Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2195: I am the Dragon King!

Chapter 2195 I am the Dragon King!

The young man stared coldly at Wang Xian, his face full of cold and angry look!

He did not think that this guy in front of him dared to follow the attack!

Who gave him the courage?

He is the core disciple of the eternal double fox!

However, when he saw a strange creature coming towards him, he gave it a glimpse!

Feeling the other party's cold momentum, his face changed slightly!

But immediately, his mind suddenly flashed a light!

White light!

Black and white surprise!

Dragon thorn!

This is the dragon thorn!

He has an understanding of the dragon assassin organization, the dragon thorn is extremely powerful, and all the missions fail!

You don't know when you will be assassinated!

It may be when you are eating in the restaurant, maybe while you are sleeping!

The assassination of the dragon thorns, regardless of day and night!

Someone once discovered that the members of the Dragon Assassin organization are a special kind of monster, they seem to have some cultivation light, and some control the darkness!

Looking at the front ones exudes a cold and bright atmosphere, the black and white strange monster!

In his mind, he immediately thought of the members of the Dragon Assassin organization!

However, this Wang Xian, the fiance of this fox, how can it be organized with the dragon assassin?

Is it?

For a moment, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and the body couldn't help but retreat toward the back, his eyes showing a flustered look!

"You are... you are..."

He pointed to Wang Xian, and the pupil was very big!

"It’s really interesting to find my men to assassinate me!"

Wang Xian stared at him coldly!


When I heard Wang Xian say it, the young man couldn’t help but swallow a spit, and his face showed a panic look!

" could you be the leader of the Dragon Assassin organization!"

"No... you can't kill me, otherwise our eternal double fox won't let you go!"

The youth feels incredulously staring at Wang Xian, the guilty guilty!

How could he not believe that he was looking for a killer to assassinate the king, and the leader of the killer organization was him!

This is simply a teasing of him!

This is simply to die!

"You should find out about our Dragon Assassin organization. We will be afraid of your eternal double fox?"

The demon heard the words of them, and said a little in the side!

The young man heard his words and suddenly felt scalp numb!

He knows the dragon thorns, he also knows the other side, relying on special abilities, hidden in the major planets, even if the strength of the **** level is not afraid!

"No, don't kill me!"

The young man said with horror, he looked around and wanted to escape!

But thousands of eyes in front of him stared at him, making his body tremble!


Wang Xian’s arm waved, and a gray hand grabbed his neck directly!

"I want to kill me, the person who is looking for death is you!"

Wang Xian grabbed him and said faintly!

"No, how can you be the leader of the dragon thorns, no... I am not willing!"

The young man feels the suffocation from the neck, his face is red and his face is not reconciled!

He is really bad luck!

"Before you die, I introduce myself, my name is... Dragon King!"

Wang Xian stared at him tauntingly, his palms gently!

"Dragon King!"

The young man's eyes wide open, first confused, followed by a look of stunned face!

Dragon King!

Dragon Palace Dragon King!

The powerful force that competes with the eternal thunder in the Northern Region, is not afraid of the Dragon King of the Lord's main power!

how is this possible!

His pupils are very big and almost protrude!


At this moment, an annihilated energy entered his mind, making it instantly lost its vitality!


Wang Xian slowly closed his eyes, the power of the dement, he has started!

He wants to investigate, behind him, is there anyone still wanting to kill himself!

A message was digested. Ten minutes later, he slowly opened his eyes and his eyes shot a strong murderous!

"God fox night!"

Wang Xiankou muttered!

"Dragon King, do you want to assassinate all the people involved?"

The demon heard Wang Xian spit out a name and said with a squat!

"They are now living in the palace in the center of the Double Fox mainland. There are eternal gods sitting in the town, and they don't do it for the time being!"

Wang Xian shook his head toward the demon!

Even now, the demon has the fighting power of the peak of the gods, but it is still not the strength of the eternal God.

His concealment is also in the face of the eternal God!

Can't let the demon take their risk!

It is very simple to kill a disciple of the eternal double fox!

"You are here for the time being, wait for the crab to come out, let him wait for me to order here!"

Wang Xian said with a flash of light.

"It is the Dragon King!"

They demoned and nodded!

Wang Xian's body shape moves and flies straight toward the direction of the double fox continent!

"Is it heard? Four days later, the Double Fox God held a special banquet, welcome all forces to come!"

"This thing was known yesterday. Today, there is a very exciting thing. The foxtail princess, her fiancé is not really a fiancé, but the expedient of the fox-like protoss for some things!"

"Well? Really fake, it won't be that the smoky princess is accepted as an apprentice by the double fox god, the fiance is not worthy, want to deliberately take it off?"

"The specifics don't know, but this news is said by the disco protoss and the disciples of the Shenhu gods. They are not married, they should not be fake!"

"In any case, the little princess in the future is the only apprentice of the double fox god, and her fiancé is not worthy!"

"This is also true, but the guy should also get a lot of benefits. He should also have self-knowledge. The only one who can match the fox fox princess is the most outstanding disciple of the eternal double fox!"

When Wang Xian just came to the mainland of the Double Fox, he heard a voice coming from around!

Recently, the double fox gods have even surpassed the tombs of the gods!

Especially today, the news of the gods and tigers and some of the disciples of the Fox-like Protoss is even more popular!


Wang Xian heard the sound around him, stunned slightly, and his eyes sparkled!

"It seems that the **** tiger and the fox gods also think that I can't match it?"

"Fofei should not be such a person, although in the long run of a family, they are doing the right thing!"


Wang Xiankou muttered, his eyes sparkling with cold luster!

He walked straight to the place where he lived, but he wanted to see what would happen next!

Unless the fox smoke opens, he would like to see what else is waiting for himself!

Or someone who wants to die!

In the end, even if the fox smoked to ask him to leave, the person who had already died, he must take away the life of the other party and then go!

No one can stop him, and soon, there is no whole innocent star!

Strong self-confidence emerged from Wang Xian's body!

There was a faint smile on his face!

This is the bottom!

(End of this chapter)

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