Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2104: Hundreds of millions of evil spirits

Chapter 2104, the Entrepreneurs

More than five million people entered the darkness of the forest.

Among them, the powerful gods have reached more than 200 people, and such a powerful strength can completely sweep the entire dark forest.

But in the face of the evil spirits, this is only the first time to test contact, the first frontal collision.

There is not much information about the Devil's Cave in the Northern Alliance, because they don't know how many evil spirits will emerge in a magic cave.

"Be careful, our understanding of Dark Forest is not as good as other forces!"

The voice of Wang Xian spread throughout the ears of all members of the Dragon Palace.

The Northern Alliance said it was an alliance. Except for the same goal, the rest of the people did not care about the lives of other forces.

Some information may not tell them.

Fortunately, the members of the Dragon Palace are relatively strong, not weaker than the eighth-order, most of them are in the ninth and peak.

A person can match hundreds of other people, even more!

Although other forces ridiculed the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian did not look at it.

Really fight, even the two million disciples of the Northern Expedition Bank may not be the opponents of more than 10,000 members of the Dragon Palace.


All the way forward, the sound of roaring came from time to time.

A monster in the darkness of the forest snarls.

As time passed, the roaring voice grew more and more, some came from the surroundings, and some came from the opposite position.

Today, whether it is evil spirits or the Northern Alliance, the monsters in the Dark Forest are a huge disaster.

Wang Xian suspended in the sky above the dark forest, his eyes glanced around.

Soon, the Dragon Palace encountered some monsters, and some weak monsters were easily killed!

The Wicked Beast also knows how to avoid the evil, and the emergence of the Northern Alliance is a disaster for the Wicked Beast.

And, because of the emergence of evil spirits, many powerful monsters have already escaped into the emptiness of the void.

Wang Xian, they are not moving fast, he did not let the Dragon Palace disciples move fast.

His speed is similar to that of the Northern Expedition Firm and the Suihua Shenzong, avoiding the sudden encounter with the evil spirits and being attracted.

At any time, their depth, more powerful monsters, more and more, the Dragon Palace encountered a **** level of the monster, was suppressed by the Dragon Palace strong!


Going deeper, the loud roaring sound is louder and louder, and even the roaring sound in front is endless!

"The roar is getting denser and denser, and the distance of the evil army should be getting closer!"

Wang Xian’s heart was in the dark, his eyes fixed on the front.

"Everyone is careful!"

At the same time, in the position of the other four forces, the leaders of the ones stared at the front with vigilance and warned everyone.

Unlike the Dragon Palace, there are a dozen other disciples who act together and seem to be much safer than the Dragon Palace!

"The kind of wilderness that belongs to the evil spirits is getting heavier and heavier!"

Wang Xian stared at the front and frowned slightly.

It is the same as the smell of evil spirits on the earth.

When I was on the earth, if it was not the glare of the mountain, and the Kowloon took off, these evil spirits would have to kill the whole earth.

The smell of evil spirits in front is stronger than that on the earth.


When Wang Xian entered the Dark Forest for about 500 kilometers, the sound of roaring was far and near!

"There are monsters flying over us!"

Wang Xian’s hole was condensed and stared at the position in front.

A large number of monsters flew toward their positions, Wang Xian eyes swept away, only on their side, there are hundreds of thousands of monsters flying over.

This group of monsters has a lot of injuries on their bodies, and **** faces come.

They are running away!

"You can't let go of these monsters. The monsters of the Dark Forest are full of wildness. Entering the planet of life is also a threat, hands-on!"

The position of the center sounded a voice of anger and anger, and the tens of millions of kilometers could be heard clearly!


Wang Xian did not hesitate and immediately ordered all members of the Dragon Palace.

At the same time, Wang Xian gaze at the two gods of the divine level and flew directly.

Two black-bellied pythons, about 10,000 meters in shape, have a strong **** atmosphere!

Although they are beasts, but because they live in the darkness of the forest, there is no humanity, more animal nature.

"Dragon claws!"

Wang Xian stretched out his arm and the two dragon claws directly grabbed toward the two beasts.

Only the sacred beast of the five sacred fires was easily killed by him.


The two beasts gave a stern sigh.

The rest of the monsters were quickly killed by the strongmen of the Dragon Palace!

"Two monsters with five sacred fires can at least increase the Dragon Palace by four or five gods!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a smile.

"Oh la la la!"

Just then, the sound of a sudden collision of leaves came.

It is dense and inexhaustible.

Wang Xian immediately looked down into the forest below, and at first glance, the leaves in the front hundreds of kilometers were all shaking!

It seems that there are dense monsters running in the dark forest.

"Not a monster!"

Soon, when Wang Xian saw that the dark creature with only the sickle and claws rushed in the forest, Wang Xian immediately recognized it.

This is a evil spirit.

If you have not reached the distance of 800 kilometers, you will encounter it!

The situation is completely out of everyone's expectations!

"Ready to fight!"

Wang Xian’s eyes shot a strong fighting spirit. He stared at the position below, and the yin and yang five elements of the dragon scorpion locked a demon level!

Every demon level of the demon level has a huge dark **** country.

There is no evil spirit in the dark god, and it is not known.

"Fifty of the demon of the divine level, there are three of the gossip!"

Wang Xian looked at the evil spirits in his range, took a sigh of relief, and his eyes showed a cold look!

"The evil spirits appear, ready to fight!"

A sigh of sorrow came from the Central Northern Expedition Firm. At this moment, all the forces were in the heart.

"Into the darkness of the forest, all evil spirits are inside the dark forest!"

Wang Xian sighed and all the members of the Dragon Palace entered the interior of the Dark Forest.

The 10,000-meter-high trees are rooted in the void and look like drifting in the air.

In front of the position, a demon evil ran on the tree, blood red eyes staring at this side.


Wang Xian’s eyes are full of fighting spirit!

"Hey, a lot of evil spirits, this is simply too much, the sky, the dense covering of a few hundred kilometers, almost endless, how many evils there are!"

"At least half of the evil spirits have the strength of the demigod level. Everyone is careful, and the congregational gods don't necessarily care about us!"

In the rest of the position, the disciples of the Northern Territory saw this scene, and his face showed a shocking look.

The dense evil spirits are endless.

Among them, the demon roar of the divine level, carrying the magic cave, blood red eyes staring at the front.

(End of this chapter)

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