Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2220: Promotion and improvement

Chapter 2220 Promotion and Improvement


"Xiaoxian, Qingyue and Lingxiu can't be contacted now, you are going to find them!"

"If it weren't for them and Xiaolan to leave, we might have been killed by the thundering god!"

When Wang Xian had just arrived on the earth, a group of girls flew over and looked a little anxious!

"Where did they go?"

Wang Xian’s face was a bit gloomy and asked a group of girls!

"I don't know, Xiaolan casts black holes and we don't know where they are going!"

A group of girls said!

"Damn, dust, crabs, darkness, you immediately go around to find, at the speed of the small blue, should still be in the north!"

"The Dragon Palace owners, immediately by looking for a planet to find!"

Wang Xianjing came to the heart to sense the position of the blue-blue moon blue Sun Lingxiu, and immediately ordered without any sense!

"It is the Dragon King!"

The dusty flying crab and the rest of the Dragon Palace members immediately left!

The dusty flying crabs and the dark magic dragons fly directly toward the void, and the members of the Dragon Palace are transmitted through the array to find information!

Watching them leave, Wang Xian stood there with a gloomy face!

"Dragon King, don't worry, from the investigation of the Dragon Palace, they are not in danger now, and the little blue is the peak of the universe, not so easy to kill!"

The turtles walked to the side of Wang Xian and comforted!

He nodded, from the return of the Dragon Palace to the soul of the wood and the number of the Dragon Palace can be seen, Lan Qingyue Sun Lingxiu they have not been killed!

"Let you worry!"

Wang Xian took the rest of the girls and comforted them!

"We are fine, as long as they are fine, they will be fine!"

A group of girls worried about it!

"We are waiting at the Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian said, returning to the Dragon Palace with no expression!

Soon, the entire northern region raged, and all members of the Dragon Palace went to one planet to find out the news!

When entering the field of eternal thunder, some of the eternal thundering powers also want to let the Dragon Palace disciples get out!

As a result, all the blockers were killed on the spot!

This makes everyone who is eternal thundering shocked!

There is a request for support from the planet, but there is no response!

Following, some people were horrified to discover that the strongest of the five dragons in the Dragon Palace directly rushed into the main planet of the eternal thunder, and thundered the planet!

The five dragon palace gods are the strongest peaks, directly suppressing the eternal thunder and everyone!

The last two strong men of the peak of the gods were also strongly killed by the Dragon Palace strong!

This shocked the entire northern region!

All doubts are incomprehensible, where is the thunder **** going?

Why does the Dragon Palace dare to be so arrogant?

Soon, seven or eight hours later, a news that shocked everyone in the Northland!

Dragon Palace Dragon King, commanding the presence of three gods at the level of the Lord, plus the help of the Lord of the Eternal God, the **** of the gods, and the powerful killing of the Western Lords!

The entire eternal double fox was completely destroyed by the Dragon Palace!

When everyone in the Northern Region heard the news, the first reaction was impossible, I can't believe it!

But they thought that the entire northern region was now ravaged by the Dragon Palace. When the eternal thunder was suppressed by the Dragon Palace, everyone took a deep breath!

All this should be true!

Where did the thunder **** go?

There is also a result at the moment!


This makes the entire eternal thunder and thunder everyone!

The existence of the three main levels of the Dragon Palace, coupled with the help of the Eastern Eternal God, is completely invincible!

Even if you are even thundering, you must flee!

This news shocked everyone, but soon, there was another news that made the Northland shocking!

Before the stunned god, the Lord of Thunder went to the nest of the Dragon Palace and wanted to destroy the planet. The result was attracted by a horrible Dragon Palace dragon and starry beast!

Now the Dragon Palace and the Dragon Palace are the top three masters of the gods, looking for it!

As a result, there was news from the energy tide black hole, and the dragon led the starry beast into the energy tide black hole!

All the eternal thundering disciples trembled, and now their gods and adults fled, and now the Dragon Palace is invincible!

Will the Dragon Palace involve anger to their ordinary disciples?

"Energy tide black hole?"

At this moment, Wang Xian is sitting in the Dragon Palace, his face is not good looking!

He also learned about the whereabouts of Qingyue Lingxiu, but what he did not think was that they actually entered the black hole of the energy tide!

Wang Xian came to the innocent star field, the first stop is the energy tide there!

For the energy tide black hole, Wang Xian knows some!

Inside the black hole, there is a horrible energy. If you enter the inside, even the Lord of God may be dead for a lifetime!

Now according to the information of the Dragon Palace, they are obviously not in danger!

He frowned slightly and his face was contemplative!


Suddenly, Wang Xian thought of a person, his heart moved, and immediately contacted the God of Heaven behind him!

"Old guy, ask you one thing!"

He spoke up!

"The old man knows what you want to ask. The black hole in your mouth is formed by the big battle. At the end of the black hole of the energy tide, it is a battlefield ruin!"

"The universe is not infinite. The area you are in is a small, remote place. At the end of the black hole, it is another land of shackles. Although there is no space in the center of the universe, it is a holy place!"

God of Heaven God said openly!

"Awkward land?"

Wang Xian slightly raised his eyebrows!

"You are like this, just a little **** there, the eternal **** is a master, the immortal king is sitting on the side of the town, the empty **** is invincible!"

"But you want to go through the energy tide black hole, the ordinary God Lord is very difficult to do, at least to understand the five or six rules can pass!"

Tianzhen Shendi said faintly!

If you want to reach the realm of God, you must comprehend the law, such as the flame, the first layer of the flame law is a real fire, the second layer is two real fires, the third layer is the three fires, and so on!

After comprehending the law of fire, you can evolve your own means of attack from the law of fire!

Wang Xian frowned slightly, his eyes flashed!

"Kid, if you worship me as a teacher, the Emperor can immediately take you through the tide black hole and find your wife!"

God of Heaven continues to say!

"You said that the Void God is invincible, then how are you dead!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed and asked!

"If the old man didn't read the wrong person..."

The goddess of heaven suddenly fell silent for a while, and the tone was a little heavy and slowly said!

The voice fell and fell into silence!

Wang Xian stood in the Dragon King Hall, and his face also showed a hint of meditation and hesitation!

"First upgrade, the rest, wait until you are strong!"

Wang Xiankou muttered!

Thundering the things of the Lord of God, the things of Qingyue Lingxiu, and the things behind Goddess of Heaven, will be said later!

(End of this chapter)

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