Chapter 2362 Hunting 1

"Oh, arrogant, now continue to arrogant, you waste, Wang boss can squeeze to death!"

"I even dared to let us roll, but let us conceit ourselves. Now ask you to panic? Isn't it irritating?"

The invincible warfare looked at the pale face, and his face was filled with triumphant colors!

This guy has always been arrogant, just let them roll, and now it looks like it makes the warfare invincible feel very cool!

"This...this little brother, let us go, as long as you are willing to let us go, we are willing to come up with all our treasures!"

The face of a ninth-order powerhouse of an eternal **** is also full of cold sweat, he whispered!

"Let you let go? Is it possible?"

Wang Xian swept over all of them, his face was cold, and the ninth-order power of an eternal **** had already been killed. If they were not destroyed, the ancestors of the Protoss would let go of themselves?

"Today, all of you have to die, and you will blame the name!"

Wang Xiankou said, with a wave of arms, a huge incomparable palm appeared!

Huge palms, attacking everyone directly!

"It's over!"

A group of people saw Wang Xian mobilized, and his heart sank, and many people showed a desperate look!

"It doesn't matter to us. It's an anonymity that provokes you, and it doesn't matter to us. You want to kill you and kill him. I don't want to die!"

A young man is screaming at Wang Xian and asking for help!

Aside, the anonymity heard his words, his face kept changing, and his fists were bleeding!

He also doesn't want to die, he is also very unwilling!

I didn’t think of the name of the anonymity, the strength of the other party was so strong, and there was such a strange array of methods, trapping them all here!

He is the arrogant son of the Protoss generation. His future is infinite. He has only lived for thousands of years. He does not want to die!

"Kill, even if it is dead, bite him!"

The ninth-order old man of an eternal **** bites his teeth, and his face desperately attacks directly toward Wang Xian!

Waiting to die, it is better to die!


It is a pity that his attack fell on the palm of the huge five-line rule of Wang Xian, and was directly defeated. The palm of the law fell on his body, causing it to crack quickly!


The body of the old man, flying heavily out of the position!

No screams have been issued!

Seeing the old man fall, the rest of the Protoss are desperate!


Soon, a scream rang out!

Anonymous stood there, looking at this scene with fear, his body, shaking and shivering!

"I... I don't want to die, beg you not to kill me!"

He shouted a little loudly!


Wang Xian did not directly kill it, his arm waved, and the soul was directly displayed!


The demon soul is finished, and he waved his arm and killed it directly!

One cockroach ant, you can easily!

He didn't have a demon so that they would take the Eternal Kingdom, which was a waste of time!

Here, it is not safe!


Put all the corpses into the hen's nest, Wang Xian removes the black hole nuisance array!

"Ha ha ha, Wang boss is invincible!"

The invincible face next to the invincible face was excited and smashed and opened his mouth!

"Go ahead and see, there are people who are blocked by the Protoss, what treasures should be there!"

Wang Xian smiled faintly and said to him!

"Good Wang boss, to tame the eternal gods and peaks!"

The invincible eyes of the warfare are shining!



However, at this time, Wang Xian sensed that an energy flew over here!

He turned his head and flashed a glimpse of his eyes!

"A group of people in the Starry House have chased it!"

Wang Xian’s face is a little cold and said invincible in the war!

"What? This **** guy is still chasing us, Wang boss, kill them!"

The invincible eyes of the warfare are red!

Wang Xian shrouded the energy and went directly into the mountain below!

"right here!"

The next moment, a voice sounded, the star of the three brothers and four brothers of the four brothers, the face of the people ugly flying over!

The three brothers looked at the war pets on their shoulders, gloomy face glance around!

"Brother, nobody here!"

The four brothers searched around and frowned slightly!

"Hey, hey!"

The warfare on the shoulders of the three divisions screamed twice, and the two eyes in front of them burst into a dark yellow light!


"Be careful, below!"

Suddenly, the position below, a loud voice, the three brothers quickly reminded!

In the rear position, a wound appeared in a middle-aged cheek. His face was frightened and touched, and the heart beat vigorously!


Wang Xian’s arm waved, grabbed a drop of blood, and flew directly in the mountains with the invincible method of warfare, and quickly flew in one direction!

His speed is very fast, and even the people in the upper star house have not reacted!


Seeing Wang Xian’s moment of departure, the Stars and Animals Building is extremely embarrassing!


The three brothers and four brothers immediately followed behind and chased in the direction of Wang Xian!

"Although I don't know how they managed to keep track of me, but follow them!"

Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with luster, and looked at a few drops of blood in his hand!

These drops of blood can also make Wang Xian control the position of the other party!

Wang Xian fled while digesting the memory of his name!

Anonymous as the most outstanding disciple of the sacred Protoss in contemporary times, there should be a lot of things to know. Wang Xian specializes in reading his memory!

"There is really a surprise, or something about the Stars and Beasts!"

A few minutes later, Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows and his mouth tilted slightly!

The relationship between Anonymous and the son of the Star God House is very good. This time, the star beast star opened, and many people in the Star Beast House stepped in!

Star Animal House, the crocodile **** king was founded more than 500,000 years, and now there are ten true disciples, each true disciple has the strength of the eternal gods!

In addition to these ten disciples, there are five eternal gods and peaks in the Stars and Beasts!

There are more than ten thousand disciples in the Star Beast Building. Each one has a powerful war pet and the fighting power is very strong!

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the Star Beast House can rival any of the four major forces of the mainland!

This time, the star beast star opened, and there are thousands of strong disciples entering the Star Beast House. It is divided into three waves, and now it should have all come in!

The son of the master of the Star Beast House, followed the five brothers of the Star Beast House to the Star Lake, ready to tame the two eternal gods in the Star Lake!

"Since the crocodile king ordered the disciple to attack me, then I can't sit still!"

Wang Xian licked his lips, his eyes showing a cold look!

He sensed that the strongman in the rear star-beast building was temporarily opened, and his body shape flew immediately toward the sky!

"Wang Boss, we have already opened them. Where are we going next?"

The invincible warfare looked at the rear, and he said with a heavy sigh!

"Go to the Star Lake, I want to see, who is the hunter who is the prey!"

Wang Xian said it!

Hunting, start!

(End of this chapter)

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