Chapter 2363 Hunting 2

Star beast star, the area is almost the same as Tianze mainland!

The star source planet and the star beast are counted as hostile planets. Every few hundred years, a large number of wild beasts on the star beasts attack the star source planet under the leadership of the immortal gods and wild beasts!

There are star source planet speculators who speculate that they come to attack because there are too many star beasts, or occupy new sites, or reduce the number of wild animals!

Every attack and killing must be maintained for one or two months, and the tens of billions of wild animals are attacking overwhelmingly!

Every time a wild animal attack, the star source planet has hundreds of millions of people killed and injured, and the eternal god-level powerhouse will also fall a lot!

Because at that time, the wild beast was desperate, and the eternal god-level wild animal even fled and fled!

This will result in the strong side of the star source planet, and it will not be able to escape, because once it returns, it will reduce its own strength!

Therefore, every invasion of the star beast is a dark battle!

A huge catastrophe!

Star Source Planet Humans know a lot about Stars and Stars. In normal times, they also enter Stars and Stars!

However, they are afraid to have a large-scale battle, and even the eternal God's eighth-order and nine-order battles must be careful!

In case of the attention of the star beast star immortal **** king beast, it will be finished!

Xingdong Lake, this famous lake has this lake. The star-shaped lake is adjacent to the criminal tiger river. The tiger river is very famous in the star beast. It is the territory of a powerful and immortal **** king!

In normal times, the people of the Stars and Animals House do not dare to step into the Star Lake, fearing the attention of the immortal God King!

However, the immortal king of the wild animal left, the star of the beast house and the strong ones with the disciples!

At this time, at the edge of the Star Lake, the five masters of the Star Beast Building led more than 100 stars and beasts to look at the huge lake in front!

"Three brothers and four brothers, they have something for a while, our strength to capture the two stars of the Star Lake, although there are some dangers, but as long as you are prepared, there is not much problem!"

The five divisions of the Star Beast House looked at the crowds beside them and said!

"Five elders, there are locks of the gods of the gods and kings, plus the five elders of your war pets and twelve elders, the problem of fighting against two star-birds should not be big!"

"The rest of the ridiculous ** is for us to solve!"

An old man smiled and smiled toward the five divisions!

"Well, the problem should be small. We will tame these two starry beasts as soon as possible, and then go to the next place, and they will still be there waiting for us!"

The five division brother nodded and gestured to everyone around!

A group of people nodded, and they walked straight toward the star-shaped lake in front!

In the Star Lake, there are two wild beasts of the eternal gods, they have already checked out!

The wild beasts of these two gods are one of their goals!

When a group of people entered the Star Lake, the two positions appeared slowly on the right side!

"The people of the Stars and Beasts, Wang Laoda, how do you know that they are here?"

The warfare invincible and squatting, seeing everyone entering the Star Lake, whispered!

"What I know from Anonymous, this information is in his space ring!"

Wang Xian faintly perfunctory, yin and yang five elements dragon gaze staring at the position below!

"Go, we are behind!"

Wang Xian immediately said invincible to the war, directly into the water!

As a **** dragon, entering the water did not cause the slightest wave!

According to his calculations, the four brothers of the Rear Stars and the Three Brothers, they want to catch up with him, at least twenty minutes, twenty minutes, everything is enough!

Enough for his hunting is over!

Entering the Star Lake, Wang Xian immediately looked ahead!

Xingdong Lake is a lake. The area is vast. At his speed, it takes more than an hour to fly to the other side of the lake!

The depth of the bottom of the lake reaches hundreds of kilometers. The whole lake bottom is a set of jade paving, very beautiful!

Wang Xian and the Stars and Animals House have always maintained a distance of nearly 100 kilometers. At this distance, they simply cannot find themselves!

If it is not Wang Xian who has a dragon, so far away, he can not see clearly!

The Stars and Animals House is obviously prepared, and everyone is flying straight toward the center of the lake!

It has been flying for half an hour before stopping, and there is a hole in the lake at the front!

The hole is not dark, but the inside is a blue glow!

In the position around the hole, a sky blue seaweed grows!

These gods are all eternal gods!

In the center, there is also a **** tree, this place is completely a hole in the sky!

"Don't leave the cover of the red skin of the Red Emperor, the goddess of the king, and prepare to lock the rope!"

When the stars and beasts are about to approach each other, the whole body suddenly begins to be illusory, and soon disappears completely!

Only a dark gold fur hovering, it seems a bit strange!

This is the fur of their crocodile king warfare, the red-headed animal, and the fur can hide their figure and breath, and is completely undetected by the eternal gods and peaks!

"Hey? This treasure is very powerful!"

Wang Xian has been following the back, looking at the strange face!

"Sure enough, this star animal building has a set!"

It’s not so easy to tame the lord of the eternal God!

Even if you find their nest, you must be able to get close, and you can be trapped in an area unexpectedly!

Otherwise it will escape directly and it will be difficult to catch!

Stars and Animals House obviously has its own unique way!

A group of people are covered by golden fur, and have been walking to the distance of the cave of the wild animal's nest!

"There are two eternal gods in their peaks, and the five brothers of the Stars and Beasts have the eternal gods and peaks, a total of three!"

"I can't let them catch it so easily, otherwise they want to kill them, and it's a little difficult!"

Wang Xian’s eyes flashed, his feet gently licking the bottom of the lake!


An energy is passed towards the hole!


The next moment, a cold snoring sounded from the hole!


The star-beast building that is preparing to lay the lock rope is a face of a strong change!

Some of them do not understand how their own pedestrians will be discovered by the wild animals inside!

"Immediately attack, lock the rope to control a star-beasted beast!"

The five brothers saw the discovery of the wild beast, his face changed slightly, and immediately ordered loudly!


At this time, at the entrance of the hole, two huge figures rushed out from the two holes!

Every twenty meters or so, with a sky blue body, the head and unicorn are similar!

Two Stars Lin beasts attacked the moment when they invaded the Stars and Beasts.


At this time, there was a strong roar of noise around the Star Lake!

Although there are no two star-studded wild animals so powerful, but can not be underestimated!

"Oh, chances are coming!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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