this side, his face is also showing an angry look.

"God, what kind of existence can be called the gods?"

"This Tianyang dynasty should be very strong, or should it be able to kill them with the strength of the Dragon Palace?"

The people around them heard their words and their faces were very embarrassing.

Twenty of the gods suddenly shot at the girls, they could think of the tragic fate of the next group of girls.

Damn it!


Just then, a dragon suddenly came from the position above.

The colorful light suddenly appeared in the sky above.

A huge figure is faintly shining in the void.


The Tianyang gods squinted at the gods, and their eyes looked in the sky, frowning slightly.

"What happened? What happened?"

The gods raised their brows and looked at the position above.

"The Dragon King is the Dragon King. I didn't expect the Dragon King to come so fast!"

"Xiao Xian is coming!"

At this moment, when the sound of the dragon and the majesty sounded, the dragon palace heard the sound of the turtles and their surprises.

"Go, we are gone!"

The turtles ordered immediately toward the powerful dragon palace.

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang Wuxing Shenlong (People Dragon One)

Level: Sancha Shenhuo (the dragon changes to the fifth)

Shenjing: 115.4 million / 10 billion

Shentong: rule the aquarium (aquarium that rules below its own level)

Phagocytic organism (phagocytic extracting crystal)

Five lines of control

Gongfa: Shenlong

Shentong: Demon Soul, Fuling, Yinyang and Five Elements.

Law: Five elements of the big mill, the palm of the dragon country, the dragon head of the world, the Wanli dragon body, the yin and yang poles, the yin and yang five elements, the dragon dragon tail!

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Has Dragon Palace: Level 6.

Dragon Palace member: 32633

In the void, Wang Xian slowly opened his eyes and looked at his own attributes in his mind, his face showing a smile.

The strength has once again improved.

The repair of the three sacred fires, under the outbreak, can rival the gods of the sacred fire.

Jiuyi Shenhuo, looking at the entire innocent star field, is also a top existence.

"The next upgrade, more and more resources are needed!"

"However, let's solve the problem at hand!"

Wang Xian looked at the position below, his eyes filled with cold murderous.

The colorful light around it slowly disappeared, and he turned into a human figure, staring coldly at the more than twenty gods below.

At the moment when the colorful gods disappeared, the Tianyang gods opposed more than twenty gods and Wang Xian.

"Who is this guy?"

The gods looked at Wang Xian with his eyes fixed, and his eyes showed a confused look.

"Is the **** passing by, or the person on the planet?"

An old man faintly shouted, and the sound sounded through the sky, and was clearly introduced into Wang Xian’s mind.

"Dare to invade our planet and prepare for death?"

Wang Xian did not pay attention to the old man's words, slowly flew toward the ground, his eyes locked them all, full of murderous.

"It is the Dragon King, the Dragon King!"

The girls who were caught were seen Wang Xian appearing, and his face looked hopeful, and he shouted excitedly.

"The Dragon King is coming, I will say that it must be the strongest of the Dragon Palace. It is only this group of people who are so arrogant, the Dragon King is coming, I am sure that the group is dead!"

"That also used to say that the Dragon King is coming, they will die, killing them as a group of invaders!"

Around the people watching this side saw the appearance of Wang Xian, one face with an excited look.

"Dragon King? The man of that palace?"

The gods of the Tianyang dynasty saw Wang Xian flying toward them, picking a brow slightly.


Just then, a roar of noise came from the position of the ocean.

The nine green dragons lined up and flew toward the side, exuding endless Longwei.

A violent demon monkey, an archer with a bow and arrow, a powerful creature with a spear and a thunder hammer...

They flew over here with exuding violent momentum.

"Well? Is it a member of the Dragon Palace?"

"Should be, there are so many strong gods!"

Seeing the gods and the strong who came from the palace, the Tianyang **** looked at the people with a slight glimpse and a shocked look on his face.

There are at least seventy or eighty gods in this group, and so many gods are more than twice as many as the gods of their Tianyang gods.

"Damn, how can they have so many gods!"

The **** of the gods changed slightly and his face was full of shock.

The rest of the gods are also slightly changed.

"Don't worry, it's basically the gods below the sacred fire. For us, it's not worth mentioning!"

An old man’s eyes sparkled with a faint luster, and his face calmly said.

"Yes, all are a group of weak gods, not afraid at all!"

Another **** of the gossip, the **** of fire, said calmly.

"Dragon King!"

Jiulong Qinglong and members of the Dragon Palace came to Wang Xian's back and whispered.

"Let them go!"

Wang Xian nodded faintly, and looked down at the more than twenty gods below, saying coldly.

"Let go, hahaha, what qualifications do you have to let me go? But the ants are gone, how about killing me?"

The middle-aged gods holding a group of girls showed a look of sensation.

Suddenly, his arm waved, and a terrible force fell on the girls!

Just a distance of more than ten meters, even if the strength of Wang Xian has been improved, there is still no time to block!


The screaming voice sounded instantly, and more than 30 girls were killed in an instant!

There is no resistance to the slightest!


Wang Xian saw this scene, and his eyes shot a horrible killing.

"I really didn't think that a small planet would have such gods and treasures. This is better. The more gods, the more we will gain, oh!"

The **** of a gossip is full of smiles.

"I want to destroy all of you and destroy your entire power!"

The tyrannical breath was uploaded from the body of Wang Xian. His face was frosty, and the position of the sky was over.

A powerful force blessed him on his body.

"Dare to come to the earth to provoke murder, let you die today!"

Wang Xian snorted and the five elements of Da Ma immediately appeared in front.


In the Dragon Palace, a vast amount of energy falls on the five elements of the big mill, the energy of horror, so that the five elements of the big mill slightly shocked!


Five dragons feel the wrath of Wang Xian and make angry roar!

The huge five-line grinding, at the beginning of the rotation, exudes an annihilation!


Wang Xian’s arm waved, and the huge five-line grinding went towards them!

"What artifact is this!"

The gods of the Tianyang gods felt the power from the sky, and at this moment, their faces changed.

"Hey, you only have two gods of gossip and want to compete with us?"

An old man with a gossip fire reveals a stunned look.

When Wang Xian appeared, they could feel the power of Wang Xian, at most eight sacred fires.

Although the power that is erupting now shocks them, they are still not afraid.

They, but there are five gossip gods.

They don't know how horrible it is to break out the king of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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