Chapter 939 This is our site

In the dark bridge forest beast, four middle-aged faces stared at Wang Xian with some embarrassment.

After entering the Bridge Forest Animal Park, the Xianfeng Employment Group still did not guard around, and they could not sit still.

This can be related to their life safety.

Wang Xian saw their look, frowned slightly, and stood up in the carriage: "You rest assured, we have our own warning method, there will be no problem!"

"Warning method? What warning method can you sit on the horse?"

A few middle-aged faces looked awkward and glanced at the king.

Everyone is sitting in the carriage, what can be the warning method?

"Well? What happened?"

At this time, the youth on the central carriage came out of the car and looked at the four middle-aged people with doubt.

"Young Master, we entered the Bridge Forest Animal Park, I hope they hired a group to send people to guard around, but they said they have a warning method, we are somewhat worried!"

Four middle-aged people quickly said.

"Head leader, we have to cross the Bridge Forest Animal Park, but it is not a joke, no warning, a fierce beast suddenly appeared in front, not to say that we ruined our spiritual grass?"

The youth face was embarrassed in an instant, and said directly to Wang Xian, who was very dissatisfied.

"Our Xianfeng Employment Group has been able to guarantee the completion of your mission. We have already placed warnings around us. You can walk with confidence!"

Wang Xian assured them again.

There are **** around them, and the safety is definitely beyond their imagination.

But he can't let the demon show them.

"Reassured, how can we be assured? Here is the Bridge Forest Animal Park, which is related to the lives of all of us. How do you let us rest assured that we are a gold hiring group? Do you not know how to perform tasks in the field?"

The youth’s face was a little bad and swept around.

"Hey, our lives can be precious. Your hiring team is best to be serious, otherwise we will complain to you after we arrive!"

A girl’s head was drilled inside the carriage, and some angry said to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian frowned, and they gestured toward the sword: "Two in front and two in the back!"


The four gold swordfish immediately went down the carriage and distributed them one after the other.


Wang Xianlu said with no expression to the four middle-aged.

"What attitude?"

The young people are somewhat dissatisfied with the attitude of Wang Xian, and said coldly.


The four middle-aged people looked at each other and nodded. They didn't want to be in trouble with the hiring team.

It’s really noisy, and it’s no good for them.

The carriage continued to drive, and soon the night came, the entire area was dark and full of moisture.

However, the night did not have much influence in front of the superpower, and continued to move forward.


Suddenly, there was a sound of screaming in front.

Four middle-aged faces changed dramatically: "Not good, it is the buzz of a powerful beast, stop now!"

Wang Xian’s eyes swept away, and his eyes sparkled with strange brilliance: “Go ahead, no problem!”

"This head of the king, carefully drive the ship for thousands of years, trouble you to let your hand go down and check it out!"

Several middle-aged faces said badly toward Wang Xian.

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded faintly, sitting on the carriage did not move.


Several middle-aged people saw Wang Xian as unmoved, and looked at each other with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

However, the roar of the beasts quickly disappeared, and after a few minutes of stagnation, the carriage continued to move forward.

On the way to the next, unimpeded, no vicious beast came to harass.

This made the four middle-aged people relieved a little, and they were really lucky.

Followed by them, they were a bit uncomfortable sweeping the sweeping kings.

"We are going to cross the Bridge Forest Animal Park soon, and we are lucky!"

A middle-aged man smiled loudly.

In less than ten minutes, it came out of the huge forest and there was a yellow land outside.

When I got here, it was basically safe.

The carriage rested for ten minutes and continued on. Four hours later, a wall appeared in the sight of everyone.

Qiaolin Town is similar to Shenghai Town and belongs to the important town.

"Come on, finally arrived, haha!"

"Go, I want you to have a good meal tonight!"

The faces of all the people were excited and the youth came out of the carriage and stood in the car, laughing and laughing.

"Young Master, the president is waiting for us at the East Gate. This time our harvest is huge!"

A middle-aged man said with excitement.

"Haha is!"

The youth is also full of pride, this time, the father will definitely reward him.

"Go, go into town!"

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, some hiring groups returned from the outside.

When I saw the carriage of the Wangxianqiao Forest Chamber of Commerce, I immediately opened a road.

Wang Xian is also smiling, although he said that there was some unpleasantness on the road, but he also arrived smoothly.

Seven million of the Chinese spirit stone to hand, this **** is completely worthwhile.

Moreover, when they were in the middle, they also hunted an extraordinary seventh-order beast.

"Haha, peak, not bad, very beautiful!"

Just then, a pleasant voice came, a burly middle-aged, wearing a white gown, greeted with a smile.

Behind him, followed by a dozen middle-aged people.

"Father, hey, this time it's a good luck!"

The young man walked down the carriage with a smile and said with a smile.

"Haha, luck is also part of the strength!"

Middle-aged laughed and said.

"Feng Shaoye, we will transfer the flames to prevent them from dying!"

An old man said with a smile, and waved at the people behind him.

"Okay, look, there is no death!"

The young man said with a smile.

"Good peak young master!"

The old man went to the carriage and opened a box.


However, soon the old man's face sank.

"Old Hong, what happened?"

In the middle age, I saw that the old man’s face was not good. He frowned and asked: “Is there a problem with the flames?”


The old man nodded slowly and opened a box: "After dying!"

"What? More than half died?"

When the young man heard the old man's words, his face was immediately embarrassed and he ran quickly.

"How... how can you die so much?"

The youth saw the flames of the preserved inside the box, and many of them had no flames above them, which represented death.

The flame flower with a value of 15 million yuan in the middle of the stone, the remaining value of six million Chinese stone is already good.

Moreover, this smuggled hiring commission is seven million Chinese spirits.

This makes the youth face a dramatic change.

"The flame flower itself is very difficult to save, and it is inevitable that more than half of it will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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