Chapter 2889 Dragon Penalty 4

"Boom boom!"

Storm, terrifying storm!

In front of Wushan, five large formations shrouded.

The nine Fengshen dragons who flew past them rushed to see the shadow of the witch attacking them, and made a roar.

Their wings quickly instigated.

For a moment, the whole sky seemed to have changed terribly.

The sky array at the peak may be stronger than the Fengshen Dragon, a second-level combat power of an emperor today, but the Fengshen Dragons, the second-level combat power of the three gods, can kill the sky array.

The sky array of the two peak periods can not be compared with the Fengshen Dragon of the second-stage combat power of the three gods of the Dragon Palace.

And the wizards predict that with Wushan's defense, they can withstand at least three sky arrays during the peak period.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, he shot with the emperor and a group of gods.

Therefore, when the nine dragons came to attack, the world in front of Wushan changed!

"Boom boom!"

The roaring sound of the wind attribute law instantly shrouded the position at the entrance of Wushan.

A terrible hurricane struck directly at Witch Shadow.


The witch shadow formed by the formation of the matrix method, directly greeted without wisdom.

The sound of a fierce collision sounded, and the huge shadow of the witch slowly collapsed.

The terrible hurricane, as if extinct, continued to rush forward.


Just the attack of the nine Fengshen dragons stopped the wizard monarch and all the strong and disciples of the two major forces.

They watched the hurricane that struck in shock, their hearts beating fiercely.

too fast.

Fengshen's attack was too fast.

Only in the first round of collision, a large array of Wuying crashed directly.

And that terrible hurricane continued to strike towards them.

"The nine creatures just roared. They are Fengshen dragons? Fengshen dragons!"

Tian Zhen widened his eyes and looked at the attack in shock, his mouth murmured!

"All members of Witchcraft, attack, attack!"

"Blessing formation, blessing formation!"

The wizard looked at the scene in front of him and heard the voice of Tianzi, his heart beating violently, and roaring sharply.

"World of Purgatory, stop me!"

He yelled, and the array floating over him attacked the hurricane ahead.

"Kill kill!"

On the surrounding Wushan, all the strong disciples reacted and shouted loudly immediately.

A rush of energy covered directly toward the front.

Hundreds of millions of people launched their own attacks, like a natural disaster, covering everything in front of them.

"Boom boom!"

The sound of the explosion sounded, and the loud noise obscured everything.

The hurricane was resisted and froze in the air.

A half-wind world, a generally chaotic world.

Slowly, the world of wind was slowly destroyed.

The attack of all the powers of the Chengwuhui Imperial Court is not yet able to be resisted by the nine Fengshen dragons.

But even so, Jiufeng Fengshen Dragon can push them to this step, it is already very scary!

"Well, bear the anger of the dragon!"

Yaki yelled, his body moved, and she attacked straight ahead.

At the forefront, a dozen other dragon palace emperors also rushed forward, carrying a trembling power on their bodies.



Xiaozhai Xiaolan raised their heads, made a growl, and slammed directly into the rising array.

"Resist, resist fully, all the formations are on!"

The wizard looked embarrassed when he saw all the power of the Dragon Palace attacking.

"Oops, Lord Witch, the three dragon-like creatures in the middle, they are all second-order powerhouses of Emperor Void!"

The wizard's voice dropped, and beside him, an emperor Cheng Wuhui shouted with a very embarrassing face.

"Dragon Palace has the second-order existence of four emperors!"

The emperor next to him clenched his fists and roared low.

The nine Aeolus dragons' attacks just now clearly sensed them.

This power is very strong.

Now more than a dozen other emperors of the Dragon Palace have come over, how can they resist?

"It's not impossible to resist. The big array is all open. We can at least resist the existence of the second order of four or five gods!"

The wizard gritted his teeth and roared loudly.


When the voice dropped, he moved, and flew directly into the sky, casting a circle of cloth around him.

The strength of the Dragon Palace completely exceeded their expectations.

Especially the number of Emperor God second-order powerhouses.

"Four or five emperors second-order? Then even if the dragon king has reached the second emperor, it should be able to survive!"

The emperor blinked when he heard the wizard's words.

When he was in shape, he rushed into the sky, attacking and blasting forward.

"Heavenly kills, attack!"

An Emperor Cheng Wuhui controlled the array with a stern face, resisting the dragon emperors in front of him.

Each of the five large arrays has great power.

It is no exaggeration to say that the large array here can easily and easily hang the first-order existence of the Emperor.

But there are too many gods in the Dragon Palace.

The Wuying array was crushed instantly.


Countless wind blades covered the front, and attacked the gods at the Dragon Palace.

However, for this group of dozens of Ao Qitian, there were no threats to them.

"A fight!"

"The strength of the Dragon Palace seems to be completely beyond expectation. The nine creatures call themselves Fengshen Dragons. Are they real dragons?"

"The nine dragons are so strong and hissing, they broke a large array of Witch Clubs in an instant!"

"The war broke out completely. The strength displayed by the Dragon Palace is terrifying. Can Chengwu be able to resist it?"

Some strong men hiding in the surrounding sky and sky domain saw the outbreak of the war completely, feeling the mighty energy, shaking slightly.

In such a war, they entered into it, leaving no residue.


"Lianshan Hantu battles, blocking that beast."

At this time, Xiao Lan's body has come to the front of Wushan. The wizard looked at Xiao Lan, and his face was so murky that he ordered down.

He played against Xiao Lan, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Looking at Xiao Lan, his face kept changing.

He is confident that they will be able to withstand the four or five second-order gods of the Emperor, but this is only for ordinary second-order gods.

This monster is terrifying, and it is estimated to be able to crush the same level.

"Lianshan Hantu array, mountain soul, defense!"

In the lower position, a group of powerful sorceresses heard the orders of the shamans and ran the vast mountains!

The earth and mountains condensed by the rules appeared out of thin air and bombarded towards Xiao Lan.


When Xiao Lan saw the mountain that was attacking towards her, her body exuded gray power, and she slammed into the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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