Chapter 2194 Long Thorn

Dragon Assassin organization, the killer organization that has risen in the central region in the last two years!

The rise of the dragon thorn is built on a corpse!

Since its establishment, it has only received the mission of Jiuyi Shenhuo and Jiuyi Shenhuo, and there has been no defeat!

The nine-year-old firepower who died under the dragon assassination organization reached seven or eight!

The gods who died in the dragon assassination organization reached sixty or seventy!

Nothing beats!

The appearance of the dragon thorns has caused many forces to be frightened!

There are also big forces who want to destroy the dragon assassin organization, but the big forces, the disciples under the peak of the gods, are all assassinated!

Since then, the Dragon Assassin organization is known throughout the innocent star!

Many people in other regions have heard of dragon thorns!

Dragon thorn, leader, slut!

More than three years ago, the demon led the demon to leave the Dragon Palace, and for three years, set the statement today!

Today, I received someone who wants to assassinate them, and the demon is filled with killing!

Overnight, the Dragon Assassin organized more than 2,000 members to gather and flew toward the island of Xianxian under the leadership of the demon!

At the same time, the demon used all the power of the dragon to check the person who posted the task!

The publisher of the mission must be docked with the Dragon Thorns. They release the mission, pay the deposit, and must contact the Dragonbuck!

Once contacted, the dragon thorns will be able to find clues and find the publisher of the mission!

Although this is against the core of the killer organization, the Dragon Thorns will scruple this?

Dare to kill them, the dragon king, has been doomed to his death!

The night passed quickly. In the early morning, Wang Xian came to the courtyard and drank a cup of tea.

This time a few days ago, Fox Smoke has already ran over!

Thinking of the fox smoke, Wang Xian smiled lightly!


Just then, Wang Xian sensed the familiar atmosphere!

"Dragon King!"

He turned around and saw the enchanting squatting on the side, shouting respectfully!

"Well? Demon, how come you?"

Wang Xian looked at him strangely!

"Dragon King, all the disciples of our demon have arrived. Three years ago, our demon family left the Dragon Palace and established a killer organization in the central region!"

"Now we have a long-standing reputation for the Dragon Assassin organization. Yesterday we received a mission to assassinate the Dragon King, so the demon will bring people to come over immediately!"

The demon is reporting to Wang Xianhui!

"Assassination mission?"

Wang Xian slightly stunned and slightly narrowed his eyes!

"The publisher of the mission is checking, we should have results today!"

The demon report!

"Okay, then wait, where are the other members of the demon?"

Wang Xian asked him!

"I sensed the breath of the other members of the Dragon Palace. Now the demon is being with them!"

The demon said!

"Go, we used to, all your resources have been brought, go to the Dragon Palace to enhance the strength!"

Wang Xian said to him, his body shape, flying directly to the outside!

The demon immediately follows behind!

Soon the two came to the rock!

"See the Dragon King!"

The demon squatted in front of the crowd and shouted loudly!

"Get up!"

Wang Xian waved his hand and glanced over all the members of the demon!

Their promotion is generally higher than that of Longwei. Together with the resources in their hands, the overall strength should be much stronger than that of Longwei!


His body shape was shocked, and behind the Dragon Palace faintly emerged!

"The demon, raise your combat power to the peak of the gods!"

Wang Xian told the demon!

"It is the Dragon King!"

The demon nodded and led all the demon into the Dragon Palace!

As the now-famous dragon assassin organization, the resources they get are definitely not comparable to that of Longwei!

However, now most of the members of Longwei have raised their ruthless kendo. The overall strength of the demon is even higher than them, and it is not too high!

"I don't know who would want to assassinate me, the tiger emperor and queen of yesterday? Or the eternal double fox?"

Wang Xian stood on the rock, his eyes flashing cold cold mans!

"Hey? Wang Xian's brother? Brother, how did Wang Xian's brother not come?"

At this moment, in the hall of the central center of the Double Fox, the fox gaze glanced around the circle and asked the fox!

"Well? I don't know. I just went to his courtyard and found that he was no longer there!"

Fox Zhi shook his head!

"Sister, do you really like the king!"

He hesitated, and asked the fox smoke!

"Well? Brother, what are you asking?"

Fox smoked a red face and immediately ran away!

"Hey, my sister, I also think that Wang Xianmeifu is good, but you are already the apprentice of God, and the king is mysterious...but it may not be worthy of you!"

"Maybe the tiger emperor, the queen will block them, and even the eternal double fox will block!"

Fox sighed and looked at his sister's figure!

"The kid is self-aware!"

Aside from the position, the Emperor Tigers saw that Wang Xian did not arrive, and his face showed a satisfactory look!

"Big brother, the dragon thorn has responded, they took the task, I will pay the fee!"

In one of the halls, a young man whispered toward the fox night!

"Be careful!"

Shenhu night said to him!

"Reassured big brother, the credit of the Dragon Assassin organization can still be trusted, there will be no problem, this person will disappear into the world tomorrow morning!"

The young man said with confidence!


God Fox nodded at night.

The young man left and looked at the communication stone plate in his hand. He walked and walked toward the edge of the double fox continent!

There, it is a place where you agree to pay a fee with Longsong!

When he came to an unmanned position, he threw a space ring on the ground and pretended to return to the original road where nothing happened!


However, at this moment, a touch of light will completely cover it!

The young people did not respond to the reaction, and they passed out in an instant!

Follow, disappeared!

When the youth came, I was careful, no one knew that he was missing!

"Dragon King, the person who posted the mission has already caught it!"

Not long after, on the meteorite, two scorpions that had been transformed into thorn dragons appeared!

In front of them, a coma body is placed on the ground!

Wang Xian looked at it and slightly raised his eyebrows!

"Eternal Double Fox!"

He murmured in the mouth, this young man he has seen, the core disciple of the eternal double fox!

He narrowed his eyes and waved his arms!


The voice of the nightmare came from his mouth, and he looked around with a confused look!


When he saw the king fairy in front, his face changed greatly, and he stood up suddenly!

"Is you attacking me? Looking for death, you dare to attack this little, find something to die! Do you know who I am?"

He stood up in the cold and shouted at Wang Xian!

However, at this time, the demon in the Dragon Palace, which has been improving its strength for several hours, slowly came out.

More than two thousand members of the dragon thorns with bright and black and white bodies walked behind Wang Xian.

The demon who is headed, staring at him coldly!

(End of this chapter)

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