Chapter 2158, **** for tat


The dragons roared, and the nine wind-spirited dragons screamed in the sky, rushing out of the water and flying toward the void.

Wang Xian sat on the dragon chair, followed by a famous dragon palace strongman, full of 20,000 members of the Dragon Palace, exuding the horrible incomparable momentum.

Shenlong vacated, a loud scream, ringing the entire planet!

"That is the strongest of the Dragon Palace, what are they going to do?"

"Hey, look, the nine beasts are holding the dragon king, behind them are the dragon palace powerhouses, what are they going to do?"

On the planet, countless people looked up and looked in the void, his face showing a shocked look.

"Do you want to escape?"

Some people blinked and muttered.

"No, they stopped in the void!"

Soon, they found that something was wrong. Nine of the giants with a size of 10,000 meters were parked in the void, and their huge dragon wings shook slightly!

More than 20,000 dragon palace strongmen stood in the void, their eyes staring at the front position, as if waiting.

"They are waiting for the thunder gods, they are waiting for the eternal thunder gods to come to them!"

Suddenly, a sharp and shocking sound sounded, causing some people around the face to change slightly.

"This... Is the Dragon Palace and the Eternal Thunder just to the end?"

"There is a thundering **** who is going to go out in person. This is an eternal god. Is the Dragon Palace confident to resist the attack of the Lord?"

"Why should there be any cards in the Dragon Palace, or how dare you be so arrogant in the void to meet the thundering gods and their arrival?"

Everyone on the Northern Expedition Free Trade Planet was shocked and talked.

At this moment, they really learned that the Dragon Palace is ready to fight against the eternal thunder.

"If the Dragon Palace is really blocked, then the entire northern region will change its course!"

Some people blinked, muttered in the mouth, and their faces were full of shock.

"Dragon King, according to the news we got, the eternal thunder should come within an hour!"

In the void, the turtle came to Wang Xian’s side and reported to him.

"Dragon King, now I have ordered the evil spirits to attack the steel planet!"

The dark corner of the mouth was slightly tilted, and the body was full of fighting spirits and reported to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded faintly, staring at the void in front, waiting quietly.

In the emptiness of the sky, two huge and powerful Thunderhorn beasts are pulling a thunder of the Valley of War.

On the Valley of War, a strong man stood on the top, the front position, the thunder gods rely on the throne, staring coldly at the front.


Suddenly, Raytheon, standing next to the thundering god, took a glimpse of it and took out the communication stone plate.

When he saw the above information, he narrowed his eyes.

"God Lord, the Dragon Palace is waiting for us on the planet!"

Raytheon whispered to the thunder and thunder.


There is no slight fluctuation in the face of Thunder God!

This time, he will let the Dragon Palace know, and will let the entire Northern Region know that they will offend their eternal thunder.

Scribbled roots, one does not stay!

The stars are flashing, and the thunder of the gods is very scary!

"God Lord, it’s coming soon!"

Near an hour, a Raytheon narrowed his eyes, full of murderous stare to the front!



In front of the two thunder horns, who were pulling the thunder of the Valley of War, stared at the front and looked up at the same time and made a roar.


At this moment, the entire Thunder Valley was completely covered by lightning.

The sound of the Thunder obscures the range of thousands of kilometers, and the two horns of the thunder and the beasts of the gods, pulling the Valley of War is like stepping out from the wild!

The sound spreads around the void!


"Oh, the horrible momentum, the two beasts are pulling a Thunder Valley!"

At this time, on the Northern Expedition Free Trade Planet located tens of millions of kilometers, when everyone heard this roar and felt the horrible power, everyone changed their face!

Millions of people on the entire planet looked up and some even flew into the void, looking at them with surprise.

Two beasts with a peak of several kilometers in size and a valley covered by a thunder are truly shocking.

"one two three four!"

Wang Xian sat on the dragon chair and saw the eternal thunder of arrival and slowly stood up.

Facing a god, he had to be careful and had to pay attention!

His eyes swept over the eternal thunder and everyone, watching the members of the four gods of the peak fighting power, his face showed a faint smile.

"I thought they would have a lot of troubles. It seems that the eternal thunder is just that!"

Wang Xian stood in front of the dragon chair and looked at the middle age on the throne of War Valley, faintly said.

The sound is directly transmitted into the ear of the thundering god, and is also introduced into the ears of the eternal thunder.


A murderous snoring sounded from a thunder!



Two Thunderhorn beasts violently stare at Wang Xian, making a loud noise!

This buzz is like the roar before the thunderstorm!

"A group of ants, dare to waste my time, sin can not be forgiven!"

The eyes of the thundering **** swept over Wang Xian, and the eyes were full of contempt, cold and cold.

When he glanced over his eyes, he had already sensed the entire planet and did not exist at the same level as him.

Without the level of God, dare to provoke his eternal thunder?

"Good strength!"

Everyone in the free trade planet heard the words of the thunder god, and opened his mouth slightly!

This is not to put the Dragon Palace in the eye!



When the nine Fengshen dragons heard the roar of the opposite animal, and the roar of Qi Qi, a dragon was flooded away!

"Oh, our group of ants can make the thunder gods come in person, it seems that the eternal thunder is just like this!"

Wang Xian heard the contempt of the thundering god, and said with a faint smile.


Thunder horns roar, Fengshen dragon growls!

In an instant, the horror of a stock will go straight into the sky!

At the center, the airflow seems to solidify!

Everyone can sense this horrible atmosphere.

The people on the planet below hold their breath and stare at this battle of the Northern Territory!



When the voice of Wang Xian fell, the opposite position, the thunder of the thundering gods shot a terrible thunder.

His body stood up directly, and the purple thunder blew in the void.

Lightning is like a teleport, and it appears in front of the Dragon Palace.

A thunder and lightning, shining through the Dragon Palace!

"Hey, the **** of thunder is really no one in the eyes. I really thought that if we didn't have the strength, would we dare to challenge you forever?"

On the side of Wang Xian, I saw the thundering **** who wanted to wipe them out directly. The dark magic dragon smiled coldly.

He stared at the thunder and his arm waved!

A group of darkness, instantly wandering toward the lightning package!

(End of this chapter)

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