Chapter 2869: Strong

As for the announcement of Bahuang, there were not many accidents among the people in Bahuang Liuhe.

Without this statement, they would be surprised.

The Dragon Palace is very strong, but it will not silence them even if one of the gods is killed.

What's more, this is the site of the Badlands and Liuhe.

Even if there is a real dispute, the eight wastelands occupy the land.

If the Dragon Palace really fought, it would not be possible to send all the strong men to fight against the Eight Wastelands.

Because it's too far.

From Emperor Xingyu to Bahuang Liuhe, even the emperor takes several months.

What's more, the Dragon Palace has two enemies of life and death, the Imperial Court and the Witchcraft Society.

Wang Xian didn't know about the communication network, even if he knew he didn't take it seriously.

"Boss Wang, you are too fierce, and your dragon palace is too fierce. You even killed the Imperial Court and unified the Imperial Star Domain."

Lan Yuexing, Hong Fengyan's residence, Wang Xian they just landed inside, and said invincibly.

"No way, the Imperial Court will attack us, our Dragon Palace can only expel it."

Wang Xian smiled slightly.

"It's worthy of being the boss of the king. It's so awesome to be mixed. My invincibility is still far behind."

Invincible shook his head.

In front of Wang Xian, he was not arrogant at all. This was the case before, and it is the same now.

"I really didn't expect that I would be met by the mighty Dragon King. I would like to thank the Dragon King for guidance some time ago, otherwise I can't take this step now."

On the side, Hongfeng owed her gratefulness to Wang Xian.

Thinking about wanting to accept her as an apprentice, thinking about pointing him, now thinking, makes her face reddish.

"This is also fate."

Wang Xian smiled at her.

"It's my chance. Otherwise, I won't be able to break through the realm of the emperor."

Hong Fengyan said gratefully as she looked at Wang Xian.

If there were no Holy Feather and Wang Xian would not give her a mock gourd, she would not be able to break through to death.

This threshold is too high.

"I didn't expect that Wang ... you would be the Dragon King, you really can't see it at all."

Yelüying's brothers and sisters stood behind the Master, and secretly looked at Wang Xian from time to time, and couldn't help saying.

"Haha, what would it look like?"

Wang Xian smiled, and everyone came down to the pavilion and sat down.

"Now that you have taken this step, how is the Kingdom of Nether God prepared?"

Wang Xian looked at Hong Fengyan and asked.

"The materials are almost there, and there will be some preparations for me over the sanctuary. Without accident, in a few months, I will be able to fully achieve the status of emperor."

Hong Fengyan said with a smile.

"Giving you a style of jade is a great benefit to the Nether Kingdom."

Wang Xian said, took out a first-order Fengyu of the **** emperor and handed it to him.

In the Windless Forest Valley, Wang Xian got dozens of **** emperors' first-order wind jade, and one **** emperor's second-order god.

The reason why Wang Xian gave it to her was also because of her recent practice.

He would rather offend the Eight Emperor Gods and protect him. This friend can make it.


"No, I can't stand the Dragon King gift here!"

Hong Feng Yan froze slightly and said wrongly.

"It's okay. I have a lot of this stuff, and I can make friends."

Wang Xian smiled and suspended Feng Yu in front of her.

Looking at the first-order Fengyu of the Emperor, Hong Fengyan's eyes shone with luster.

"Well, anyway, there is already a lot of love to the Dragon King, and this one is not bad."

She smiled and put it away.

"Boss Wang, my master is coming over!"

"Someone said to my master that I was in trouble. The master was looking for me. Later, when I heard the news, I wanted to come and see the boss."

At this time, the invincible warfare looked at the communication stone plate in his hand and said to Wang Xian.

"Well, you can!"

Wang Xian nodded with a smile.

"Ahem, Boss Wang, you will give me some face so that I can hold my head up with my master and his elderly."

Invincible approached Wang Xian and whispered.

"Okay, I haven't seen you in years and I'll give you a gift."

Wang Xian smiled, and with a wave of her palm, Dragon Gear fell directly to the side.

"Wow, Boss, what is this?"

The invincible warfare heard that Wang Xian was going to give her a present, and when she saw the dragon weapon, her eyes lighted up: "Is this a mech?"

"A refined creature, you can enter it to control it, and it can erupt the peak fighting power of the immortal king."

Wang Xian said lightly.

Now that a famous emperor of Dragon Palace is born, this kind of treasure is not too important.

However, such treasures of dragon weapon are valuable in the eyes of the bright starry sky.


Said Wang Xian, with a wave of his arm, an invincible drop of blood was intercepted on the dragon weapon, so that it could be sensed.

"Wow, can I control the fighting power of the immortal king peak?"

The invincible eyes of the warfare lighted up, a stream of information came from the body of the dragon weapon, and he flew directly with excitement.


Falling on the top of Longjian's head, his body blended in.


The next moment, a powerful power emanated from the dragon weapon, this is the coercion of the God King peak level.

And, it is much stronger than the ordinary **** king peak.


"I am invincible!"

Invincible maneuvering dragon weapon bouncing, the scene was slightly funny.

"Sheung Shui came to meet the Dragon King and also came to see my stubborn."

At this time, a voice sounded in the small courtyard.

"Come in!"

Wang Xian they looked out and said.


The next moment, an old man with a long white beard flew in, his eyes fell on Wang Xian, and he immediately bowed.

"Meet the Dragon King!"

The bearded old man worshiped slightly respectfully.

Although he is the emperor, he still has to respect some of the leaders of the third largest force in the bright starry sky.

"What a stubborn, he is a peerless Tianjiao, so wait to speak respectfully."

Before waiting for Wang Xian to speak, the invincible warfare controlled the dragon weapon to the God of Water, and raised his head.


The Emperor of Sheung Shui looked for a moment, staring at Dragon Gear with a miserable look.

From the dragon weapon, he was able to feel the might of the King of God.

"Hahaha, sir, how is it? It's not great, it was given to me by the boss, hahaha!"

Seeing his master looking at himself, he was invincible and did not dare to play treasure again. He flew from the head of the dragon weapon and roared excitedly.

"The King of Gods, haha!"

He danced a little.

The Emperor of Shangshui looked at his apprentice, glanced at the dragon weapon, and his face was astonished while his eyes were shocked.

With a wave of his arm, the invincible figure of warfare couldn't control it and flew towards him.

"Hum, stubborn!"

The Emperor of Shangshui hummed, holding the fate of his fate directly, and pressed it under his hand.

"Oh, let the King of Dragons see the joke!"

He smiled at Wang Xianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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