Song Ta and old man Jian have both seen Wang Xian's strength.

Fighting alone, none of them are opponents.

Although they are also very powerful, they have a high status in the Justice League.

But if you can make good friends, you still have to make good friends.

What's more, this time, Wang Xian did solve a great hidden danger for Jianzong!

"It does take a lot of thanks."

The old man Jian nodded, and looked at Wang Xian: "Thank you, brother Wang Xian, come and sit with my Jianzong later, and let us thank you too. As for the misunderstanding just now, I apologize to you on behalf of Jianzong!"

"Small matter, if I know that you are the strongest of Jianzong, old man Jian, I won't make a move, hehe!"

Wang Xian smiled and waved his arm.

Corpses flew out one by one. These are the strong disciples of Jianzong and Xiaoyao Sect that Wang Xian killed just now!

Among them, there is one who has just entered the realm of Tianyuan Fortune, and one who is at the control level.

The beginner level belongs to Jianzong, and the master level belongs to Xiaoyaojiao!

"Xiaoyao Patriarch, I'm really sorry for your involvement in this matter, our Jianzong will give you some compensation, let's forget about this matter, how about it?"

The old man Jian looked at the ancestor of Xiaoyao, and said to him!

Xiaoyao Patriarch stood there, his expression changed slightly.

He didn't expect that it would be this result.

Instead of fighting, this mysterious strong man became the guest of Jianzong!

In addition, that embryo, in his opinion, is also an extremely powerful treasure.

He is very excited, but also very hot-eyed.

But seeing the attitudes of old man Jian and Song Ta, he also knew that the other party had a good relationship, and that the embryo also belonged to that mysterious strong man.

In the end, their Xiaoyao Patriarch intervened in the affairs of Jianzong and this strong man, which caused a lot of trouble instead!

This made him a little annoyed. It seems that the disciples under his sect should rectify it!

"Forget it, this matter was originally the fault of my disciples. Give me the body of our disciples, and forget about this matter. This is your friend, so make a friend."

"My friend, let me teach you the corpses of the strong disciples, that's fine, anyway, you taught them a lesson."

Xiaoyao Patriarch nodded, looked at Wang Xian, and said!


Wang Xian nodded, and gave the body to Xiaoyao Jiaozu.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that this is also a stranger!"

The good-natured sage at the side watched this scene with his eyes flickering slightly.

He didn't expect it to be like this, but he said something with a smile.

"The divination lamp is in the hands of Brother Wang Xian. Why, Shan Tian, ​​have you fought against Brother Wang Xian?"

Hearing his words, Song Ta looked at the sage Shantian, raised his eyebrows, and asked.

"Haha, I've fought against each other, and I've made a deal with the Dragon King."

The good-natured sage replied with a smile!

"I'm curious to be able to trade your divination lamp. Are you sure this divination lamp is not the trophy of Brother Wang Xian?"

Song Ta couldn't help but joked!

"Song Ta, don't talk nonsense. Brother Wang Xian happens to have another part of my star field. Otherwise, how could I be willing to hand over the divination lamp?"

The sage Shantian shook his head and said speechlessly!

"Oh? Your star field Tianyuan is a treasure of good fortune, and it is going to reappear from the universe?"

A look of surprise appeared on Song Ta's face.

"At that time, you Song Ta will no longer be my opponent!"

The good-natured sage narrowed his eyes slightly!

"Hehe, everyone, if you have nothing to do, come and sit with my Jianzong."

The old man Jian laughed and said to them.

"haha okay!"

The good-natured sage nodded and agreed.

Xiaoyao Patriarch also agreed.

After reaching their level, although they are basically invincible, there are very few who can suppress them.

However, it would also be beneficial if one could get acquainted with a strong person of the same level.

After all, in their universe, they are already invincible and lonely.

It is also a good thing to be able to make a few friends of the same level.

In case something happens in the future, we can take care of each other.

"Hahaha, let's go, I will take out the fine wine that I have brewed for a long time!"

Song Ta laughed.

A group of people nodded, followed the old man Jian, and flew towards Jianzong's position.

"This?? This?? Didn't expect it to end like this?"

"Not only didn't there be a fight, but a few strong adults went to drink together?"

"At their level, there are basically few opponents. Moreover, the Free and Unfettered Sect has no need to offend such a powerful enemy. What's more, Jianzong still owes a favor to that mysterious strong man."

"The mysterious strong man is called Wang Xian, and the sage Shantian called him the Dragon King. It seems that he is the strongest man in a powerful universe."

"The ancestors of Xiaoyao didn't care about it, and it's normal. Although they killed and injured the disciples of the strong man, not to mention other things, the strong man who controlled the level can definitely be resurrected. Now that the body is returned to Xiaoyao Jiao, the loss is acceptable. It's okay to make friends with such a powerful man. One more friend is far better than one more enemy."

"It seems that another terrifying strong man will appear here in the future."

Around the position, all the strong disciples saw Wang Xian and the others leave, their eyes were shining brightly, and they were discussing.

Today's battle can be said to have taught them a lot of knowledge.

At the same time, the name Dragon King Wangxian also came into the sight of all the strong disciples.

This is a terrifying existence.

An almost invincible existence.

At least, its strength is stronger than that of Xiaoyao Patriarch!


Wang Xian and the others didn't care about the discussion and shock in the trading area.

A group of people followed the old man Jian and they came to a palace of Jianzong!

To say it is a palace, it is better to say that it is a huge sword peak, exuding a majestic momentum.

At the rear, the five Tianyuan fortune-tellers of Jianzong followed.

When they flew over, they had already contacted their disciples to investigate the specific reasons for this incident.

If this is the case, it is really as the Dragon King said.

Then, those few disciples who provoke the Dragon King need to pay some price!

After all, if their Sword Ancestor hadn't known him, I'm afraid their Sword Ancestor would have befriended a powerful being.

Not to mention, this time the Dragon King helped their Sword Sect solve a huge hidden danger.

It saved Jianzong a big trouble in the future.

It is even a big trouble that threatens the life and death of Jianzong!

"Lord Dragon King, we were the ones who offended you just now, and we will give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter."

"Lord Dragon King, Lord Xiaoyao Patriarch, Lord Shantian Saint, please come inside!"

Come to the front of a sword peak.

A strong man in Jianzong respectfully apologized to Wang Xian, then opened the gate at the top of Jianfeng, and stretched out his hand to signal!

"This matter is settled!"

The old man Jian nodded, looked at Wang Xian and the others: "Please come in."

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