Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2210: God Lord's Order 5

Chapter 2210 God Lord's Order 5

"Mountain! Mountain God Lord!"

God is born!

At this moment, the entire billionaires of the gods of the gods are looking towards the mountain gods in the void!

Awkward body, powerful and powerful, like a **** in the sky!

Stand proudly!

Everyone took a deep breath and his face was full of awe!


Over the mainland of the Double Fox, all the faces of the Dust's Protoss are extremely excited!

As soon as they were in shape, they immediately flew toward the sky!

The mountain **** standing in the void looks around and has a smile on his face!

His figure is shrinking, and a faint Shield is surrounded by his body!

Look at the people of the Protoss, and raise your head slightly!

"See the mountain **** Lord!"

Some of the Protoss disciples are facing the mountain gods with awe!


His eyes swept away, nodded faintly, looking at his father, and a smile on his face!

"Good, flying, God Lord, you have become God!"

An old man walked quickly and his face was full of excitement!

"Flying, the eternal double fox encountered some trouble, the double fox **** said, if you help them through this difficult time, agree to give us half of the northern domain!"

"And, help us train our disciples and form alliances with us!"

At this time, the patriarch of the dust gods came over and said eagerly toward the mountain god!

His face is full of expectations!

"Oh? Half a Western Region?"

The **** of the mountain is slightly glimpsed, and the eyes are also shining with luster!

"Yes, now the eternal double fox has provoked a powerful force, the other has a god, one can compete against the existence of God!"

"It is estimated that as long as you come forward, you don't even need to take a shot, you may be able to lift the crisis of the eternal double fox, when it will be..."

The dusty Protoss patriarch said with hope!

"Mountain God Lord, as long as you are willing to help us, the rewards of our eternal double fox will definitely satisfy you!"

On the Continental Square of the Eternal Double Fox, the double fox **** stared at him and said!


He has some changes, looking at the position on the square!

"this is?"

Suddenly, when he saw the figure standing in the square, the pupil shrank slightly!

His face changed and flew straight in the direction of the double fox continent!

"Flying, he agreed!"

Seeing the dust flying in the air, the head of the patriarch of the dust **** prostitute showed an excited look!

After today, their Dust Protoss will lead half of the Western Regions and control nearly 100 life planets!

"Ha ha ha, the Dragon Palace, our eternal Dust was originally a subsidiary of the Eternal Double Fox!"

"Today, our eternal Dust disciples have advanced to the realm of God, the eternal double fox, give us a face!"

The patriarch of the Dust's Protoss followed the mountain god, and laughed and said!

The mountain **** who was flying in front of him had a slight meal, his face was a little black, and he almost screamed!

He speeds up slightly!

"Eternal Dust's? Dust's Protoss has a disciple to advance to the kingdom of God. It is indeed qualified to call it Eternal Dust. They used to be the affiliated forces of the Eternal Double Fox. Do you want to unite with the Eternal Double Fox!"

"There is a great possibility. After all, it is the power of the Western Region, and the Eternal Double Fox has promised such a generous reward!"

"This time the eternal double fox has been saved, and the Dragon King wants to destroy the eternal double fox disciple, you must consider it!"

All the forces around, when they saw the newly promoted mountain gods flying over here, each face showed a shocked look!

Their eyes flashed and they talked one by one!

"If we are saved, we are saved. Once we unite the mountain gods, we will unite with the eternal thunder in the future, and we will let the Dragon Palace pay a heavy price!"

The disciple of the eternal double fox, just a desperate look, now seeing this scene, his face is very excited and look!

Today's shame, they must pay ten times the price!


The double fox gods saw the mountain gods flying toward them, and they were slightly relieved!

However, next, there was a scene that shocked everyone!

The mountain gods who are flying towards the double fox mainland square, sit straight down to the position below!

He landed in front of the Dragon Palace and landed in front of the Dragon King!

"Hey, the dust is flying to see the Dragon King!"

The dust flew down in front of Wang Xian, his body half squatting, his face full of smiles!

"You are really the son of fate!"

Wang Xian looked at him and smiled and commented!

"Oh, that's the light of the Dragon King!"

The dust flew up and smiled and stood in a respectful position!


He asked in the dust!

"Dream is in the eternal God, I don't have a bad dream at all!"

The dust flew and said quickly, with a wave of arms, a black hole appeared in front of him!


Liu Mengxin came out from the inside. She gave a slight glimpse. When she saw Wang Xian, she shouted in a respectful and respectful way!

"Well, it's fine, just go back and see!"

Wang Xian nodded and said to her!

"It is a teacher. This time, the flying is promoted to the realm of God. I will take him back to see my brother and master!"

Liu Mengxin nodded immediately!


It’s gone!

Completely blind!

Not just everyone around, not just the eternal double fox!

Even the patriarch of the dust **** who had just said that he wanted the dragon palace to give a face was also stunned!

At this moment his face is full of cold sweat!

What is he doing?

The dust of the newly promoted God Lord is so respectful and respectful to the Dragon King, standing respectfully!

This looks obviously the younger brother!

Just now, what is his words, it is like to let the big brother give the younger a face?


"This... lying trough, lying trough... This newly promoted God Lord has a relationship with the Dragon King, and look at the proper Dragon King!"

"Oh, God, this second god, the crab is a member of the Dragon Palace. Now the mountain **** is also the younger brother of the Dragon King. Is this going to break the eternal double fox?"

"Now, with the power of the Dragon Palace, even if the eternal double fox and the eternal thunder are united, it is not the opponent of the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King is simply terrible!"

A loud voice came from the surroundings!

At this moment, the disciples of the eternal double fox have been completely circled!

Now they are somewhat confused about things north and south!

How is this possible!


Just then, the change will start again!

A surprise came from the void and passed into everyone's mind!

"God Lord God!"

Some people find that when I don’t know, the **** of the gods appears in the void!

This surprised them!


Wang Xian sensed this voice and looked up!

"God Ye Big Brother!"

He looked at him and shouted in a wrong way!

"Wang Xianxiao brother, haha!"

The gods of the gods and gods stunned and swept over the crowds around the king's fairy, and laughed and flew toward him!

(End of this chapter)

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