Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2179: Dragon King is respected on the ruthless kendo

Chapter 2179, Dragon King is respected on the ruthless kendo

"This... sister, you... what are you doing?"

Seeing the fox smoke came to the center of the field, the fox glimpsed a little, and some stuttered to see his sister! !

Everyone around me is also looking at her with a sullen look!

"Does the fox smoke come to be funny? Does she seem to be only half-decisive?"

Some disciples who know something about fox smoke look at her, and their faces are wrong.

Is it a play?

The disciples of the Fox-like Protoss frowned slightly!

"You are playing? Fox, are you funny? Or will I come to discuss it with you!"

The lord of the county was staring at the fox, and his face disdainfully said.

"Yes, but now you are not qualified!"

Fox smoked her face with a happy face, she raised the wooden staff in her hand!


With a wave of her arm, a sharp wooden thorn directly attacked the main squad!

"Fox, you are looking for humiliation!"

The main face of the county is cold, ready to fight back!


However, before he took the shot, the face of the broken sword standing in the center changed slightly, and the long sword in his hand directly resisted the wooden spear!


The sound of a collision sounded, and the sword that broke into the sword hand swayed.

"The demigod!"

His face was dignified and surprised, and he couldn't help but exclaim!


When everyone around them heard the broken sword, each face showed a shocked look.

Especially the lords of the county and the ancient days, they are full of incredible looks!

"How is this possible, she is clearly the strength of the demigod, how could it be the peak of the gods!"

The stunned county owner couldn’t help but exclaimed!

"This this..."

Even Fox is looking at his sister with disbelief.

He is almost certain that his sister is still a half-god one-half a month ago, how could it be a half-god!

His eyes suddenly looked at Wang Xian beside him, his face changed dramatically!

If you say that your sister has reached the peak of the gods, it must be because of him!

But...Is it possible to raise it to the peak of the gods in such a short period of time, is it possible?

"Half **** peak?"

A group of disciples of the Fox Family of the Protoss were also shocked.

The tens of thousands of disciples of their main family, only two of them reached the peak of the demigod, but in this family, there are two half-god peaks, this...

"You have the qualification to make me shot, but again, three strokes defeat you!"

Broken into a sword with a cold face staring at the fox, the long sword pointed her slowly!

"Hey, if it’s just the three swords, it might not be enough!"

Fox smoked his face confidently and arrogantly!

"is it?"

Broken into a sword slightly narrowed your eyes!

"rush ahead!"


The long sword in his hand stabbed directly toward the front. At the same time, the sword in his hand trembled and floated directly above his position!

One-time two strokes are issued directly!

“Move the flowers and pick up the flowers, bloom!”

Fox smoke raised the staff in his hand, and a branch of branches and flowers bloomed around her!

The flowers exude a scent of scent and go straight to the sword!

Beauty is full of murder!

At the same time, two sly wooden spears greeted the two swords to rush back!


The wooden spear collides with the sword, and the wooden spear splits directly!

The sword penetrates directly into the wooden spear!

But at this time, a thorn was entangled toward the wooden spear!

"Good control of terror!"

Fox Dongyang saw this move of Fox Smoke, his face looked surprised!

"Resist, the two moves broken into swords are resisted!"

Everyone around to see this scene is also a slight surprise, some shocked the strength of the fox smoke!

"Wan Jian!"

Broken into a sword is also a slight change in face, a low voice!

Thousands of swords appeared in the sky, and they immediately attacked the fox.

But at this time, the blossoming petals have already been attacked by the broken sword!

"Touch and touch!"

The petals collide with a sword with a handle and emit a dense sound like a metal collision.

The blossoming petals are smashed and continue to drift toward the broken sword!


When the petals are scattered around the broken sword, the special magical charm of the fox-like protoss takes effect!

Broken into a sword face a stiff, a handle in the air Leeton paused!


The fox smoke caught this almost, with a light sigh, a handle with flowers emitting a faint green glow, and each flower has a needle acupuncture!

The petals rotate and are covered by a broken sword!


When the broken sword is reacted, the petal of a handle has fallen to the cover!

His face changed slightly and he quickly retreated toward the rear!

"Sword is ruthless!"

He screamed, and the entire body shot a myriad of golden awns, and Jin Mang burst out.

A road of gold mans rushed to the petals surrounding him!


The blossoming petals are smashed!


However, at this time, the fox smoked a light slap, and the thorns on one of the petals smashed away!


His face changed slightly, and his face was covered with thorns instantly. Although his injury was not serious, his face was ugly!

"you wanna die!"

The cold murderous squirting from his body, he slowly raised his arms, the ten in the sky, the whole person is like a sword!

"Hey, the fox smoke is actually broken into a sword, so strong!"

Everyone around saw the roar of the broken sword, and his face was shocked.

Fox smoke has taken the upper hand, and all this makes them a little embarrassed!

At the rear position, at this time, the body of the county and the body of Gu Shaotian are a little trembling!

Fox smoke has the strength of the demigod!

She actually took the upper hand!

But that is, they do not prevail, and they are already invincible!

Two half-god peaks, what do they compare with?

Background? But talent and strength are more important!

"Well? What happened? The battle is fierce, and the momentum of the gods?"

At this moment, in the center of the field of the transmission array method, the powerful forces of all the conversations sense the violent energy here, a slight glimpse!

The two princes of the latent tiger star and the several gods of the fox-like protoss looked at it and frowned slightly!

"Let's see, a group of little guys, what's the trouble?"

A prince frowned and walked toward the battle!

"The sword that broke into a sword is somewhat familiar. Is it a heritage of Dragon? The talent is good!"

Wang Xian looked at the battle and secretly said in his heart.

The swordsmanship that broke into a sword is somewhat familiar, especially the trick that is now being applied, should come from the dragon guard of the golden swordfish!

Of course, the fox smoke will not lose, even if her strength is improved a little faster, but with his teaching, with the help of the ancestral tree energy, in the same level, it is difficult for someone to beat her!


Wang Xian looked at the front and said faintly!

"The squandering of flowers is fascinating, hey, you lost!"

At this moment, the laughter of the fox smoked his face was happy!

The central position, broken into a sword just broke through the countless petals, it sensed the edge behind the back.

That is the penetrating power of the wood property!

Squandering flowers are fascinating!

She has come behind her!

The face was smashed out of the thorns and the blood was broken into a sword. The face was a little embarrassed, and some did not believe it!

He does not believe that he will lose!

As a sword, he has not released it!

"Win, the fox smoke won!"

Everyone around me has a big eyes and a shock!

Fox smoked his head slightly, took back the wooden spear in his hand, and looked at Wang Xian, looking for a compliment!

"I haven't lost yet!"

Suddenly, the avatar was turned into a sword and the face was screaming.

He turned around unwillingly, and attacked as a sword toward the fox smoke!


Fox smoke saw his sudden turn and attack, the whole person was a bit mad!


Wang Xian saw this scene, and the pupils shrank slightly!

(End of this chapter)

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