Chapter 2335, Anti-killing

"The other party can find me, what is the method? It is not a battle, what is it?"

On the bottom of the underground sea, Wang Xian desperately escaped!

This is the first time he has been in the Tianze mainland. He is also the first time he has been chased!

For the crowd of the city of the sky, his heart is very angry, this hatred, he wrote down!

The first time the city of the sky wants to kill him, he wants a black hole to disturb the air, and he is all killed!

The next day, even more people came, and the face said it was to avenge the people who were killed. It’s ridiculous!

Wang Xian’s eyes are extremely cold!

However, the other party can lock him so quickly, which makes him very surprised!

"Excluding the array, what else? Breath? The war pet with a strange nose!"

Wang Xian thought of a strange war pet behind a veteran!


Wang Xian's body shape is shocked, Longwei will completely surround himself and continue to fly quickly toward the front!


At this moment, following the position of more than 500 kilometers behind, the fast-moving war pet suddenly made a low-pitched!

It is staring ahead with some doubts!

"What happened to the gods!"

Zongge’s face changed slightly and immediately asked the war pet!


The war pet snorted a few times and passed some information to him!

When I heard the information of the war pets, the main face of the ancestral cabinet was getting more and more embarrassing!

"Fast, speed up!"

His face was cold and hurried, flying fast toward the front!


The white-haired old man and the Jingcheng master frowned slightly!

It has been flying for 500 kilometers, and the owner of the ancestral hall suddenly stopped!

"what happened?"

Jingcheng Lord saw him stop and asked a little embarrassed face!

"With the loss, his breath is completely broken here, I don't know which direction he went!"

Zongge said with a calm face!

"Divisional action, Zonggezhu, you take one person to the top, Xiaoyue, you take one person to the left, you two go to the right, I go ahead and continue to pursue, once the encounter meets immediately notice!"

"Just in the explosion of the law debris, the effect of the ban circle is still more than ten hours, he can't run far!"

The white-haired old man is gloomy and immediately orders!

"it is good!"

A group of people nodded, without any hesitation, direct tracking!

At the same time, the Jingcheng Lord immediately contacted more than 200 people not far away, let them also look for!


At the time when everyone was just chasing after the pursuit, in the position of Wang Xian, a sea monster hidden in the seabed attacked Wang Xian!

There are more than a dozen sea monsters of the eternal gods, and they are entangled in them!

"Damn, there are too many sea monsters in the underground sea, too dangerous!"

Wang Xian's face changed slightly, Longwei was released, and went to a dozen sea monsters!

The horrible momentum made them slightly stagnate, and Wang Xian quickly fled!


However, this group of sea monsters directly attacked Wang Xian, which made his face change!

"Wang Boda, don't be restrained by the sea monsters, let's flee, hurry!"

Aside, the invincible voice of the warfare sounded in his ear!

Wang Xian’s arm waved, and the power of the five elements smashed directly toward more than a dozen sea monsters!


The sound of screams sounded, and more than a dozen sea monsters were even more angry!

Wang Xian's body shape was blocked for a few seconds, black face continued to escape toward the front!

"On this side, kid, I want to escape!"

At this time, the white hair of the old man appeared in the rear position, staring at Wang Xian, his eyes filled with anger!

A little Eternal God's eighth-order guy escaped from his hands!

This made his heart very angry!

However, he vowed to seize him, not only to avenge the people of the northern city, but also for the rise of the northern city!

Be sure to catch him!

"A group of animals, give me a roll!"

However, when the old man flew forward, it happened to hit the dozens of eternal gods and seven sea monsters!

Angry sea monsters attacked him directly!

With a wave of his arm, a majestic momentum swept toward the sea monster!

However, at this time, Wang Xian’s figure has disappeared!

He flew forward for a minute and immediately shifted direction and fled!

Next, I have been escaping for two hours. Wang Xian saw that there was no movement in the rear, and he was relieved!

"Wang boss, safe, safe!"

The invincible warfare looked at the rear, and it was a heavy sigh of relief!

Wang Xian is not dead, his war pets are still there!

"City of the Sky, Northern City!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed with a cold luster. After looking at him, the mouth spit out a cold voice!

"Wang Boda, look at the right side, my embarrassment, look at it quickly, stop and look!"

Suddenly, there was an incomparable voice in the invincible way of warfare!


He glimpsed a little and looked at the invincible eyes of the warfare!

"That is?"

Wang Xian’s pupil was slightly shrunk, and his eyes were surprised!

The location of about 100 kilometers ahead is a colorful area!

A variety of seaweed dense, this is a strange field of the underground sea bottom!

This is not the main thing, there is a sea monster wandering above, a dragonfly!

The dragonfly, the eternal god, the eighth-order sea monster!

Remind about three kilometers, the whole body is colorful, with a head like a dragon head, full of majesty!

"Ha ha ha, there will be a blessing in the end of the disaster, Wang Laoda, there will be a blessing in the end!"

Aside from the position, the invincible screams in excitement with his face, his eyes are hot!

Wang Xian looked at him and knew what he thought at a glance!

This makes Wang Xian face black!

It is still being chased now!

"Wang Boda, we continue to cooperate and seize it. The area on the front side may be the nest of the dragons and dragons. We catch a few, haha!"

The invincible warfare is a little excited to say to him!

"There are also the strongmen of the city of the sky to chase after it, I am here to capture the sea monsters are purely looking for death!"

Wang Xian looked at him silently!

If you don’t see this guy helping yourself, Wang Xian has already gotten up!

"Wang boss is afraid of what, chasing your three eternal gods, the nine-order powerhouse, two of them are hit by the law fragments, the strength is stronger than the eighth order, only one nine-order, should still be able to run!"

"And we have escaped for two hours, the other party may have lost it, the rich and the dangerous, and the bike is a motorcycle!"

The invincible eyes of the warfare are staring at the front of the dragonfly!

He is already imagining himself to stand on the mighty scene of the dragonfly!

"Well? The two eternal gods are ruined by the ninth order, and the strength is greatly reduced? Are you sure?"

Wang Xian squinted at him!

At that time, he was also attacked by Yu Bo, almost consuming all his dragons, and even almost reduced the level!

"Definitely, of course, 100% certain, the shards that my ancestors gave me are not a joke!"

"At the time I saw it with my own eyes, there was still a fake!"

The invincible warfare is sure!

"is it?"

Wang Xian's eyes flashed a trace of cool color!

(End of this chapter)

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