"Ho Ho!"

"Meet the Dragon King!"

In the starry universe, the breakthrough of chaos has been completed.

He swayed his incomparably huge body, and his eyes shone with excitement.

Respectfully bow to Wang Xian!

Wang Xian smiled and nodded: "Chaos, you stay in the starry sky for now, Fei Lian, Chong Chong, Jiao Jiao, Xu Hua and others have already been killed, I don't know if they will be resurrected, these are not important , see if all four of their subordinates have been brainwashed to submit to the belief in the universe, if they are all subdued, then kill them!"

"In addition, you keep an eye on the rest of the Tianyuan Fortune Star Universe here in the Star Universe. If there are starry sky behemoths of high or low levels that come out of the Star Universe, please notify me immediately!"

"I will bring Xiaolan and the others over and let them follow you!"

Wang Xian gave orders to Chaos one by one.

He wants to start laying out the starry universe.

He has four-fifths of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor's corpse in his hand, and now Xiaolan and the others have reached the pinnacle of cosmic dominance.

Xiaolan absorbed the corpses of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor alone, and should be able to touch the threshold of breakthrough.

In the starry sky universe, it is much easier for starry sky behemoths to break through the realm of heavenly creation than ordinary practitioners.

For example, there are more than 20 starry sky behemoths that have already touched the threshold in the starry sky universe.

They didn't make a breakthrough, but they just didn't have a quota!

The starry sky behemoth in the starry sky universe cannot be compared with the breakthrough difficulty of the Jiuyuan universe!

"It's the Dragon King, and the Dragon King can rest assured to leave the affairs of the Starry Universe to me."

Chaos nodded, and continued to speak: "In addition, Dragon King, you have to be careful of the strong believers in the universe. They have entered the starry universe for more than two billion years. Recruited, they will never be so willing!"

"I know!"

Wang Xian nodded with a smile: "You should also pay attention!"

"Dragon King, don't worry, as long as I don't leave the star universe, as long as there are other powerful star beasts in the star universe, I will not be in danger!"

Chaos said with a smile.

Although the starry sky behemoths have no intelligence, they have a strong sense of territory.

Now, although the calamity is coming, the heavenly creation powerhouses of other universes can enter the starry sky universe.

But if there is a war in the star universe, the powerful star beasts in the star universe will be regarded as provocations.

Will do it all!

So chaos is very safe.


Wang Xian nodded: "If you get a lot of corpses of starry sky behemoths here, tell me, I need to train disciples of Dragon Palace."

"It's the Dragon King!"

After talking with Chaos for a while, Wang Xian left Starry Universe directly!

He ordered Anlie to send Tianci back, and then returned to the Dragon Palace.

Then, Wang Xian ordered Anlie to bring Xiaolan and the others to Chaos.

Wang Xian also gave Xiao Lan the body of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor, so that he could reach the breakthrough threshold as soon as possible.

Prepare for the next promotion!

Back in the Dragon Palace, it became peaceful again.

Wang Xian stayed in the Dragon Palace to practice and rest, very leisurely.

There is nothing special about Jiuyuan Universe, everything is very stable!

Millions of years passed quickly, and on this day, news came from Chaos.

After he received the message, he immediately ordered Anlie to bring himself to the starry sky universe.

"Meet the Dragon King!"

When he came to the side of Chaos, Chaos immediately bowed respectfully!

"A starry sky behemoth with a low-level Tianyuan fortune-telling level is about to go out?"

Wang Xian nodded, and immediately asked Chaos.

"Yes, the Dragon King, the Qianjiang Beast Emperor is flying towards the outside of the starry sky universe. According to my induction and understanding, its strength is the existence that has just entered the Tianyuan fortune-telling level."

Chaos nodded.

"Qianjiang Beast Emperor?"

Wang Xian raised his eyebrows.

"Qianjiang Beast Emperor is a giant beast in the starry sky. It is located around him. There is an incomparably huge river that covers his whole body. We call it Qianjiang Beast Emperor. It also contains other energies!"

Chaos replied!

"Where is he now?"

Wang Xian asked.

"He flew towards the south, and he has already left the infinite starry sky. If he leaves the starry sky universe, it will probably take about a year!"

Chaos answered.

Wang Xian nodded, he didn't need to worry for a year.

Looking around, there are more than a hundred starry sky behemoths in the realm of chaos.

Among them, Xiaolan and the others are also here.

However, Xiaolan was absorbing the corpse of the Nine Corpse Beast Emperor in one place, improving her strength.

"Come on, let's go and have a look!"

Wang Xian gave a command to Chaos, and then they quickly flew in the direction of Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

Wang Xian's speed is much faster than that of the entry-level starry sky behemoth.

Even with Chaos, it is still not comparable to the Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

Moreover, Wang Xian's strength is far superior to that of the Qianjiang Beast Emperor. Before he could sense him, he had already sensed the Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

"Dragon King, we have to be more careful. The Belief Universe should have known about Qianjiang Beast Emperor leaving the Star Universe!"

"They have been in the starry universe for such a long time, there may be many starry behemoths under their control in the dark!"

Chaos reminded Wang Xian.

"Well, you really need to pay attention."

Wang Xian nodded, last time he destroyed the good thing of believing in the universe.

He didn't believe that the Faith Universe would forget it like this!

It is very likely that they will come back with revenge!

However, this is also impossible.

At the beginning, Dragon Palace had an enmity with Faith Universe and killed a large number of their gods.

It's hard to reconcile.

This time, the king of the gods who believes in the universe may make a move.

But Wang Xian had to act.

What if something is gained?

After flying with Qianjiang Beast Emperor for more than half a year, the boundary of the starry universe appeared in sight!

Wang Xian contacted An Lie and ordered him to take over Tianci!

"This time we have to do it. This is an opportunity. In addition..."

Wang Xian's eyes flickered, and he had a plan in his heart.

This plan will take some time.

But it’s okay to waste some time as long as it pays off!


Not long after, the figure of Tianci came again.

"Get ready, the target is still a starry sky behemoth Beast Emperor, and be careful this time, you may encounter the attack from the last wave of people!"

Wang Xian gave instructions to Tianci.

Tianci nodded.

They followed closely behind Qianjiang Beast Emperor, and soon, they came to open the starry sky universe!

Wang Xian and the others didn't act immediately.

Continue to follow behind Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

If you do it now, the Qianjiang Beast Emperor can quickly return to the Starry Universe.

The last time the king of the gods who believed in the universe made a move, he sent it to a very far away location.

It is to prevent the Beast Emperor from returning to the starry universe!

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