
"His, look above, there are a dozen **** emperors from Bahuang."

"A lot of disciples from Bahuang also came here. This is obviously the rhythm they took to ask Dragon King Dragon King!"

"The Dragon King and they are both emperors, and they may have some difficulties in retaining the Dragon King."

"I don't know if the Dragon King will appear."

Over the blue moon star, twelve towering figures were suspended in the sky, staring coldly at the position below.

Behind them, there are tens of thousands of barbaric strongmen, unified God King strongmen, who also exudes a cold breath.

They were all suspended there, a choking pressure heading towards the blue moon.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads in unison, looking up at the sky with awe.

As people of the Eight Wilds and Six Harmonies, they know the power of Eight Wilds.


Below, Wang Xian glanced peacefully at the people in Bahuang.

His body flickered and appeared directly above them.


Sky array Hachi they stood behind him.

"The Dragon King is here!"

In the sky, the twelve Emperors of the Eight Wastelands saw this figure and narrowed their eyes slightly.

"Look, the Dragon King has passed!"

"The Dragon King has really passed, hiss, this will not erupt in battle!"

In the lower position, when Wang Xian's figure flew over, everyone looked surprised.

"I don't know what happened to you from the Badlands?"

Wang Xian glanced at the twelve Emperors of the Eight Wastelands, and the two sides stood in suspension and looked away.

He took the lead in asking lightly.

"Dragon King, why bother asking!"

An eight wasteland **** emperor in the center said coldly.

"Well, we really don't know this. If nothing is wrong, don't disturb us."

On the one hand, Ba Qi stared at the Eight Desolation God Emperor and said with a smile.

"Well, you're killed by the wind!"

A **** shrouded in flames questioned violently.

"Look for the dead."

Wang Xian said blandly.

"Looking for the dead, the Dragon King knows that it is our God of the Eight Wastelands."

A middle-aged **** emperor stared at Wang Xian with a cold face, his eyes flashed with coldness.

"What's the matter? It's ridiculous that your eight wild disciples want to kill our dragon king. It's good that we didn't bother you."

Sky array swept across all of them.

"Dragon Palace is so strong!"

"This ... I have a bad hunch."

On Lan Yuexing, everyone heard their conversation, their pupils shrunk slightly, and their faces were surprised.

The Dragon Palace is too powerful, there are no gods and powerful people in the country.

"That being said, our **** Emperor Huanghuang was killed, don't you give an account?"

The spirits of the eight desolate gods slowly climbed, and asked blankly.

"What account do you want?"

The corners of Wang Xian's mouth slightly tilted and looked at them.

"What's the cost? Take out five Emperor Gods first order treasures, and everyone in your Dragon Palace will never step into the Badlands and the Sixth Harmony."

An eight wasteland **** emperor said coldly.

"If the Dragon King does not agree, then we can only make the Dragon Palace pay the price in our own way. I am afraid you cannot afford it."

The voice of a divine emperor dropped, and the divine emperor next to him obviously did not want to talk too much, and said directly.

"Haha, we can't afford it at Dragon Palace. I don't know what the price is?"

Wang Xian smiled, still asked blandly to them.

"Dragon King, don't be too mad, don't anger too many people. If your dragon palace doesn't give us a satisfactory account, it will not be so easy for us to be bullied."

"If your Dragon Palace doesn't mind adding another enemy like the Imperial Court into a Witch Society, then we would never mind."

The central eight wasteland emperor said coldly.

"The wind destroys the emperor and I kills the dragon palace and then kills. As for one more enemy, I really don't care, I don't mind!"

"I said that if you are going to fight, then our dragon palace will take over."

Wang Xian stared at them, converging the smile on her face, and said arrogantly.

"Hehe, Bahuang, you really think that our Dragon Palace despises you, and jealous of you. The old man was able to swept your eight hungers a million years ago. Now even if the old man hasn't recovered to the peak, wait. In the eyes. "

"Our Dragon Palace hasn't put you in the eyes, the price? I have to see who bears the heavy price in the end!"

Tian Zhen stood aside, shouting at them with disdain.

"Hahaha, well, since Dragon Palace has not taken us seriously, it will also allow us to teach the strength of Dragon Palace."

"Let's also take a look at what Dragon Palace takes away from us."

"Boom boom!"

Hearing the words of Wang Xian and Tian Zhen, an Emperor of Eight Wastelands laughed wildly.

At the same time, a powerful momentum projected from his body, and the undisguised killing swept through.

"Since the enemy, the Dragon King, Sky Array, you immediately get us out of the Badlands and Liuhe, otherwise we will leave you here completely and get out of the way!"

A huge axe appeared in the hands of an eight wasteland **** emperor. He raised his tomahawk and blasted them directly towards Wang Xian.

Around, another eleven emperors appeared in the hands of weapons, full of violent killing intentions.

"Get us out!"

They roared loudly, and the vast attacks attacked them towards Wang Xian.

"Get out of our bastards!"

To the rear, a crowd of gods and powerful kings are also screaming with anger, and the overwhelming energy is leaning towards Wang Xian's position.


"go back!"

Seeing their attack, Wang Xian narrowed her eyes slightly, and her figure slowly disappeared.

"Well, wash your dog's head well, or we'll chop it for you soon!"

The two Qiqi Mosha laughed loudly, and then disappeared.

The distant red wind face frowned slightly and disappeared instantly.

"Boom boom!"

Various horrible energies bombarded where Wang Xian disappeared. The mighty energy made the blue moon below tremble slightly.

"His, Dragon Palace and Yahuang completely tore their faces!"

"They are too arrogant in Dragon Palace, and they don't take Ba Huang into their eyes."

"Dragon King they left and returned to Emperor Starfield."

"The emperor of the Dragon Palace is really arrogant, so that we could have our heads washed up, and hum, they have so many enemies and will be destroyed sooner or later.

During the month of Blue Star, many people said coldly.

"From today onwards, everyone in Dragon Palace is forbidden to step into the Badar Liuhe. Once they step in, all disciples in Badar will directly kill without pardon!"

Seeing Wang Xian they left, the Eight Emperors and Emperors looked around with a sharp eye.

An emperor ordered directly loudly.

"Dragon Palace disciples, kill without amnesty!"

Shouted a crowd of disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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