Chapter 2196 on the banquet

"What happened? Why did God Fox have not come yet? What happened?"

It was getting late, and in the palace in the center of the Double Fox mainland, the **** fox kept moving in a room, and he frowned, his face showing a trace of embarrassing look!

It’s been a long time since I went out in the morning!

According to his understanding of Shen Huming, after the other party finishes the matter, he will definitely report to himself for the first time!

But now, it’s been half a day’s time, and it’s still not coming back.

He can be sure that God Fox must have something wrong!

"What will it be? The dragon assassination organization I also learned about it today, definitely can trust a strong organization!"

He muttered in his mouth, and there was a bad feeling in his heart!

"If tomorrow, if the king is not dead, if the gods and foxes have not appeared tomorrow, then something will happen!"

God fox sitting in a chair at night, his face is gloomy!

In the courtyard outside the palace, Wang Xian has come to the courtyard, and he has some information on the eternal double fox in his hand.

The night passed quickly. In the morning, Wang Xian walked out of the courtyard and walked toward the outside position!

However, when he just walked out of the courtyard and was about to walk towards the palace, the two figures came towards him!

Two old men, with a strong momentum!

They walked over with Wang Xian and walked straight!


Wang Xian looked at them both, and the body paused!

"Wang Xianxiao brother, may you ask if you want to go to the palace?"

An old man came directly to ask him!


Wang Xian looked at the clothes on them, the costumes of the gods and tigers.

His eyes flashed clearly the people they arranged with the Emperor and the Queen!

"The little brother doesn't have to go. The fox fox princess is now studying etiquette in the palace. It is best for outsiders not to bother!"

An old man said directly!


Wang Xian raised a brow and stared at them coldly: "What did you say to the Emperor and the Queen?"

"No matter who said it, you should look at your identity, you can't eat swan meat!"

The two old men saw that his face was cold, and he said coldly!

"Oh, well, remember what you are today!"

Wang Xian looked at them calmly, said coldly!

After that, he returned to his courtyard!

"Hey, let's remember, don't look at what strength!"

"The people of the Fox-like Protoss also said that his background is mysterious, how mysterious can it be? How strong can it be?"

The two men said with a little disdain, their voices were not covered in the slightest, and Wang Xian could hear it clearly!

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian smiled softly, and there was a hint of cold in his eyes!

"He really didn't die, **** damn. Is it a problem in the middle of the fox screaming to pay the gratuity?"

"Is that the Dragon Assassin organization left it there?"

Located in a high-rise of the palace, Shenhu night looked at Wang Xian's figure, his face was gloomy!

God Fox has disappeared and lost all contacts!

"There are two more days, you have to get rid of it, you have to!"

Shen Hu night clenched his fist tightly, his face full of murderous!

"I personally do it yourself? No, the other party seems to have a strong man, a killer organization? I am afraid it is too late!"

The face of the **** fox is changing all the time!

If Wang Xian is an ordinary disciple, he can directly request the strong empire of the eternal double fox to help himself!

But he is now the fiancé of the fox, and looking for someone to kill him either to find the killer, or to let the trustworthy strongman!

Otherwise, once things are exposed, he may be in danger!

"Father and mother, they are here today, now in Fox, this thing tells the father!"

His father, he can naturally trust, and his father's status and strength now, the method is much more than himself!

Shenhu night frowned and walked straight toward the center of the palace!

"Brother, why is Wang Xian’s brother still not coming today!"

At the center of the palace, Fox Sweat went to his brother's side and asked in a whisper!

"This... I don't know this, it may be that the Wangxian brothers are busy!"

Fox saw his sister's inquiry, his eyes flashed a little!

He naturally knows why Wang Xian did not come.

Some decisions of the Emperor and the Queen, not to mention him, is that his father and his grandfather are not against it!

“Is it busy?”

Fox smoke brows are locked!

"Sister, or else, if you ask for a message on the communication stone plate!"

Foxzhi hesitated, said to her!


Fox smoke also feels that he needs to take the initiative to contact Wang Xian brother!

"Oh, smoke, you are now an apprentice of the eternal God. Maybe your fiancé feels that he is not worthy of you, so he has taken the initiative!"

"And, our smokers are now different in their identities, and their eyes should be higher. There are many in the world that are much better than your king."

"Look at the outstanding disciples of the eternal double fox, which one is not better than yours!"

At this moment, the Queen came over and smiled and held the arm of the fox, and said with a smile!

"Queen, I..."

Fox smoke opened his mouth and wanted to retort!

"I know, I know, you are still too young, come, some of the eternal double fox, the descendants of the Lord God, have come over, want to see our little princess!"

"We used to know that there are many outstanding disciples there!"

The queen walked with his face and awkwardly toward him.

Today, it is a day that makes her feel very proud. In the past, the eternal double fox core powerhouse, the descendants of the gods, now have a face to talk with them!

This has greatly satisfied her vanity!

It’s all because of the **** in front of you!

This made her more determined, and she must make the child a eternal double fox, and must not let the wild boy mess up!

The fox smoked a bitter smile and followed.

Soon, dozens of temperamental middle-aged people surrounded, and some hobbies for Fox smoke!

"Smoke you see, that is the **** fox night, now the most outstanding young eternal double fox, the young age has already ignited the three sacred fire, and will be the pillar of the entire eternal double fox in the future!"

"You see that he looks so handsome, it is ten times stronger than your fiancé who can't match you!"

Not long after, when the Queen saw the arrival of the **** fox night, whispered to her!

"Queen Empress, I have to rest for a while!"

Fox smoked her and kept talking, and her heart was not happy, she said directly!

The queen's face changed slightly, watching the fox smoke leave, his face was cloudy and uncertain!

"This child is still too small, too small!"

She smiled a little on her face and continued to talk to some people in the eternal double fox!

(End of this chapter)

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