Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2157: Northern region vibrates, challenges the eternal thunder

Chapter 2157, Shaking in the North, challenging the eternal thunder

"Come, come together to gather the thunderbolt, bring the battle flag, and prepare before the eternal kingdom!"

Two Raytheon walked out of Raytheon and gave a light drink.

Their eyes swept over the surrounding, and they flew straight toward the eternal god.


Five minutes later, there was a thunder in the Eternal God!

This is not thunder, but the roar of the beast.


The roaring voice continued to sound, and outside the eternal kingdom of God, a legion stood there quietly.

The 50,000-strong legion is headed by sixty-level powerhouse-level powerhouses.

Among them, among the 50,000-strong army, there are tens of thousands of members riding the monsters in the forefront.

Tens of thousands of monsters, each of which has strong limbs, purple body, shrouded by lightning.

They are like a cheetah, full of noble temperament!

Wicked beast!

This is the most powerful legion of the eternal thunder, the thundering army!

In the eternal thunder, there are two major regiments, the most powerful, one is the eternal legion, and the other is the thundering army!

The strength of the Thunder Legion is still above the Eternal Legion!

They stood quietly in the void, holding thunderbolts and thunder hammers in their hands, such as the momentum of the hundreds of thousands of legions.

The entire Thunder Corps has only been out twice since its establishment, this time for the third time!

When the disciples of all the thundering corps heard the roar of the eternal gods, the faces of the faces were hot and awe!



Just then, in front of the position, two giants flew out from inside!

About 5,000 meters in body, a strong figure, a purple horn on the top of the head, the whole body is shrouded in lightning.

"Thunder horn beast, we threw the thunder gods and sent the Thunderhorn beast!"

"It seems that the arrogant Dragon Palace is really angering our Lord God, and the Lord God is going to go out in person!"

"Our God Lord has not gone out in person for hundreds of thousands of years!"

On the main planet of the thundering planet, some eternal thundering disciples looked up at the void.

Seeing this scene, the face is full of shocking look.


Two purple horned beasts are tied with a purple chain, and the chain is connected to a valley in the rear!

A thunder valley with a radius of 100 kilometers!

Lightning flashes in the Thunder Valley, sitting in front of the center of the Thunder Valley, sitting on a lightning covered figure.

Beside the figure, two Rays are accompanied!

"See the thundering Lord!"

Seeing the thunder gods appear, all the soldiers of the Thunder Legion immediately squat in the void, and worship!

"All the disciples of the Thunder Legion, boarded the Valley of the Thunder!"

Thundering God, a pair of purple cockroaches swept across everyone in front, said Shen Sheng.

"It is the Lord God!"

All the thundering corps immediately got up and flew in the order of the Valley of War.

"For hundreds of thousands of years, no force has dared to challenge us for eternal thunder. For a long time, there will always be dead!"

"If you can't live, you can't live. Today, with my expedition, I will destroy the Dragon Palace, scoop the roots, and leave nothing!"

The thundering **** was staring at the front with a slight head, and the cold voice spread throughout the void!

"The grass is rooted, one does not stay!"

"The grass is rooted, one does not stay!"

A road full of murderous snoring came from the rear of the 50,000-strong army, and all faces were full of war!


The thunder **** is snoring!


In front of the position, the two corners of the thundering horns of the gods raised their hair and roared!

The purple lightning cover covers your body from the body of the Thunder Valley!


Following, under the leadership of two gods and peaks, the Valley of Wars flew toward the void at a horrible speed.

"Eternal God Lord has gone out in person!"

On the thundering planet, everyone saw this scene, his face full of shocking look.

They have not seen the Lord of God for a long time!

"This time, the Dragon Palace is dead!"

"Even if we are horrified by the eternal thunder in order to fight the evil spirits of the devil, we are still invincible, and anyone who dares to provoke will die!"

Some of the eternal thundering disciples whispered coldly.

The news of the eternity of the eternal thunder gods was spread through the communication stone plate at a horrible speed.

"Well, the eternal gods personally led the troops to go out. If they came to our planet, would they destroy our entire planet directly in anger!"

"The Dragon King is so provocative and thunderous, can they resist the attack of God's Lord?"

At this moment, when the news of the thundering Lord’s personal expedition spread to the Northern Expedition Free Trade Planet, everyone in the planet was very embarrassed!

"It seems that the thundering **** is really angry this time. The Dragon Palace has just sent out the news, and the thundering **** will directly kill himself!"

"Even if it is the eternal thunder, it will lose too much against the demon sorcerer. After all, there is still God sitting in the town, and the Dragon Palace is looking for death!"

Some people talked carefully.

There are many people from other planets on the free trade planet. Some timid people send directly to other planets to avoid being affected!

No one is optimistic about the Dragon Palace.

A force that has stood for hundreds of thousands of years, against a force that has just emerged not long after, no need to judge!

Especially the angry thunder gods personally shot!

"Dragon King, according to the news, the thunder gods are coming out to fly to us!"

In the Ocean Dragon Palace of the Northern Expedition Free Trade Planet, the Turtles got news and immediately reported to Wang Xianhui.

"Oh, the thunder gods personally went out, I must be alarmed by the entire northern region, all the Dragon Palace disciples follow me, we will meet them!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes and stood up from the dragon chair, ordering the Dragon Palace disciple who had already gathered in the Dragon King Hall!

"It is the Dragon King!"

In front of the position, a member of the Dragon Palace shouted loudly, and his eyes filled with fighting spirit.


Wang Xian lightly sighs!


The nine Fengshen dragons roared, and they swayed the huge figure and pulled a dragon chair to float in front.

Wang Xian is in shape and sits directly on the dragon chair!

In the rear, the dark dragon, the Qi Qitian, the Qi Qi, the Qi Xingmu and the two mad dragon species, two star wood dragon species closely behind.

Two mad dragon species, two star wood dragon species, all have the fighting power of the peak of the gods!

The huge resources have made the Dragon Palace increase the fighting power of the six peaks!

At the rear, there are a lot of people, such as Zhai Zesen, Qi Fenghuang, Saturnian Saturn, and Turtle. They all have the fighting power of Jiuyi Shenhuo.

The members of the Dragon Palace Jiuyi Shenhuo combat power reached eleven!

In the final position, there are the major wars of the Dragon Palace headed by the strong gods.

In this battle, Wang Xian did not know if he could fight.

But he knows that after today, it will be divided into the world, and it will become famous!

Either the Dragon Palace is running away!

(End of this chapter)

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