"It was detected that a beast emperor from the Star Universe has left the Star Universe."

"Similarly, the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace and the giant starry sky beast that just broke through were also detected."

When Wang Xian followed Qianjiang Beast Emperor into the chaos.

The kings of the gods who believed in the universe who had learned from the previous lesson rushed over as soon as they got the news this time.

And a lot of layout is done.

The information was quickly delivered to them one by one.

"This time, even if we don't gain anything, we won't be able to make the Dragon King succeed!"

A king of the gods said with a cold face!

The other two or three kings of the gods also nodded heavily.

"Keep an eye on it. The Dragon King of the Dragon Palace won't do it right on the edge, at least after a few days of flying. We'll do a good job of detection on the way so we don't get caught!"

A king of the gods ordered again and flew towards a place.

Immediately following the other three, they also followed behind. With their powerful means of belief in the universe, they deployed detection methods one by one, and it was difficult for the strong in other universes to find out.

Belief in the power of belief in the universe is a very special energy.

Wang Xian followed closely behind the Qianjiang Beast Emperor, and he also scanned the surroundings very vigilantly.

However, he didn't find any clues!

No trace of belief in the king of the gods of the universe was found around.

"Did you come or hide around?"

Wang Xian thought in his heart, he was more inclined to the latter.

An existence that can occupy a universe, and has the ability to hide around him without being discovered!

"Tianci, you follow Qianjiang Beast Emperor, if you encounter danger and leave immediately, I will go and check around!"

Wang Xian gave instructions to Tianci and flew around.

He wants to find the king of gods who believes in the universe.

Although I say that I am very strong, there is still a gift from God.

But he still has to worry about whether the king of gods who believe in the universe has set up some powerful altars to target them.

After all, according to his understanding, there are Dao level Tianyuan good fortune experts in the belief universe.

If they join forces, Wang Xian will also be planted here.

Wang Xian searched the surroundings carefully, but found no fluctuations in the power of faith.

"No matter what, do it in two days!"

If he couldn't find it, Wang Xian just gave up.

He returned to Tianci and continued to follow Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

"Let's do it here!"

It has been five days since he left Starry Universe, Wang Xian said to Tianci.

Tianci nodded.


In the next instant, Wang Xian immediately turned into the body of a dragon and flew directly forward.

Wang Xian's speed is very fast, far beyond that of the Qianjiang Beast Emperor!

"Ho Ho!"

However, when Qianjiang Beast Emperor sensed Wang Xian's aura, he suddenly let out a low growl!


Suddenly, the water around his body turned into a water sword, fleeing to the left at a speed that was twice as fast as before.


"Avoid good luck and avoid bad luck?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately slowed down.

The body of the Void Divine Dragon flew out of the body, took the Five Elements Grinding Machine and the Tai Chi Dragon Plate with it and teleported away instantly, chasing after it from the side!

When Qianjiang Beast Emperor sensed that Wang Xian was not catching up, he also slowly slowed down!

However, after he flew for an hour, the body of the Void Dragon appeared.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The body of the void dragon teleported directly to the front of Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

The dragon claw waved towards him.

Even though it was far away, as soon as it reached the space crack, it instantly appeared in front of the Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

"Ho Ho!"

Qianjiang Beast Emperor saw the sudden appearance of the body of the Void Dragon, and did not run away immediately.

Instead, he moved his body and went straight to meet him violently, without any fear!

"Ho Ho!"

The body of the Void Dragon let out a low growl, and teleported directly to the right side of Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

The dragon claws containing the tearing of space grabbed towards his body!


When the dragon claw full of space tearing power fell on the side of Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

The water of the river around him condensed into an incomparably huge shield!


The shield resists the attack of the body of the void dragon!

"Ho **** ho ho!"

The body of the Void Divine Dragon let out a low growl, the dragon claw waved, and the Five Elements Grinding Machine and the Tai Chi Dragon Plate flew out directly.

The Tai Chi Dragon Plate and the Five Elements Grinding Machine are directly transformed into Yin and Yang and the Five Elements Dragon.

Swaying their huge bodies, they directly attacked Qianjiang Beast Emperor!

In the rear position, when Wang Xian saw that the body of the Void Dragon was trembling with the Qianjiang Beast Emperor.

His body shook.

Underworld Dragon Transformation!

His figure appeared directly beside the body of the Void Divine Dragon!

"Ho Ho!"

The moment Wang Xian came here, the dragon horns burst into nine-colored brilliance, and a ray of light pierced directly towards Qianjiang Beast Emperor!


The nine-color light pierced through the water flow around Qianjiang Beast Emperor and entered his body!


The scream sounded instantly.

Feeling Wang Xian's powerful strength, Qianjiang Beast Emperor hurriedly wanted to escape!

He knew that he was no match for Wang Xian.

"The star domain is locked!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Xian immediately took out the star fragments!

The surrounding chaotic space immediately changed dramatically.

Around the entire starry sky, huge meteorites appeared one after another!

They seem to have entered another universe in an instant!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

With a wave of Wang Xian's arm, planets and meteorites containing various energies attacked Qianjiang Beast Emperor one by one!

"Bump, bump!"

The next moment, there was a violent collision sound.

The water flow around the Qianjiang Beast Emperor shot in all directions, and planets fell on his body, pounding heavily.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"

Qianjiang Beast Emperor felt severe pain and let out a roar.

The water around him began to spin, forming a terrifying vortex!

A huge black hole appeared in the vortex.

His body directly entered the black hole!


Seeing this scene, Wang Xian focused his eyes. He knew that this was the innate skill of Qianjiang Beast Emperor!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The vortex black hole kept spinning, and he heard a sound like glass breaking.

This is the sound of the star domain being locked and broken.

Wang Xian felt it, and his eyes flickered slightly.

This starry sky behemoth is really hard to kill.

The gap in their strength is so great that they were able to escape.

If it was an ordinary first-level Tianyuan good fortune expert, he would have been beheaded by Wang Xian.

The vitality is really tenacious!

"Then the Dragon King has made a move."

At this time, in the distant surroundings, such a powerful movement here caused huge fluctuations.

Belief in the four kings of the gods of the universe immediately felt it.

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