Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 945: Hand covering the sky 2

Chapter 945 only covers the sky 2

"Request an adult, grab all the people of the Xianfeng Employment Group, we must revenge for my father!"

Two middle-aged eyes with blood red again said to the old man.

This time, they Lin Jia can be said to be forced to a desperate situation.

How can they not think of Lin’s family, and the disaster will suddenly fall from the sky.

A gold two-star hiring group Xianfeng Employment Group.

A dragon assassin organization.

Directly subverted the foundation of their forest family for hundreds of years.

The pillars of their Lin family were assassinated, and 70% or 80% of the strong were assassinated.

When they heard Lin Feng’s report in the morning, they knew that their forest family’s disaster was coming.

They know how many enemies they have in the town of Qiaolin. They know that many people can't wait to destroy their Lin family.

But all along, the strength of the Nai Lin family, everyone does not dare to do it.

This time, they will never let go of this good opportunity.

Even if they don't hire a dragon assassin, they will suffer a terrible blow in the future.

Therefore, they can only succumb to the boat and only surrender to a strong person.

The mayor Lin Biao is the best choice. Lin Biao is the most powerful person in the entire bridge town.

Behind Lin Biao is the whole kingdom of the moon and moon. He is the minister of one side, and no one provokes him.

The killer organization does not dare to be an enemy of the entire kingdom.

The undercurrent of the biggest killer organization in the Xingyue Kingdom has provisions that do not accept the tasks of the officials of the Xingyue Kingdom.

In general, small killer organizations do not dare to offend a powerful kingdom empire.

Because if the kingdom is serious about revenge, the killer organization will also suffer a lot.

The killer organization pursues the interests, the interests are supreme, and they do not suit their interests. They will not do it.

"it is good!"

Lin Biao smiled and nodded: "Do not worry, they dare to assassinate Lin Lao brother, this hatred I will help you report!"

"You go to the house to prepare for it. In the afternoon, I will bring people to bring the people of the Xianfeng Employment Group to the past, and lead the neck to self-discipline, to sacrifice the spirit of the old brothers in the sky!"

Lin Biao is full of confidence.

"Xie Lin adults!"

Lin Jiayi said respectfully, and immediately followed the Lin Family House.

They calmly walked out of the mayor's house. After today, even if they can take revenge, their Lin family will also fall.

In the future, there will be no Linlin Chamber of Commerce Lin Family, only the mayor’s house.

"Oh, it’s really helping me!"

In the mayor's house, Lin Biao looked at them and his face showed an excited look.

"Congratulations to the adults, there will be two superior seventh-order powerhouses in the Lin family, and there will be Lin's industry. The majesty of our mayor's palace will cover the entire bridge town!"

An old man said flatteringly.

"Haha, this dragon assassin organization is really a time, really want to thank them!"

Lin Biao laughed: "You check the location of the Xianfeng hiring group. Before the night, grab them all and bring them to the Lin Family House!"

"Yes, adults!"

In the town of Qiaolin, in the absence of evidence, it is forbidden to arrest people.

However, Lin Biao did not care, Bridge Town, has always been his hand to cover the sky.

Even if it is killing a gold-level hiring group, what about?

Who dares to resist?


"What? People who appreciate good and punish evil, big evil, can be assassinated by crowdfunding, even after the Dragonbone hiring group has checked, you can assassinate at half price, isn't it? A killer organization actually has such a rule? This is simply... ”

"The Dragon Assassin organization is different from other killer organizations. They have three rules for not killing. I didn't expect that there is now a reward for good and evil, crowdfunder assassination, and half-price assassination. It is more and more special!"

"I always feel that the leader of this dragon assassin organization is kind, there are so many special rules!"

"In any case, the crowdfunding will kill the Lin family, you said, can we raise the mayor!"

In the afternoon, in the restaurant where Wang Xian lived, three or four members of the hiring group sat in a corner and talked. At the end, their voice suddenly became very small.

"Crowdfunding assassination of the mayor, your mother's whisper, if you are heard, you will be finished!"

"Okay, I will talk about the fact that the mayor and the Lin family have been sitting and doing things. If the price of food does not have the support of the mayor, how could it be sold so high, or we will try it!"

"Do you want to die?"

"We just try it, others won't know... or let's try it?"

When Wang Xian Ling Long passed the news of rewarding and punishing evil, everyone was shocked.

The special rules of the dragon thorns have surprised many people, and now they have made two more, which makes everyone a little dull.

But soon, a smile on a person's face, since it can be crowdfunding, then try it.

When the first person opened the crowdfunding mayor, everyone was stunned.

Nima? Want crowdfunder to assassinate the mayor, do you want to be so crazy?

What is even more shocking to everyone is that the crowds of assassinations of the mayors are getting more and more. In just one hour, they have reached 15 million Chinese spirits, and this number is still rising.

This made everyone stunned.

"There are eight people who have been killed by the crowds, and Lingshi has reached more than seven million Chinese spirits. It has already been assembled, but if the crowds assassinate the mayor, even if they really raise 50 million Chinese spirits. Stone, Dragon Thorns don't dare to do it!"

"Dragon thorns dare to assassinate the mayor? If you do it, this is a crime that offends the entire kingdom of the moon and the moon. If it is really big, the dragon thorns can't eat and walk, they should not dare!"

"Mom, anyway, I will add 10,000 Chinese spirits to the crowdfunding mayor, hoping to get rid of this vampire!"

"If the dragon thorns dare to assassinate the mayor, my mother will be the brain powder of the dragon thorn in the future!"

"I also believe that Dragon Thorns and other killer organizations are different. Since you have so many special rules, then we will support you to assassinate the mayor. Lin Biao is a scourge in Qiaolin Town and supports him to destroy him!"

Because crowdfunding belongs to the public area, communication can be exchanged through the stone plate, and the entire crowdfunding area is lively!

The Linlin Chamber of Commerce Lin Jia, the mayor of Lin Biao, has a very bad reputation in Qiaolin Town, and many people can't wait for them to die!

The crowdfunding area was full of excitement, and the spirit of the crowdfunding mayor gradually increased to more than 30 million Zhongpin Lingshi.

Although it is already very high, no one will think that the Dragon Spurs dare to assassinate the mayor!

"It's really interesting, the crowdfunding mayor!"

Wang Xian also paid attention to the crowdfighting assassination, and slowly shook his head.

The mayor seems to have done less bad things.

However, as they thought, Wang Xian did not want to assassinate the mayor. His identity is too special.

The Dragon Assassin organization is not weak, but there is no capital that can compete with the Xingyue Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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