Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2180: Dragon King is a ruthless kendo

Chapter 2180, Dragon King is a ruthless kendo

The latent tiger star sends the square to the square!

Fox smoked standing behind the broken sword, she thought she had won the slightest defense!

She didn't think of it anyway, breaking into a sword would suddenly attack!

Her combat experience is not rich, she has a bit of a time!

Even the resistance does not know how to resist!

A group of people around did not think that the sword would suddenly turn and continue to attack!

A group of disciples have changed slightly!

Wang Xian's pupils are miniature, his eyes are full of violent killings, but his combat power is only restored to two fires!

He is too late now, too late!


However, at this time, the gods who came over here came to see this scene, and their faces changed slightly.

The big elders of the fox-like protoss waved, and a wooden shield instantly appeared in front of the foxes!


However, although the great elders of the Fox-like Protoss have already ignited the Seven-Yuan Shenhuo, the rush to release the defense is not very strong, only reaching the peak of the demigod!

This trick of breaking into a sword has its own devastating destructive power, and its defense is urgent. A powerful force falls on the body of the fox.


For a moment, the fox smoke spit blood.


Wang Xian was in shape and ready to fly over, but the closer Fox Fei was so distressed that he passed directly to the daughter!

"Nothing, nothing, fortunately nothing!"

Foxfeld looked at her daughter's injury and sighed with relief!


Wang Xian looked at it and saw that the fox smoke had nothing to do, and he was relieved.

But the next moment, Wang Xian's body shape, a gray long sword, directly penetrated into a broken sword!

"Be a sword brother, be careful!"

Suddenly changing again, everyone's face changed!

"This group of little guys!"

In the position of a god, an old man's face changed slightly, and his face was angry!

The palm of the hand pushed forward, and a flame palm attacked toward the gray long sword released by Wang Xian!



The palm of the flame fell on the sword, but the old man was shocked!

His attack did not completely resist the sword!

"not good!"

At this point, the broken sword saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and he quickly went to hide!

However, Wang Xian’s full blow with anger, even if it is weakened by most of the power, is still not completely evasable by him!


A scream came from the mouth of the broken sword. Everyone looked and saw that the arm that was broken into a sword and was together was directly cut off and dropped on the ground!

Everyone saw this face change!


At this time, an angry drink came, the old man embroidered with the tiger's head in the costume immediately stood in front of the broken sword, and immediately took his arms and picked it up!

He frowned and swept Wang Xian, his face full of dissatisfaction!


Everyone around saw this scene, couldn't help but **** a cold air!

They did not think of it, Wang Xian dare to directly kill the killer!

And also directly smashed the arm broken into a sword!

"You... you broke my arms!"

Broken into a sword face full of cold sweat, full of face and anger toward Wang Xian!

"I don't just want to lick your arm, I want to kill you!"

Wang Xian said coldly, walking straight toward him!

"Stand up, don't you have this reason, do you remember the rules of the gods and tigers? Do you want me to tell you?"

The old man standing next to the broken sword is a little embarrassed and screams!

"The things you just said should be very clear. No one has to judge who is right or wrong. Since he wants to fight, I will play with him!"

Wang Xian looked at the old man and said faintly!

"This matter really has to give an account to our fox-like protoss!"

The grandfather of Fox Smoke came over with a cold face, and they have already seen it in the scene just now!

Seeing his granddaughter hurt, he stared coldly at the broken sword!

Broken into a sword to see the Fox pattern Protoss a group of people staring coldly at themselves, his face changed slightly!

"He... he has cut my arm, what do you want?"

His face was a bit ugly and said to the smoky grandfather!

"I was defeated, and I did not accept the direct sneak attack, breaking the rules, just breaking two arms. Do you think this is the case?"

Fox Dongyang, they are also coldly staring at the broken sword and said!

They are disciples of the Fox-wing Protoss, naturally helping the Fox-Line Protoss!

"I didn't admit defeat in the battle just now. Don't think that I am afraid of you. My master is killing the sword god!"

Broken into a sword, the body trembled, his face was a little embarrassed and whispered!

"Broken into a sword brother has the strength of a half-god peak, it may be that he is a little reckless!"

"This has also cut off his two arms, and that's all right!"

Tiger swords frowned slightly and said!

"Yes, the fox smoke has not suffered much damage, and when the battle was broken, the people broke the sword and did not admit defeat. It was her naive thought that she won!"

"That is, how can we unilaterally announce the win!"

The voice of the tiger sword fell, and the county magistrate and some people said it.

"Kill the sword!"

Foxfi they heard the name, the pupil slightly shrunk, his face full of taboo look!

"The killing sword **** that appeared more than a year ago?"

The elders of the Fox-like Protoss blinked and asked them toward Fox.

"It is a great elder!"

Foxfi nodded!

"This matter will be stopped. All the disciples will learn from each other, and will stop as soon as possible!"

A king of the latent tiger star said!

"Be a sword, nothing!"

Seeing the end of the matter, the tiger swords and the county governor immediately went to the side of the broken sword!


Broken into a sword face, ugly nodded.

"You give me waiting!"

He stared at Wang Xian with hatred, cold and whispered!

"I see you want to die!"

Wang Xian’s eyes shot murderous!

"Good little fairy, come over!"

Fox Fei felt the murderousness of Wang Xian, satisfied with his heart and shouted at him!

Wang Xian hesitated and walked over!

"This thing is even worse, the smoke has not suffered much damage, the master of the kid is killing the sword god, the strength is very strong!"

Foxfeld saw him coming over and said softly.

“How strong?”

Wang Xian picked a brow!

"Swordsmanship is terrible. It used to kill four gods and gods, and it was eccentric, not easy to get along with, and it seems that there are still several teachers and brothers!"

"Of course, our fox-like protoss are not afraid of killing the sword god, but it has not yet reached that point. After all, the broken sword is also an elite disciple of the gods and tigers!"

Fox Fei whispered.

"Take this up!"

The fox-like protoss elders on the side nodded slightly!


Just then, there was a sudden metal edge in the distance.

Everyone feels the sword in his hand trembles!

Three figures, Yu Jian flying!

"It is killing the sword god!"

Everyone looked and looked surprised!

(End of this chapter)

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