Chapter 2221 Lifting and upgrading

"The double fox **** is fallen, the first one is killed and the fallen **** lord, the eternal double fox is destroyed, the three dragons of the Dragon Palace exist, suppressing the innocent star!"

"The thunder gods fled, the whole eternal thunder surrendered, the northern domain is respected by the Dragon Palace!"

"Now the Dragon Palace is simply too far-fetched, united with the Eternal God Leaf, almost dominates the entire innocent star!"

"The Dragon King has not yet reached the realm of God, but he is able to control the three masters of the gods, it is terrible!"

After two days, the double fox **** was fallen, and the news that the eternal double fox was destroyed was madly spread throughout the innocent star!

After everyone got this news, it was full of shock!

For the horror rise of the Dragon Palace, countless people are lost!

Even if it is a strong person at the level of the gods, the eyes are full of shock and awe!

Even the eternal God can kill, the horror of the Dragon Palace can be imagined!

Everyone is talking about the Dragon Palace and the Dragon King!

For the thundering god, many people are also speechless and speechless!

One party overlord, now actually began his own escape career!

The whole innocent star field boils because of the power of the Dragon Palace!

On the third day, all the resources of the Eternal Double Fox and the Eternal Thunder were sent to the Dragon Palace. The entire Dragon Palace gained an unusually horrible resource!

On the fourth day, the eternal seven stars and the two eternal gods of the gods gave them a lot of gifts and handed over the Dragon Palace!

At this time, it was passed down, and it was so shocking to countless people!

The behavior of the Eternal Seven Stars and the Eternal Wind is undoubtedly a good show!

This was a thing that never happened before!

The situation of the separation of the five great gods was completely broken!


At this moment, in the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Palace, a vast low-pitched sound, Wang Xian's horrible body exudes endless majesty!

Feeling the strength of the body, Wang Xian’s face showed a smile.

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang Wuxing Shenlong (People Dragon One)

Level: Liuyi Shenhuo (the dragon becomes the fifth change)

Shenjing: 7.7354 billion / 500 billion

Shentong: rule the aquarium (aquarium that rules below its own level)

Phagocytic organism (phagocytic extracting crystal)

Five lines of control

Gongfa: Shenlong

Shentong: Demon Soul, Fuling, Yinyang and Five Elements.

Law: Five elements of the big mill, the palm of the dragon country, the dragon head of the world, the Wanli dragon body, the yin and yang poles, the yin and yang five elements, the dragon dragon tail!

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Has Dragon Palace: Level 6.

Dragon Palace member: 53633

He was moved and looked at his attributes!

Six sacred fires, now he has ignited six sacred fires!

In just a few days, Wang Xian ignited two fires!

Nowadays, he needs a lot of resources to ignite the fire. However, the resources of the entire eternal double fox, together with the resources of the eternal thunder, make him ignite the fire, and there are not many accidents!

Feeling the vast power from the body, Wang Xian feels that he wants to kill the double fox god, up to one clock!

Although Wang Xian did not comprehend any rules, the power of the seven attributes is enough to attack the law!

"Well? This... this horrible power, isn't this kid just igniting six sacred fires? Even if there is a blessing of five elements of energy, it can't be so horrible!"

"No, this kid is seven kinds of attributes, the light is dark, he even controls the luster, lying in the trough, what is this enchanting existence, how is this possible?"

"And his body and this dragon palace, this is obviously a dragon body, is he getting the inheritance of the dragon? Is the **** dragon family not dying?"

At this moment, the goddess of heaven, located behind Wang Xian, feels the power of Wang Xian, and some are stunned!

He was so shocked for the first time that he had lived for thousands of years.

Seven attributes, not to mention that he has not seen it, he has not heard of it in the legend!

There is also the horrible dragon body. This is the first time he has seen Wang Xianhua become the dragon of the dragon since he was awake, which makes him feel incredible!

According to the records, the Shenlong family died in the same years as the Zerg in the hundreds of millions of years ago, and there have been no traces of the dragons for hundreds of millions of years!

Feeling the horror of the dragon's body, he is full of anger!

"This kid is definitely the inheritance of the dragon, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to go against the sky, no wonder, no wonder he has no interest in worshipping me as a teacher, and even ignore it!"

"He must have obtained the complete inheritance of the Shenlong family, this..."

The goddess of heaven is moving, and the soul keeps shaking!

"If he agrees, it is a breeze to avenge himself in the future, and even make me rise again!"

He muttered in his mouth, his face with a hot look, and his eyes flashed!


Wang Xian took a deep breath and his eyes sparkled!

In today's innocent star field, no one has realized two rules. His strength can be said to be the invincible existence of the entire innocent star!

“Congratulations to the Dragon King level!”

Aside, the turtles came over and bowed respectfully!

"There is no news of the thundering **** now!"

Wang Xian nodded and asked towards the turtle!

"Dragon King, there is still no news of the thunder gods, where he should be hidden now, maybe not for a few years or even decades!"

The turtles shook their heads!

As an eternal **** who lives for millions of years, the years and decades are short and short, and the thundering **** has a great possibility of hiding in the void for decades!

The Dragon Palace wants to find him, it is harder than going to heaven!

Wang Xian frowned slightly, his face was ugly!

Now Qingyue and Lingxiu, because his whereabouts are unknown, I don’t know where people are, this hatred, he must report!

One day will not kill the thundering god, he will not be reconciled one day!

For decades, he can't wait!

"Order and order all the forces in the entire innocent star to find the whereabouts of the thundering god!"

Wang Xian said to the turtles faintly!

"It is the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded, and he stole and immediately flew outside, giving orders!

Wang Xian sat in the Dragon Palace and waited quietly!

One day later, a message was sent from the Dragon Palace, and the news spread throughout the innocent star at a horrible rate!

The Dragon King ordered that all the forces in the innocent star field search for the thunder god!

As soon as this news came out, it caused the whole innocent star to boil!

"This... The Dragon King is so strong that he has ordered all the forces to find the thundering gods. They even ordered with the eternal seven stars and the eternal wind."

"This is too strong. Does the Dragon King want to order the entire innocent star field? Don't put the eternal wind and the eternal seven stars in your eyes!"

Everyone is a bit stunned, this one command of the Dragon King is too strong!

The message is passed to the eternal wind and the eternal seven stars, and the disciples of the two major forces are not looking good!

They are not the men of the Dragon Palace, why should they obey the orders of the Dragon Palace?

If they really obey the orders of the Dragon Palace, do they admit that they are the hands of the Dragon Palace?

(End of this chapter)

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