Chapter 2888 Dragon Penalty 3

"Five years ago, you attacked our dragon palace. Five years later, we came to the dragon palace, do you feel that time passes quickly?"

In the void in front of Wushan, the Dragon Palace and the Emperor's Court of Chengwu Society faced far away.

Wang Xian looked at the wizarding monarch in front of her and stood up from the dragon chair with a faint smile on her face.

If it weren't for this situation, he would have said something like an old friend who hadn't seen him in a long time.

"Dragon King, you have a rest, or it won't be long, it's the end of your dragon palace!"

When the emperor of the court heard Wang Xian's words, he couldn't keep calm at all, and roared in anger with a low voice.

"Ha ha ha, bereavement dog, dare to bark!"

Wang Xian laughed loudly and shouted with sarcasm.

His words embarrassed everyone in the Imperial Court.

"Dragon King, I don't know who gave you the confidence, even dare to invade the Tianwu domain, attack us to become the Witch Society!"

"Is that old thing in Tianjin?"

The wizard stared coldly at Wang Xian, questioning sensibly.

"Haha, sorcerer, as long as I live a day, you will become a witch for a day and you will be warmly welcomed here. After all, it is about to be broken. Don't worry about killing me all day!"

On Xiao Lan's body, Tian Zhen laughed, staring at the wizard with a murderous look.

"Worry? We were able to kill you once before becoming a Witch Club, and we are still able to kill you now, Dragon King. I have become a Witch Club for billions of years. Do you think that by virtue of your strength, you can destroy us?"

"Today, I will make you pay a terrible price!"

"Today, let you, this arrogant guy, see our strength as a Witch Council!"

The momentum of the wizard's body rushed forward, his face full of fury.

"Well, today I want to see your strength as a Witch Council, and a strength that stands for a billion years!"

"I hope you will not disappoint our Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian stared at Ling Ran and said with a slightly raised head.

"Every battle in the world will be recorded in the history books, and there will be a battle name. I'll take this name first!"

"Just call the battle of dragon punishment!"

He continued to talk lightly.

Battle of Dragon Penalty!

This is also the first battle of the purebred Shenlong stepping into the bright starry sky and making a real battle!

"Battle of Dragon Penalties?"

Hearing Wang Xian's words, the shaman's emperor looked embarrassed on their faces.



The two roared and stared at Wang Xian coldly.

"Hahaha, members of the Dragon Palace, get ready!"

Wang Xian laughed and waved her arm.

"Boom boom!"

On the body of Xiaolan Xiaozhai, all members of the Dragon Palace immediately flew down from above.

A group of dragon-level powerhouses at the level of gods are suspended around the nine dragons of the wind god.

A vast and terrifying breath rushed forward.

"Is this all the emperors of the Dragon Palace?"

"His, counting the nine creatures, Dragon Palace has more than 20 emperors!"


After all the emperors of the Dragon Palace were unveiled, on the front of Wushan, all the strong and disciples who formed the Witch Club, the strong and disciples of the imperial court, all showed shocking faces.

More than twenty gods, even if they did not explode all their might, but this terrifying atmosphere still made them feel extremely depressed.

Even the wizard princes changed their faces.

There are more than 20 gods, and the Dragon Palace has more than 20 gods.

In just five years, the emperor of the Dragon Palace almost doubled.

"His, you see, those gods are all dragon gods. How come there are so many!"

"Twenty gods, can they resist if they become a witch?"

"More than twenty, this Dragon Palace is so strong, no wonder they dare to kill them directly. This power is too scary!"

At this time, in a distant location, some powerful men in the Tianwu domain lurk in the surrounding void.

This vast battle had a great impact on the Tianwu domain. The strong men in the remaining forces of the Tianwu domain naturally came to investigate.

When they saw the famous emperor of the Dragon Palace, they were terrified.

"Wushan has a lot of fog and rain, get up!"

"Heavenly kills, get up!"

"Witch Shadow Formation, get up!"

"Lianshan Hantu battles, get up!"

"Witch World Battle, get up!"

The wizard's eyes glanced at the emperors of the Dragon Palace, his face looked cold, and roared loudly.




When the wizard remembered a large array of names, the whole Wushan trembled.

The vast array of moments shrouded 100 billion kilometers in radius, covering the entire Wushan.

A mighty energy, straight into this void.

Five large arrays slowly rose, and the terrifying energy rushed wildly towards the surroundings.

Clouds over Wushan.

A vast spectacle wearing a bucket hat is suspended in the middle of Wushan!

Wushan is connected, killings are around!

The whole Wushan became a Witch World.

Five major formations, forming a powerful defense!

Wang Xian stood on the dragon's chair, watching the horrific bursts rising, and her eyes flashed with a look of surprise.

"We have become a witch. We haven't risen for hundreds of millions of years. Dragon King, I want to see what you take to break our defense!

"If you can't destroy us today, the next thing is that we become witches will destroy you!"

The wizard stared at Wang Xian sternly and shouted sharply.

"All disciples of the Witch Society, ready to attack!"

The wizard raised his hands and the purgatory world map appeared above him, continuing to command.



Zhen Tian's murderous voice sounded through the center of the Witch Realm.

A wave of energy condensed from the mountains of Wushan.

"come on!"

The Emperor held the light scepter, his body slowly floated, and two teams of light holy wings appeared behind him.

"Battle of Dragon Penalties, start!"


Wang Xian's face appeared cold and ordered loudly.

"Roar roar!"


"Roar roar!"

When Wang Xian's order was given, a group of gods located in the forefront of Dragon Palace made a roaring sound.

They immediately turned into a state of battle, and violent energy rose into the sky.

In the central position, Jiufeng Fengshen Dragon raised his head, inciting huge wings, bearing the brunt of his fighting spirit, and rushed towards the front.

Wushan ahead, five terrifying formations shrouded.

When the nine dragons attacked, the vast shadow of Wu Wu over Wushan carried a mighty power and attacked the nine dragons.

In the middle of the vast Witch Shadow, there is a terror of murder.

"Roar roar!"

"We are the Wind Dragon!"

Fengshenlong, the second-tier combat power of the three central emperors, shook his body, and his wings agitated.

The next moment, the world changed, and the wind came to this void!

(End of this chapter)

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