Chapter 2870: Under the Power

"Oh, I know the invincible virtues of warfare!"

Wang Xian looked at the invincibility of the war and was restrained by her master to prevent her neck from moving, and her face also smiled.

The Emperor of Sheung Shui smiled and smashed the battle method invincibly.

Ten or more hours ago, when he learned that his stubborn had provoked the Emperor Eight Wastelands, his face changed greatly, and he immediately flew towards the windless forest.

But before he waited for half an hour to fly, he got a message that the Dragon King and the Dragon King killed the Emperor of the Eight Wild Winds.

When he learned from various information on the communication network that his stubborn had a very good relationship with the Dragon King and Dragon King, the whole man was also stunned.

His own stubborn shouted at the Dragon Palace Dragon King boss?

Their relationship is very good?

This surprised him.

Now seeing the special creature next to his stubborn, he was slightly surprised.

With the power of his **** level, he can naturally sense that this is the peak of the immortal king level.

And it is still a treasure that can be manipulated. Such treasures are invaluable.

At least I don't have such treasures.

The Dragon King can give himself to the stubborn, but imagine their relationship.

And his stubborn lover has a good relationship with the Dragon King of Dragon Palace, and he can also have some light on his side.

After all, it is the third largest force in the bright starry sky.

"Master, I'm joking with you, you put me down."

The face of the invincible maneuver was caught by the God of Water, and his face flushed, and he said with a red face.

Ahead, Ye Luying and his brothers looked at the invincible warfare and couldn't help laughing.


The Emperor of Sheung Shui gave a hum and threw it aside.


Fighting invincible stood up with a smile, raised his head slightly, and looked at his master: "Come here, let me introduce you, Dragon King, Dragon King, my invincible boss."

"You know, Boss Wang and I were born and died. At that time, the two of us were peerless Tianjiao and stirred the situation."

He said with a little pride, that he looked very aggressive.

"Oh, God of Water, please sit down!"

Wang Xian smiled at him and gestured.


Although he seems to be pretending to be forced by himself, the Emperor of Sheung Shui is in a very good mood.

"This must be the protector of the sanctuary? I heard that I have stepped into the realm of the emperor, congratulations!"

The Emperor Shangshui sat in front of his chair, and when he saw the red face, he thought of the information on the communication network and immediately congratulated him.

"Thanks to the help of the Dragon King, we were able to take this step."

Hong Fengyan smiled and arched her hand in response.

"I really didn't expect that I, the stubborn, could get to know the Dragon King. It was really a blessing for him in three lives."

The God of Water continued to sigh slightly.

"Haha, when I first came to Emperor Starfield, I met him on a continent, and it's been a long time since then."

Wang Xian smiled and chatted with the invincible master of warfare.

The Emperor of Sheung Shui was obviously more talkative than Hong Fengyan, and everyone sat there talking for more than ten minutes.

"By the Dragon King, you wipe out the wind and the gods. This incident has caused a great shock in the Bahuang Liuhe. I don't know the statement issued by Bahuang on the communication network. Does the Dragon King know?"

Ten minutes later, the Emperor of Water, suddenly said, he frowned slightly, his face full of dignity.

"Declaration? What declaration, the Emperor of Wind Extinction didn't know if he still wanted to kill the boss of the king. Now what is it that Bahuang dare to force?"

"If he dares to press, the dragon palace's army will directly crush them, and the dragon palace will be much stronger than Bahuang."

The invincible warfare sitting beside him heard it and said angrily immediately.

"you shut up!"

The God of Water God heard him and glared at him.

The invincible method of warfare slapped his lips and dared not speak.

"They said they wanted the Dragon Palace to give them an explanation.

The God of Water continued to speak towards Wang Xian.


There was a trace of coldness on Wang Xian's face, he smiled coldly and shook his head: "don't bother!"

Upon hearing the reply from Wang Xian, the Emperor of Shangshui smiled silently.

"Thanks to their control of Bahuang Liuhe, they should be able to find it soon. Dragon King, you still have to pay attention."

The God of Water sighed and reminded.

"Well, I'm going back to Emperor Starfield soon. If those eight wasteland really want to go to war with our dragon palace, I will come over some time."

Wang Xian said lightly.

The reason why Wang Xian has such confidence is because of the resources he has in his hands.

The arrival this time, the gains were huge.

Not only did he get a lot of improvements, but also nine Fengshen dragons.

"I may have to go back to Sanctuary first, after the strength is improved, if you need any Dragon King, you can notify me."

"And our star fields are connected together. The distance is not too far. I will go to Dragon Palace to thank the Dragon King personally."

Hong Fengyan looked at Wang Xian and said.

"Yes, we are not far away. When you ascend the emperor, there should be a congratulatory ceremony. When that happens, I will go to your sanctuary."

"I want to build a teleportation formation on a planet in your sanctuary. In the future, the Eight Wilds and Sixth Harmonies will be closer."

Wang Xian said to her.

"Yes, naturally welcome the Dragon King."

Hong Feng Yan nodded.

"Boom boom!"

Just as they talked, there was a mighty power from the position above the planet.

"Dragon Palace Dragon King, come out!"

A sound rang out of nowhere.


"That's ... that's the Emperor of the Eight Wastelands!"

"His, Dragon King is on our planet!"

"Baohuang wanted to explain to the Dragon King and Dragon King, and they might fight."

On the blue moon star, feeling this mighty might, everyone was slightly surprised, and quickly raised his head and looked up into the sky.

Below the pavilion, Wang Xian narrowed her eyes slightly.

The God of Water God frowned immediately.

"Dragon King, twelve gods, a group of eight desolate strong men, the desolate old man did not come, ha ha."

At this point, Tian Zhen reported towards Wang Xianhui.

"Well, the twelve gods, really deserve us."

Hachichi smiled, black eyes flashing.

"Invincible, you and your master leave first, and you should go back to the sanctuary with your disciples."

Wang Xian slowly stood up and said to the Emperor Sheung Shui and Hong Feng Yan aside.

"Then we'll avoid it here."

The God of Water God frowned slightly and said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded.

"You guys go back to the sanctuary first. I'll go back soon."

Hong Fengyan looked at his apprentices and ordered.

"I'll take a look here."

She looked at Wang Xian and said.


Wang Xian nodded and nodded, looking at the upward position.

"I want to see, what would Badan want me to tell them!"

He smiled, and flew towards the sky directly as he moved.

On one side, the Eight Qi Demon Sky array Ao Yao immediately followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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