Chapter 2103 under the Royal Demon


Located in the center of the Tianmu planet in the void, one by one disciples quickly flew over here.

Thirty-three forces, led by the five most powerful forces!

"We are also gone!"

Wang Xian came to the Star Palace and called all the members of the Dragon Palace to fly toward the sky.

When they arrived, they immediately saw the striking Quartet.

Four forces, one by one, stood in the forefront, followed by millions of disciples.

Behind every force, there are at least a million disciples.

The number of central Northern Expedition firms has reached two million.

"Hey, all the forces of the Dragon Palace are coming, just over 10,000 people!"

At the forefront of the Suihua Shenzong, the elders of the elders saw the kings flying over, and their faces were filled with ridiculous looks.

Compared with their four forces, they are followed by at least one million disciples, each of whom is at least half-god-level.

The position in front, the strongest level of the gods, each party is no less than thirty or forty.

On the contrary, the location of the Dragon Palace is only over 10,000 people, even if there are a lot of gods, but the number of this disciple is too big!

"That is the Dragon Palace? This number is too small!"

"Although the Dragon Palace has the strength to become a director, but they joined too late, all the other forces have been recruited!"

"It seems that the Dragon Palace is so poor. There are only more than 10,000 people. It is too bad. Is it a ration for the evil spirits?"

"Isn't it true that the Dragon King is so powerful? How do you feel so pitiful?"

Today, the arrival of the Dragon Palace and the conflict with the Suihua Shenzong, the incomparably strong posture made many people very surprised.

It also makes many relatively weak forces extremely jealous.

But seeing the Dragon Palace at the moment, even if the Northern Territory is not a very strong force to see this scene, they feel very pitiful.

Just over 10,000 people, what can you do!

"They are now more powerful, and the difference between the semi-god-level powers is too great!"

"Even if it is a strong person at the level of the gods, no one on our side has a strong power of the gods!"

Some forces watched from time to time, with a smile on his face.

In the rear of the Suihua Shenzong, the young people of Huangpao saw this scene, and even more disdainful laughter.

"More than 10,000 people, I don't know how many people there are when they come back!"

He said something gloating.

"All are here, set off!"

The bright old man of the Northern Expedition Chamber of Commerce swept around and immediately ordered!


The owners of the Northern Alliance did not hesitate to fly directly toward the hustle and bustle of the sky.

Dark Forest, about 10 million kilometers from here.

This is not very close for the semi-god-level powerhouse.

More than five million people flew over here, and the mighty power of horror.

Nearly two hundred gods, the rest of the semi-god level exists.

Because I have to wait for the disciple-level disciple, I only arrive in an hour.

The forest of darkness is far from the vastness of the past.

In the tens of meters of trees, the trees in the darkness are all dark, and few areas have green light.

The wilderness of the pavement came from the impact.

"Great forest!"

Wang Xian looked at his eyes and his face was shaking.

The whole forest is many times larger than the earth.


Suddenly, the roar of a sound beast came from inside.

This roar is absolutely the snoring of the level of the gods.

Everyone has a dignified look on his face!

"According to the range allocated in advance, go forward and treat it to the demon army, and immediately resist it!"

"If one party can't resist it, you can pay some price to ask for support from the rest of the forces. It is forbidden to escape. Once you find that you have escaped, our Northern Alliance will remove it. Do you have any opinions?"

The majestic voice of the bright old man of the Northern Expedition Chamber of Commerce is passed into everyone's ears!

"No comments!"

The other three forces apparently already knew the rules and immediately said faintly.

They finished, look at the direction of the Dragon Palace!

"Haha, if your Dragon Palace can't resist, when the Dragon King you kneel down and ask for our support, we can consider it!"

Suihua Shenzong Taishang’s elders laughed and said to Wang Xian’s sarcasm!

"Take care of yourself, don't die inside!"

Wang Xian looked at them faintly and smiled.

"Ha ha!"

Suihua Shenzong Taishang elders smiled faintly.

All the disciples around the scene saw this scene, and the eyes sparkled.

"Go inside, and finally advance the position of the Dark Forest for 800 kilometers, and act according to the situation!"

The bright old man of the Northern Expedition Bank said that he immediately dispersed and flew inwards.


At the same time, a one-eyed flying monster flew over the darkness of the forest, inspecting one message.

The other three forces followed closely, sending out scouts to go to the front to investigate!

"let's go!"

Wang Xian said to the members of the Dragon Palace and immediately flew inwards.

The Demon War Department rebuilt the Dragon Assassin organization under the leadership of the demon, and the Dragon Palace is currently lacking scouts.

However, Wang Xian has a yin and yang five-line dragon scorpion, and it is clear in a few hundred kilometers!

But even so, they still have to be very careful.

The forces of the five parties must cover 200,000 kilometers of each party.

The number of members of the Dragon Palace must be dispersed, one member of 20 kilometers.

A person of 20 kilometers, with the strength of the Dragon Palace, can fully take care of it.

The strength of the 20-kilometer and the ninth-order and the peak of the peak can be achieved in one second.

Dangerous, you can get support in one second.

Moreover, the strongest level of the divine level is scattered among them, and there will be a **** in every few hundred kilometers.

Once there is a situation, ensure that the Dragon Palace is strong and timely support.

Wang Xian is located in the most central position, and the yin and yang five elements are unfolding, and the eyes glance around.

Darkness is a dangerous and treasured place for practitioners.

If you are lucky here, you can get the gods and gods.

The beast is raging inside, and it is conservatively estimated that there are at least one hundred beasts occupying one side.

The evil spirits here will definitely cause the attack of the dark gods and beasts, but they are definitely not the opponents of evil spirits without being united.

Once these beasts and monsters are destroyed and swallowed, the strength of the evil spirits can be improved.

The Northern Alliance must be smothered here by the evil spirits, otherwise the enchanted army will officially enter the sphere of life planet.

At that time, all the forces could not afford it.

"To fight evil spirits is an opportunity for the Dragon Palace. As long as it can kill enough evil spirits, the Dragon Palace can be quickly upgraded!"

(End of this chapter)

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