Chapter 2336 Anti-killing

"The two are deeply hurt, but they still have the eighth-order combat power, and there are four eternal gods, eight steps, one eternal god, nine steps!"

"With your current strength, it is very difficult to kill the eternal **** of the ninth order, unless..."

Wang Xian’s face showed a meditation color.

Wang Xian is not able to do it, but there is a premise to arrange the formation and bring it into the formation!

The most powerful thing about the Mage is the arrangement. If you can lay down a dozen or so arrays, even if you are two orders higher than yourself, you can make a big hit. It is also possible to have luck and kill!

Wang Xian's current strength, laid a line of law, able to counter the eighth order of the eternal God!

What if he arranged more than a dozen?

A dozen or so arrays will be activated in an instant, and the eternal God's ninth order will be hit hard!

But if he arranges more than twenty? It is very possible to kill it!

But this more two-stage battle is hard for the Master!

First of all, you have to control enough high-level formations. Second, the enemy must be attracted to the formation!

Especially the first point, the control of the array method!

Can a master of the sixth-order eternal **** master master more than a dozen attacking tactics at this level?

It's hard to be difficult, even he can't learn or even hear so many attacking methods!

But this is not a problem for Wang Xian!

The goddess of heaven, the goddess of the gods, the master of the battle, the eternal god, the seventh-order attacking method, he mastered at least thirty!

"You can lay down more than 20 arrays, you can reinvent the eternal God's ninth order, and then turn yourself into the full strength of the dragon, and you may be able to kill it!"

"But what about the remaining six eighth-order?"

Wang Xian frowned slightly, followed by looking at the front of the spotted dragonfly, some hesitate!

"Gambling, even if it is a heavy blow, you can't make that group of guys better!"

Wang Xian clenched his fist tightly, and his eyes sparkled with anger!

"Second 2, I am here to arrange the array first, and then you will attract the dragonfly!"

Wang Xian said invincible to the warfare!

"Ha ha ha, Wang boss, wise choice, haha!"

The invincible face is excited!

Wang Xian did not hesitate, immediately laid a concealed array of methods around him, laid a black hole to disturb the array, and laid down an attacking array!

As for the invincibility of the warfare, it is vigilant around, preventing the strongmen of the city of the sky from chasing it!

For five or six minutes, Wang Xian arranged the formation and gestured to him!

"Haha, the dragonfly mounts, I am invincible in the war!"

The invincible face of the warfare is full of excitement and flies toward the colorful areas of the seaweed coral in front!



In less than three minutes, a roar came and accompanied a figure to fly backwards at a horrible speed!

"The beast, this beast, even treat your master like this, you are finished, and I will be hungry every day after the invincible!"

The arrogant and extremely angry voice came out from the invincible mouth of the warfare. He pointed at the attacking dragon, and shouted loudly!

Spotted dragonfly saw an ant ant did not die under his own blow, but dared to provoke himself, rushing toward him anger!


However, this spotted dragonfly does not follow the routine, and opens the **** mouth in the middle. A snake-shaped water energy goes directly to the invincible attack of the warfare!

The power of terror falls directly on him, and his entire body quickly flies forward toward the front!

In an instant, it disappeared into the sight of Wang Xian!

"Array method, Kai!"

Wang Xian did not pay attention to the invincible in the warfare, and saw the dragons and dragons that entered the battlefield.


In the entire space, the winding method, the attacking method, and the shackles of the dragonfly!

"Give me a surrender!"

In order to save time, Wang Xian's body shape changed his arm into a dragon claw, and he directly grabbed it toward the dragonfly!


With the help of the array method, plus Wang Xian's full force shot, the eternal God's eighth-order war pet, there is no room for him to fight back in his hands!


Soon, a colorful dragon squatted there and whispered a few times, Wang Xian immediately began to tame!

Ten minutes later, Wang Xian removed the formation!


The array had just been withdrawn, and the invincible method of warfare ran over with excitement and stared at him fiercely!

"Success, continue, see if you can tame a few more!"

Wang Xian said to him!

"Haha, don't worry, boss Wang, give it to me, I found one again when I was!"

"The land of this seaweed coral is really the nest of the dragonfly!"

The invincible warfare screamed in excitement and immediately flew inward!

Wang Xian immediately began to arrange the array!

"You don't need too much. If you can get four or five spotted dragons, you can compete with the strongest people in the sky city!"

Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with cold mans!

As long as there are four or five, you can fight with them, even if you sacrifice a few dragons and dragons, you will not hesitate!

Maybe it may be that Wang Xian’s disaster will not be a blessing!

This seaweed coral land is the nest of the dragonfly!

In just six hours, the invincible method of warfare attracted four dragons!

"Ha ha ha, Wang Laoda, four, if we stay here for a month or two, can we not tamed dozens? When the old Wang gave me one!"

The invincible warfare said to Wang Xian excitedly!

"Thousands, you think too much!"

Wang Xian glanced at him and looked up at the forbidden circle on his head!

This ban circle is very special, it has been nearly ten hours, and it has not disappeared!

"Wang Laoda, the forbidden circle above your head should disappear soon, so don't worry if you disappear completely!"

The invincible eyes of the warfare looked at him and said to him!

The ban circle is a forbidden weapon created by the strong man who consumes his own strength. He is hit by the banned circle, or breaks with strong strength, or waits for energy consumption to end!

The imprisoned circle at the top of Wang Xian is the peak of the eternal god, he can't break it!

This kind of ban circle is very valuable!

“Is it going to disappear? The group of strong people in the Sky City should not give up tracking until the forbidden circle disappears!”

Wang Xiankou muttered!

Four spotted dragons have entered his expectations, and if they want to conquer, it may take longer. When the ring is gone, the other party may leave!

“Spell together!”

Wang Xian body exudes a cold momentum!

He looked around and began to arrange the array immediately!

This time, he has to arrange more than 20 arrays to wait for their arrival. At that time, who kills who is not necessarily!

And by then, even if it is not an opponent, the forbidden circle above the head will not be found, and you can't escape, just return to the Dragon Palace!

(End of this chapter)

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