The arrival of the strongest sword sect, the arrival of Song Ta.

Two Dao-level powerhouses rushed over, causing shocked expressions on the faces of all the disciples of the surrounding powerhouses.

In a short period of time, four of the top patriarchs and saints came here!

These few, but in the entire Justice League, are the most top existence.

Including that mysterious strong man, there are already five people of this level.

However, just when they thought there was going to be a shocking battle between ghosts and gods, Song Ta's words made all the disciples of the strongest disciples look astonished.

"What's the situation, the strong man who was following Sword Ancestor actually knew that mysterious strong man?"

"Our own people beat our own people? It seems that they know each other!"

"Isn't it? What's the situation? Which faction does that mysterious strongman belong to? Is he also the top strongman of the Justice League?"

All the strong disciples looked at this scene dumbfounded, and asked!

Xiaoyao Jiaozu was also slightly taken aback when he heard Song Ta's words!

His face was full of astonishment!

"Song Ta, do you know each other?"

Xiaoyao Patriarch's expression changed slightly, and he asked Song Pagoda.

They are all top powerhouses in the Justice League.

Get to know each other naturally!

Song Ta, the powerhouse of the justice universe.

One of the founders of the Justice League.

Its strength is not the strongest in the Justice League, but its status is very high.

Another point is that the justice universe where Song Ta is located is the most powerful universe of the Justice League.

At the same time, the leader of the Justice League is the strongest in the Justice Universe.

Similarly, it is also the most powerful existence of the Justice League.

However, the leader of the Justice League has not appeared for a long time!

"I know, I know naturally. Not long ago, Old Jian and I joined forces with Brother Wang Xian to kill that guy who pinched the spirit, hehe."

Song Ta said with a smile all over his face!


What he said made Xiaoyao Patriarch slightly surprised again.

"Brother Song Ta, brother Jian, I didn't expect to meet so soon, it's still in this way."

Wang Xian looked at them, shook his head slightly, and said!

"It's really fast, it's really flooding the Dragon King Temple!"

The unsmiling old man Jian nodded: "I don't know what trivial matter has caused you, Brother Wang Xian, to make such a fuss!"

"Old man Jian, are you the sword ancestor of Jianzong? Just now when I was shopping here, I came across a good thing."

Wang Xian smiled, moved his palm, and took out the embryo without any concealment: "A disciple of your Sword Sect was parasitized by a strong man, and I happened to sense it, so I took it out. "

"Later, they said it was their treasure, haha, I just wiped them out!"

"However, luck is really good this time. There is actually a Dao-level strongman parasitic on your Sword Sect disciple. I think, with this strongman's parasitic sequestration method, you will not be able to find out, so this belongs to me. hehe!"

"Of course, if the person who is parasitic and seizing the house is a strong man of your Sword Sect, then let's talk about it!"

As Wang Xian said, he smiled lightly.

This Dao-level powerhouse has a relatively strong means of parasitic sequestration.

If Wang Xian hadn't sensed the power of chaos in his body, he really wouldn't have noticed it!

But he couldn't find it, so with the strength of the old man Jian, he couldn't find it either!

At that time, a disciple of Jianzong will also be taken away silently.

Of course, Wang Xian is not unreasonable.

In case this is a disciple of the strong sword sect who parasitizes and seizes the sect, Wang Xian will also return the embryo!

"This is?"

When Wang Xian took out the embryo, Xiaoyao Patriarch's eyes were fixed, and a shocked expression appeared on his face!

"A powerful person at the Dao level, parasitic and seizing his home?"

Song Ta exclaimed, and flew directly towards Wang Xian, staring at that embryo!

The old man Jian also flew over immediately, sizing up the embryo carefully!

"Fuck, old man Jian, feel the aura of this embryo, it's the aura of a **** devil, isn't this guy completely slaughtered by us?"

Suddenly, Song Ta exclaimed and yelled at old man Jian!

"It is indeed the breath of a devil, no, this is a devil!"

The old man Jian stared at the embryo, his eyes slowly revealing a dignified look.

"More than 10 billion years ago, this guy raised the creatures of the universe, and we and the deputy leader jointly wiped out this guy. I thought he was really completely killed. I didn't expect, I didn't expect this guy to survive. !"

"And it's actually parasitic on the disciples of Jianzong, old man Jian. This is obviously for revenge!"

Song Ta exclaimed, his face changed slightly!

The devil man is a strong man in the universe of the sword. Speaking of it, he is an existence that is older and more powerful than the old sword man.

But the old man Jian came from behind, and the Jianzong grew stronger, becoming the strongest force in the universe of the sword, and the old man Jian also became the strongest existence.

At that time, there was a conflict with the sect founded by the Devilman.

But both sides are also stable.

But later, the demon man was not reconciled to being subordinate to others, and was not reconciled to the growth of Jianzong, so he wanted to quickly increase his own strength.

It feeds the slaughter of living beings, and takes their souls to prepare the demon sword.

Eventually things came to light.

This kind of behavior of the devil man is a completely devoid of humanity, and there is no room for alliance with the evil sequence.

So the old man Jian reported the matter to the Justice League.

After verification, it is determined, and it will be eradicated!

But I didn't expect that he didn't die, but was parasitic in the body of a disciple of Jianzong!

"The devil practiced all kinds of evil skills. He didn't die, and there was a slight possibility. He parasitized on the disciples of Jianzong. He should want revenge!"

"I just don't know how long he has been parasitic, but he hasn't been found!"

The old man Jian said with a serious face!

For Jianzong, this is a big event, a very terrifying thing.

Old man Jian has a deep understanding of the horror of devil people!

At that time, in order to destroy it, four Dao-level powerhouses, as well as the power of all Tianyuan fortune-telling powerhouses in Jianzong, were mobilized.

It took a lot of money to completely destroy it.

At that time, they thought they had killed him, but they didn't expect to let him escape with a glimmer of life.

He even let it parasitize in the body of a disciple, preparing to take it away.

On top of that, the Demon Man was right under their noses, and none of them noticed.

Just thinking about it, he felt a little scary!

If he recovers his strength little by little, it will be an unimaginable disaster for Jianzong and the universe of swords!

"Old man Jian, you didn't notice the crisis right under your noses, and now Brother Wang Xian has discovered it. This is a great thing for your Jianzong. Your Jianzong should thank you very much."

Song Ta said to old man Jian!

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