Chapter 2211 kicks off

Big brother?

Wang Xianxiao brother?

Everyone stunned and listened to their names!

The appearance of the crab has already shocked everyone!

The change was born, and the result was that the mountain **** was born, and the result was the younger brother of Dragon King!

This makes them extremely aggressive!

Now, the change is reborn, and the **** of the gods of the Oriental **** leaves is also coming out!

As a result, the dragon king is a big brother, and the **** of the gods is a king of the younger brother!

Just listening to their names, they know that the relationship between the two is certainly not shallow!

This... There are already two gods beside the Dragon King. One can praise the existence of God. Now, there is another God Lord.

"Cough and cough, the Dragon King actually called the **** of the gods as the big brother? What is their relationship?"

"If I am a disciple of the eternal double fox, I am already scared to death at the moment, my heart is not good!"

"My embarrassed, is this the power of the Dragon King? Is this the power of the Dragon Palace? This is too horrible. Who can stand it!"

"Four gods, the entire innocent star field used to have only five gods, and now the dragon king called four directly!"

Everyone has wide eyes and is full of ecstasy!

As they say, if they are disciples of the eternal double fox, they are already scared to death!

Who can stand it?

No one can stand it!


"Wang Xianxiao brother, are you? Do you want to help your older brother?"

The **** of the gods fell to the side of Wang Xian, the eyes swept over the eternal double fox, slightly narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile!

"Oh, God Ye Big Brother, ready to destroy a God Lord and destroy an eternal God!"

Wang Xian looked at him and replied with a smile!

Because of the reason of the flowers, his relationship with the **** of the gods can be said to be very good!

As long as there are two gimmicks, the Dragon Palace and the Oriental God Leaf are allies!

"The Lord God can not kill, a God Lord can instantly return to his eternal Goddom, to kill the Lord, you must be prepared!"

"But if I am united with a few people beside you, it should be a problem!"

God Ye God said with a smile!

Just now, when he saw the power around Wang Xian, his heart was shocked!

The magic dragon in the sky exudes the horrible momentum, and he can clearly sense that this is a kind of existence that can counter the Lord!

Another sly God Lord, he heard it, it should be the Dragon Lord!

As for the mountain **** Lord who had just made a slight conflict with him, his strength is also unquestionable!

Four years ago, the forces that I could destroy by myself have grown to this step!

Even the eternal **** of today, in front of the Dragon Palace, can not be attacked!

This made him extremely embarrassed, he sounded what his two daughters often said!

Soon, Pharaoh will catch up with himself and will surpass the Eternal God!

He was scornful at the beginning, and even a little jealous!

The Dragon Palace was born a few months ago and it has already shocked it!

Now, it has completely surpassed it!

Now with the Dragon King, they are basically able to run the innocent star!

Whether it is because of the daughter, or because of the power of the Dragon Palace, it is worthwhile to help him deal with a god!


Everyone around them heard their conversation, and the face was shocked and terrified!

What are they talking about?

Talk about destroying the Lord!

If you say it, no one can believe it, destroy the Lord?

But looking at the **** of the eternal **** of the East, the **** of the gods, the dragon dragon under the Dragon Palace, the dragon **** and the mountain god!

As the **** of the gods said, destroying a god, there should be no big problem!

"Is this the Dragon King dare to dare to cherish the essence of the double fox god?"

Some people muttered!

What happened today makes them afraid to believe!

Dragon King, too strong!

"Eternal double fox is going to die, and the double fox **** is finished!"

Everyone’s heart is dark and the look is incomparable!

"Wang Xian brother!"

Fox smoke has been standing beside Wang Xian, watching a famous **** lord Wang Xianlong Wang!

Looking at the **** of the gods and the brothers and sisters, she felt a little dreamy.

This is how I saved the young man. Is this my fiancé?


Everyone in the gods and tigers of the foxes and gods saw this scene, and they were a little scared!

This is what they said, not worthy of the youth of fox smoke?

Such a force, the entire innocent star, who can not match?

No, it should be said that the entire innocent star, who deserves the Dragon King?

"We are gods and gods, we are finished!"

"Repent, regret it!"

At this time, the tiger emperor and the queen have already been ruined!

Their ending is already doomed!

The Dragon King is so powerful, even if the Dragon King does not speak, his men, some people who want to please the Dragon King, will also destroy their gods!

They are extremely remorseful. If they chose the Dragon King and they were close to the Dragon King, they might soon be able to fly!


The breath of the Lord of the Double Fox is a little short, and his eyes are staring at Wang Xian, and his body is shaking!

The eternal double fox behind him, his body shivering!

The gap is too big!


Just then, a cold voice sounded!

This voice represents the judgment!

All the disciples of the Eternal Double Fox looked up desperately and lost their fighting spirit!



"I want to kill me, even if I am dead, I have to pull one of you and me back!"

The Lord of the Double Fox saw the four gods lock her, and the blood red light appeared in her eyes!

"Today, destroy the eternal double fox!"

"Today, destroy the Lord!"

Wang Xian stared at the double fox god, slowly raised his arm and shouted loudly!

Today, destroy the eternal double fox!

Today, destroy the Lord!

Two orders were passed to the ears of everyone around the tomb of the **** of the gods!

At this moment, everyone is moving!

This is the Dragon King!



Two roars, the dark thunder and the crab did not hesitate, and the body shape suddenly moved toward the double fox **** attack!


The double fox god's face is full of screams, and he doesn't care whether he will spread to the disciples behind him, and the destructive energy blooms in the scepter!

"Ha ha ha, my dust is the son of destiny, come and teach today!"

The dust flew to see the crabs they shot, and they did not hesitate!

His whole person instantly turned into a 10,000-meter body!

"Dead wood!"

The **** of the gods did not fall behind, and there was a scepter in his hand!

A tough yellow branch is drilled from the ground!

In an instant, this dead wood covers the entire double fox continent!

The power of God's Lord, destroying the earth!

The four gods are directly besieged towards the fox gods!


At this moment, because the Lord of the Double Fox did not care about the disciples of the eternal double fox, the moment when the battle of the Lord God broke out, they were affected!

The screams sounded!

Opened the prelude to the eternal double fox demise!

(End of this chapter)

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