Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 946: Unable to be heavenless

Chapter 946 cannot be heavenless

"The Dragon Spurs hiring group still has no way to kill anyone who wants to kill!"

Wang Xiankou muttered, so many people raised the town mayor, it can be seen how unpopular the mayor Lin Biao.

But the Dragon Thorough had to scruple the power of the Star Moon Dynasty.

In case the Xingyue Dynasty sent a strong person against the dragon thorn, although it will not be destroyed, it will also have a lot of trouble.

"I still don't do it!"

Wang Xian shook his head and looked at other tasks.

The most important task of assassination of Qiaolin Town is the assassination of the Lin family.

Not only the assassination of Lin Jiachao's fourth-order fifth-order powerhouse, but also several assassinations of the extraordinary first-order second-order mission.

This should be a disciple of Lin’s disciple who took advantage of Lin’s prestige, bullying others, and now being retaliated.

The Dragon Thorn took all these tasks.

In addition to the Lin family's mission, there are not many other tasks, only five or six. The highest task is to assassinate an extraordinary sixth-order hiring leader.

When I saw the head of the hiring group, Wang Xian felt familiar. Then I thought about the head of the hiring group that met with the Lin family at the door last night.

All the tasks were taken down, and Wang Xian ordered the dark line to start collecting commissions.

"The people of the Xianfeng Employment Group, you have been surrounded, and immediately rolled out!"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, suddenly, a snoring sounded outside, and Wang Xian’s whole person suddenly stopped!

Wang Xian was a little stunned and his face was wrong.

His eyes sparkled with strange brilliance and immediately looked around.

"this is?"

Wang Xian suddenly opened his eyes, his face was a little embarrassed to look around.

City Wei, the city guard of Qiaolin Town.

A total of more than a hundred people volleyed in front of the restaurant, standing in the center, standing an old man.

Wang Xian immediately recognized the old man.

Mayor Lin Biao!

"What are they doing?"

Wang Xian’s face was a bit unsightly, and his eyes swept over them.

"The Xianfeng Employment Group hired the Dragon Assassin to organize the assassination of the Lin family. The evidence is conclusive. From today, the remaining Lin family will join the mayor's house, hoping that some people will not be against the Xingyue Kingdom!"

At this moment, Lin Biao’s voice sounded.

He is making a verdict!

Be warned!

The first is to pronounce a sentence, the Xianfeng hiring group hired a killer to assassinate Lin Jiazhi, the evidence is conclusive.

The second is to warn and warn the dragon assassin organization. The rest of the Lin family is already the town of the mayor. If you do it again, pay attention!

In a word, it sounded around and everyone could hear it clearly.

Wang Xian’s face changed slightly, and his eyes showed a cold look.

He was stunned and his face was embarrassing and flew directly from the window to the ground. The sword was followed by everyone.

Wang Xian calmed his face and looked at Lin Biao in the sky: "Minor Lin, you said that my Xianfeng hiring group hired a killer to assassinate the Lin family, there is no evidence!"

"Evidence? I am the evidence, that is, you hired a killer to assassinate my father and they are all people, that is you!"

At this time, Lin Feng and Lin Jia came out with a dozen people, staring at Wang Xian with a bloodthirsty look, full of murderous martyrdom.

Wang Xian glanced at them, his eyes lifted up and looked at Lin Biao, who was expressionless. "Lin Zhen, can Lin Jia’s words be used as evidence?"

"The evidence is already solid. You can go back with us. If you have a flaw, go to the cell and say it!"

Lin Biao looked at Wang Xian with no expression, and said indifferently.

"Hey, the Xianfeng hiring group has to be taken away by the mayor!"

"This this..."

When everyone around saw this scene, they immediately realized that the mayor had to avenge the Lin family!

"Now the mayor is not only avenging the Lin family, but also warning the secret dragon assassin organization, prohibiting the killing of the Lin family!"

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect Lin Zhenchang to directly protect Lin's family. This is troublesome. Lin Zhenchang had no children in his early years and he had no relatives, so he was completely afraid of the dragon thorns. He also knew that the dragon thorns did not dare to assassinate. he!"

"This is trouble, **** it!"

"Well, I didn't expect the mayor to actually do this kind of thing. The dragon is not afraid of the power of the kingdom of the moon and the moon, and I dare not do it!"

A group of people around saw this scene, and heard the voice of Lin Biao, and their faces were embarrassed.

But there was a dead silence around, no one dared to speak out.

Calling Lin Biao is simply looking for death. He has a hundred ways to kill him.

Even Lin Biao, who controls the town’s array of law, is even more terrifying than the Dragon Assassin organization.

The dragon assassin may still need to assassinate, as long as he blocks an area, he can kill it directly!

Now the mayor is obviously going to protect the rest of the Lin family!

This made many people clench their fists.

Wang Xian stared at Lin Biao, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes: "Min, mayor, will take us away for no reason, is it worthy of a long town?"


Just after Wang Xian’s words were finished, there was a snoring sound from the side.

An old man standing beside Lin Biao stared at Wang Xian with anger: "A small hiring group dared to be so mad at the mayor, come and press me, if you dare to resist, kill!"

Next to Lin Biao is also staring coldly at Wang Xian, a flash of cold in his eyes.

He raised his head slightly, and the momentum of an extraordinary eighth-order powerhouse slowly moved toward Wang Xian.

"This Xianfeng hiring group is going to die!"

"Well, I provoked Lin Biao, this time I’m dead!"

"Unfortunately, such a hero, planted in our bridge town!"

A group of people around saw this scene, his face changed slightly.

"Kid, you are dead today!"

"I want to make you a thousand!"

In the middle of the road, Lin Feng’s face was stunned toward Wang Xian.

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over, and a group of city guards surrounded him, Lin Feng’s cursed.

Nearly 10,000 people have gathered around, but no one dares to say anything.

"Next, the crowds plan to assassinate the mayor!"

"Start assassination!"

"Today, the Dragon Assassin organization will let you know what is lawless!"

"Even if it is the mayor, I am anxious, and I dare to kill!"

Wang Xian looked at this scene, his face was cold, and his heart moved, and immediately ordered.

Assassinate the mayor!


A breeze, blowing from the air.

In the sky, red paper suddenly floated.

The dense red paper, people who don’t know, thought that someone was married and made red paper.

However, not.

Red pieces of paper fell in pieces.

Slowly, all the pieces of paper drifted toward the position of the mayor Lin Biao.

"what is that?"

On the street below, some people suddenly saw red paper appearing out of the sky, shouting in shock.

"This is this... This is the Congratulations Death Paper of the Dragon Assassin organization!"

"What? Is there a dragon assassin organization around? What is the dragon thorn?"

Everyone looked at it with a stunned look at the congratulations to the mayor of Lin Biao!

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(End of this chapter)

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