Invincible Evocation

Chapter 608: Promotion qualification

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The dark and cold night finally came, and the spirit beast group finally retreated before sunset after launching a day of frenzied attack. On this day, the battle between the two sides seemed to be finally on the right track. The human spirit and the orc shaman attacked in their own extreme ways. Large-scale spells contended against the orc spirit, and both sides suffered damage. As for the spirit beasts, they rushed to the head of the city to fight against the strong humans.

However, because of the existence of Rong Kaixuan, the spiritual talisman stored by humans has played an unexpectedly huge role, killing countless enemies on the battlefield, giving all humans the greatest surprise.

The battle between the human race and the orcs seemed to have a tacit agreement at the beginning, that is, once it gets dark, the two sides will stop and retreat. Although many beasts can exert more power in the dark night than in the daytime, the total number of such beasts is limited, and the number of beasts gathered under the city today cannot withstand the consumption of day and night siege. Once it was night, the two sides got a rare and valuable rest time.

Rong Kaixuan returned to the mansion with more than a thousand spirit bodies, and these spirit bodies spread out, filling several large yards full. Fortunately, these spirit bodies do not need to be taken care of, nor do they need to worry about their food, clothing, shelter, or transportation, otherwise it will be enough to make Rong Kaixuan a headache.

After a day of fighting, although the spiritual body suffered a lot of casualties, it also received a huge supplement, so it still maintained the scale of about a thousand people.

Pretending to cast a light healing technique, these spirit bodies gradually returned to their peak state. In fact, Rong Kaixuan did not make any sense to do so, because the real release of power is the special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer hidden in the dark.

Returning to the room, Rong Kaixuan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly saw Qi Duo Duo smiling with the special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer. They seemed to be discussing something.

Among the many special spirit bodies summoned by Rong Kaixuan, the special spirit body of the gatherer is undoubtedly the most intelligent. Although it was summoned the latest time, but for some reason, among the many special spirit bodies, there is actually a faint tendency to lead him, even if it is a copy of Xiao Hei, a special spirit of the little black snake at the level of the beast. Body, but also obedient to it.

"Duo Duo, Brother Juling, what are you talking about?" Rong Kaixuan asked casually.

Qi Duoduo turned his head, gave him a big smile, and said, "Brother, I'm asking him how far away the barrier can be controlled."

Rong Kaixuan was startled, and then he understood. He asked curiously: "How old?"

"It told me that it was about ten thousand miles away."

Rong Kaixuan was startled, he involuntarily took a breath, and exclaimed, "Ten Thousand Miles?" Although he had already been mentally prepared before, because he faintly felt that the spirit gatherer had a special spirit. The range of abilities controlled by the body must be far beyond the limit sensed by one's mental power. However, the distance that can reach tens of thousands of miles is still far beyond his estimation.

Thousands of miles, what a terrible concept that was, he had never thought of this possibility.

The special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer slowly said: "My cultivation is insufficient, if I can be promoted to a higher level, this distance can be expanded many times."

Rong Kaixuan's eyelids twitched, saying that the spirit body is the **** of the power of heaven and earth, possessing all kinds of incredible magical powers. If he had doubts before, then he would completely believe it at this moment.

Qi Duoduo smiled and said: "Brother, I just talked to Brother Juling, it told me good news."

Rong Kaixuan was startled, and asked in surprise, "What good news?"

The special spirit body of the spirit gatherer said in a deep voice: "During the battle with the orcs in the past two days, I found more than ten spirit bodies with growth aptitude. If they can be preserved in future battles, then they may Promoted to a special spirit body."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes widened suddenly, and he spent so long with the special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer. Although it had given himself many surprises and surprises, it was never as huge as this moment.

He knew very well that the spirits summoned by Liberty City this time were the most ordinary ones. If there was no special spirit body blessed by the spirit gatherer, then they would have disappeared long ago. However, now it says that among these spirit bodies, there are guys who can grow into special spirit bodies.

Rong Kaixuan knew very well what an uncontrollable uproar would be caused if others were to know about this. I'm afraid at that time, even the nameless ancestor could not keep him.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Kaixuan said: "Brother Juling, you are not mistaken."

The special spirit body of the gatherer shook his head and said: "Absolutely not, I can feel their growth."

Rong Kaixuan pondered for a while, touched the wooden bracelet in his hand, and said: "Brother Ju Ling, you have refined one hundred thousand innate level spirit talisman for me, among these spirits, are there any promotion to special spirits? What a good seed of aptitude."

The special spirit body of the gatherer proudly said: "Of course there are, and the ratio will be much higher."

Indeed, if the spirit talisman refined by an ordinary spirit gatherer can emerge something that can be promoted to a special spirit, then the spirit talisman from its hands is probably more likely.

A wry smile appeared on his face, and Rong Kaixuan realized that there was a trace of fear in his heart.

An ordinary spirit body is an ordinary spirit body, and a special spirit body is a special spirit body. Although both are spirit bodies, they can be said to be two completely different lives.

If the ordinary spirit body loses the protection of the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer, it will dissipate into heaven and earth spiritual power within a short hour, and return to the heaven and earth. But special spirit bodies are different. Not only can they be preserved for a long time, but they can also climb to a higher level through their own cultivation.

If ordinary spirit bodies are the ordinary spirit beasts, then special spirit bodies are equivalent to the existence of the beast level.

Rong Kaixuan can also be regarded as an outstanding spiritual being, and the magical use of spiritual gathering is amazing even in Pinbaotang. However, he has never heard of any examples of ordinary spirit bodies that can advance to special spirit bodies.

This statement is beyond the scope of his cognition.

Looking at the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer with a hint of arrogance in front of him, Rong Kaixuan finally understood why it is recorded in historical books that as long as there is such a powerful special spirit body, then there is hope to build a real spirit body empire. .

The greatest significance of the existence of the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer is not how many special spirit bodies can be summoned, but that a large number of ordinary spirit bodies can exist, and these spirit bodies can gradually grow through battle or other means.

The possibility of wanting to summon a special spirit body is extremely small, even the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer may not be able to summon much throughout the year. However, as long as it continues to expand the number of ordinary spirit bodies, even if it is one of a million, allowing them to advance to special spirit bodies, it is enough to form a huge special spirit body team.

What's more, the promotion ratio of ordinary spirit bodies it summons will certainly not be so different. If Rong Kaixuan hadn't made a mistake in his estimation, this ratio would give himself another huge surprise.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Kaixuan said: "Brother Juling, which spirit bodies have the qualifications for promotion, let them come." After a pause, Rong Kaixuan said: "The battlefield will still break out tomorrow, if they are fighting It would be a shame to die in the middle."

The special spirit body of the gatherer slowly shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I have been paying attention to them, and I will definitely not put them in any danger."

Rong Kaixuan was startled, and took a deep look at it, and he had a complete understanding of its capabilities.

However, he knew more and more that he must conceal the special spiritual body of the Spirit Gatherer. If it is accidentally leaked out, I am afraid that the world is so big that there will be no place for oneself.

Of course, if one day, his strength is so powerful that it surpasses the nameless ancestor, and even reaches the legendary realm of heaven, then taking out the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer, it is estimated that it will be like a tiger, no one dares to easily Deal with yourself.

Qi Duoduo tilted her head, smiling at the corner of her eyes, and the elf smiled weirdly, not knowing what she was thinking. Rong Kaixuan was not interested in telling anything at all, because he knew that even though Qi Duoduo was young, she had a good grasp of things. She would weigh which ones could be said and which could only be buried in her heart.

In the distance, there was a roar from time to time.

Although the orcs had never attacked, but with so many spirit beasts gathered together, it was absolutely impossible for them to be safe. However, after this period of adjustment, everyone in the city no longer feels shocked.

The special spirit body of the spirit gatherer took out a box and said, "This is my newly refined spirit body talisman, you can take it away."

Rong Kaixuan took it, and he opened it for a closer inspection, and the corner of his eye twitched slightly. Among these talismans, at least the special-class innate spirit talismans, and the proportion of incoming talismans has greatly increased. Now that it has refined ten talismans, 20% of them can reach the rank.

Compared with the original, this ratio has doubled. Although the special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer has no abilities and cannot be completely controlled, this growth rate is still shocking and inexplicable. Moreover, Rong Kaixuan believes that this ratio will continue to increase.

Just as Rong Kaixuan was full of emotion, there was a sudden movement in his rucksack. Xiao Hei's head came out from the middle, and there was a hint of danger in his body.

Rong Kaixuan was startled, and said in surprise, "Xiao Hei, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Hei's eyes turned, he looked around, and slowly said: "Strange, I clearly sensed a strange aura just now, why did it disappear in a blink of an eye?"

Rong Kaixuan and Qi Duoduo glanced at each other, both of them stunned.

Xiao Hei is a sacred beast, and it will definitely not aimlessly.

Qi Duoduo closed her eyes slightly, and she muttered something, as if she was calculating something. After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, pointed her finger to the side, and said, "There, the lurker..."

ps: Three shifts today.

In addition, the book "Wen Ke Cheng Dao" recommended by a friend, there is a through train on the page of Baihe, Xianxia, ​​although there are not many words, it can definitely be collected and raised^_^

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