Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 938: Bridge Forest Animal Park 2

Chapter 938 Bridge Forest Animal Park 2

"Head leader, we have a total of twenty-five people and five carriages. Because of the time constraints, we need to cross the Bridge Forest Animal Park!"

"Qiaolin Animal Park is a very dangerous area. If we pass directly, there is a great chance to encounter the superb sixth-order beast. If you are not lucky, you will even encounter the superb seventh-order beast! ”

From the employment meeting, a middle-aged from the Bridge Forest Chamber of Commerce said to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian slowly nodded: "Do not worry, the security issue will be handed over to us, and we will ensure that you will be safely sent to Qiaolin Town!"

He said with confidence, now that Wang Xian is the strength of all people, even if he encounters an extraordinary eighth-order creature can cope, let alone the extraordinary sixth-order.

"That's it!"

The middle-aged nodded and everyone came to a restaurant.

In front of the restaurant, five carriages have been prepared, and everyone has been prepared on the carriage.

"Feng brother, have you hired an employment group?"

A woman in the central position walked down from a very luxurious carriage and said to the middle-aged youth.

"Found, let's go now!"

The young man nodded and said.

"Found it? That's great!"

The girl said with a smile on her face, looking at Wang Xian and seeing the slightest difference in the front of Wang Xian: "Isn't it?"

"Yes, they are very famous in Shenghai Town, and they are called the first employment group. It should be no problem!"

The young man nodded.

"Should be no problem? We are crossing the Bridge Forest Animal Park!"

The girl raised her mouth slightly.

"With no reputation under the prestigious name, this hiring group should have no problem!"

Young people are also somewhat uncertain.

He did not dare to imagine that such a young youth would be the head of the strongest hiring group in Shenghai Town.

"Young Master, we have to leave, we must hurry up!"

At this time, a middle-aged voice came.

"Okay, let's go!"

The young man nodded and boarded the girl's carriage.

"Head of the king, I am bothering you!"

A middle-aged man said to Wang Xian.

"Reassure, let's go!"

Wang Xian nodded and said to him.

"it is good!"

The carriage departs from the direction of the west gate and heads out.

Wang Xian and the proud sword are all in front of others and on the top of the central carriage, sitting relaxed on the face.

"Head leader, we have already left the city, do you need to guard your members?"

Out of the holy sea town, it entered the wild, there is no safe area in the wild.

Even if it is a road that people often go, if the luck is not good, they may encounter the beasts of the eighty-ninth order.

Therefore, once you leave the city, you must be alert to the hiring team.

Out of the holy sea town, a middle-aged of the Bridge Forest Chamber of Commerce frowned and asked Wang Xian.

"Please rest assured, we will 100% guarantee that you will enter the town of Qiaolin safely, escort, we have their own arrangements!"

Wang Xian said with confidence.

Around them, they are already vigilant around, and once they encounter any danger, they can be reflected in time.

And if there are vicious beasts around, they can handle them easily.

Unless they really encounter the superb nine-order beast, they will have a crisis.

"The head of the king can understand it!"

When he heard his words in the middle age, he frowned and his face looked a little unsightly.

But he can't say anything, after all, it depends on the protection of the other side.

He looked at the other four middle-aged people and looked bad.

The feeling of Wang Xian makes them feel unreliable.

The carriage is driving fast.

The horse is a burly horse with a height of three meters. The horse's strength has reached the level of the Earth's gods, and it can run for two days and two nights.

The carriage was driving fast and did not encounter the slightest beasts along the way.

It should be said that the beasts in front are all cleaned up by the demon.

"The luck is really good, there is no such thing as a fierce beast on the road!"

After driving for five hours, four middle-aged people looked at each other and said something strange.

"Before the convenience is the Bridge Forest Animal Park, we stop to eat something and then rush through the Bridge Forest Animal Park!"

Going to the front of a forest, a middle-aged man said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian said without hesitation.

Five carriages stopped and everyone started to take out the food.

There is a space ring, and food is very easy to carry for the powerful mainland.

"Before the convenience is the Bridge Forest Animal Park, the crisis is heavy, we must be vigilant!"

The young man walked down from the carriage and said to the young man beside him.

"There is a peak brother, I am not afraid of anything!"

The girl smiled and said to the youth.

"Do not worry, there is me!"

The young man nodded proudly and glanced at Wang Xian.

"Qiaolin Animal Park?"

Wang Xian looked at the position in front. Every tree was a few hundred meters high, and the foliage was very lush. At this time, it was afternoon, even inside, only a trace of light!

"Head of the king, it is not a wise choice to stay in the Bridge Forest Animal Park. We need to go out directly."

"Tomorrow's evening, we can just pass through the entire Bridge Forest Animal Park. During this period, I hope that you will be uplifted by the head of the king!"

A middle-aged man walked over to Wang Xian and said to him dignified.

"You can rest on the carriage, and the rest will be handed over to us!"

Wang Xian said indifferently.

"Okay, then we will hand it over to the head of the king!"

Middle-aged nodded, looked at Wang Xian, want to say something, but did not say it.

"set off!"

Ten minutes later, a group of people set off again and entered the Bridge Forest Park, which is like an abyss.

There is a black weed growing under the bridge forest beast, which looks a bit strange.

The depth of the weeds is even one meter deep.

Because of this, the hiring team without strength is absolutely afraid to step into the Bridge Forest Animal Park.

"Hey, head of the king, don't let your men be alert around? This is not a flat land!"

Entering the Bridge Forest Animal Park, several middle-aged people saw Wang Xian. They were still standing on the carriage, and their faces were somewhat ugly.

Some of them are chilly!

If they don't enter the Bridge Forest Animal Park, they are so careless, they can't say anything.

However, if you enter the Bridge Forest Animal Park and you are so careless, it is simply a behavior to find death.

Once, in the town of Qiaolin, a gold hiring group was destroyed in the Bridge Forest Animal Park.

The gold hiring group has three extraordinary sixth-order strengths, but it is still destroyed.

Now they even dare to be so careless, it is simply looking for death.

This makes them somewhat unbearable.

You are not so arrogant in the holy sea town, can you not be so careless?

How can such a hiring group be able to live to the present?

You are looking for death, we don't want to die!

After completing the two chapters, ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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