Chapter 2197, Reception banquet

"Our smokers and young people's marriage contract is only a matter of expediency, not to be true, then the young man has the eternal double fox disciple outstanding!"

"Oh, now the smoker is accepted as an apprentice by the Lord of the Double Fox, and only the elite disciples of the Eternal Double Fox can be matched with her!"

"Then look at our little night, he is the most elite disciple of our eternal double fox!"

"I can see it, let him have more contact with our smokers!"

The double fox **** received the pro-disciple, and even said that it is possible to pass the eternal double fox to her in the future!

This is comparable to the eternal double fox!

The innumerable eternal double fox's strongman immediately rushed over here!

For Fox Smoke, they are also with a hint of flattering and flattering!

Even if they have many descendants of God's Lord, in the future, the fox will be much higher than them!

If any kid can get rid of fox smoke, it will be of great benefit to them!

Many of the eternal double foxes are full of enthusiasm and they talk to Queen Fox!

This makes Foxfield full of bitterness!

"God Fox is missing?"

In a corner next to it, Shenhu night stood next to a middle-aged man, frowning slightly.

"Yes father!"

God fox night face some ugly nodded!

"I will deal with this matter. Your task now is to please the fox smoke and see if you can make it feel good!"

"The offspring her rights in our eternal double fox are definitely not low!"

Middle-aged meditation, said to him!

"It's a father!"

The **** fox nodded at night and showed a smile on his face.

This father personally dealt with this matter, then he was relieved!

"Smoke Princess!"

He talked with his father for a while and walked straight toward the fox smoke!

"This queen of the gods and tigers is very interested in knowing that the fox must be married to our eternal double fox!"

"Oh, the elders, the empress said that the former Fox-like protoss had given a marriage contract to the fox-small princess. The fox-small princess was more obedient and would not rebel against the arrangements of her loved ones. She could let the father of the singer arrange her marriage again!"

"Re-arrange the marriage? Let's talk about it later, as long as the fox smokes to marry our eternal twin fox disciple!"

A few old people talked in a position on the side, watching the gods and gods and the face of the tiger emperor showing a satisfactory color!

There are more and more people in the island of Xianxian, especially the disciples and strong people of the eternal double fox, at least 60% of the people have arrived!

The disciples of the eternal double fox and the powerful gods can be seen everywhere!

The double fox gods receive the apprentices, which shifts the focus of the entire eternal double fox from the tomb of the gods to the gods who are a few days later!

Throughout the Western Region, the rest of the forces are also talking about the Lord's Lord!

A few days later, the fox banquet hosted by the Lord of the Double Fox, they must also come to the gift!

For the entire Western Region, it is a big deal!

One day from the double fox **** banquet, there was a big event in the sacred island of God, and a strong man of the **** level came to break through the defense of a **** island into it!

At that time, people only saw a glimpse of green light!

Some people speculate that it may be the **** of the gods of the East, coming to seek treasures!

On the same day, the seven-star **** in the central area and the violent new konjac **** came out from the tomb of the god.

As for whether or not you have obtained treasures, no one knows!

The whole area around the island is full of excitement. Everyone is discussing the things of the double fox gods!

"Wang Xian brother, are you in the courtyard? Wait a moment, I will secretly go to you!"

"I am so nervous now, I will go to the teacher's ceremony tomorrow!"

In the courtyard where Wang Xian is located, he looked at the information on the communication stone plate and showed a smile on his face!

One day ago, Fox Smoke asked him why he was not looking for himself these two days!

Wang Xian just found a reason to mix it!

So the two contacted the communication stone plate, and the fox smoked him a lot of things that happened in these two days!

"Yes, come over!"

Wang Xian replied, his face smiled!

He can sense the dependence of Fox Cigar on himself!

"Wang Xian brother!"

In less than ten minutes, the fox smog that had not been seen for four days ran over and shouted at Wang Xian in the courtyard!

"I haven't seen it for a few days, it has become beautiful again!"

Wang Xian looked at her gorgeous costume, showing the perfect figure, a foxtail swinging, showing her happy look!

"Where is it, Wang Xian brother, you are so annoying, I will not come to me these days!"

Fox smoked a little shy and sat on the side, complaining to him!

"Smoke is now different in identity and cannot bother you day by day!"

Wang Xian said with a smile!

"What identity, the smoke is still the previous smoke, I have been bored these days!"

Fox smoked his mouth and said,

"Smoke, you said, if you let me give up the identity of the disciple of God, go with me, are you willing?"

Wang Xian suddenly looked at her and asked!


The fox smoked a little, and quickly turned red with his face!

"I know that I can let the double fox gods accept as apprentices because of Wang Xian's brother!"

"It is not important to be an apprentice of God!"

She lowered her head and said something restlessly!

"Seriously decided!"

Wang Xian said to her again!


At this time, the fox smoke suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Xian with his chest ups and downs: "I am of course serious. In the past few days, I feel worse than when I was in the family, I..."

She said, her eyes flashed with crystal tears, like Wang Xian’s problem made her very wronged!

"Good, I know!"

Wang Xian smiled and licked her head!

"I will pour you a cup of tea. I will pass by tomorrow!"

He smiled and took out a teacup and put on precious tea!

"Well, Wang Xian brother, or you will join the eternal double fox!"

Fox smoke said to him!

"This will be said later!"

Talking with Fox Smoke, Wang Xian is completely aware of the attitude of Fox Smoke!

Knowing her attitude is enough!

As for the tiger emperor and queen of the Shenhu dynasty, what is it?

One chatted with Fox Smoke for more than an hour, she was reluctant to leave!

Send the fox smoke to the palace, and Wang Xian walks toward his place of residence!

"Come out!"

When he came to the courtyard, he stood there and shouted softly!

"敖 Crab meets the Dragon King!"

The crab that turned into a middle-aged man squatted on the ground and bowed respectfully toward Wang Xian!

"Being into the realm of the eternal God, very good!"

Wang Xian is very satisfied with watching the crab!

"There is no expectation of the Dragon King, and now the entire innocent sea has been ruled by the subordinates!"

The crab said respectfully.

"Do all the people bring it? Tomorrow may have to compete with a god!"

Wang Xian stared at him and said with a slight squint!

"Well? Dragon King, most of my men are in the innocent sea, I go back and can bring it soon!"

Crabs raise their heads and answer!


Wang Xian's faint command!


The squirrels in the eyes of the crabs flashed and immediately got up and left!

(End of this chapter)

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