Invincible Evocation

Chapter 609: Meng Yan reappears

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There is almost no moonlight in the dark night, and the thick clouds completely obscure the moon in the sky. However, for practitioners like Rong Kaixuan, as long as there is such a dim light, it is almost undoubted with daylight. Moreover, the spirits naturally have various means to enable night vision.

At this moment, after Qi Duoduo pointed out the direction, Rong Kaixuan rushed out without thinking. His movements were almost to the extreme, he almost walked out the window while his figure was shaking, and came under a bush.

This bush is the darkest place in the yard, even in the daytime, there is not much sunlight to shine through, let alone this moment.

But at the moment Rong Kaixuan rushed into the bush, an incomparable breath of terror suddenly exploded. The black air current rises into the sky, turning into infinite power to wrap around it.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes suddenly rounded, he had already seen clearly.

This is a giant tiger covered in black energy, staring at a pair of terrifying eyes, and there is a terrifying domineering spirit on his body.

However, it just stared at Rong Kaixuan with a pair of big eyes, and released its own breath to deter the enemy, but it did not take the initiative.

The little black snake sneered, and it opened its mouth to spray out the poisonous mist contained in it.

Although it didn't seem to put the opponent in its eyes, in fact, after sensing the breath of the opponent, it became extremely cautious. Because it sensed a power essence from the opponent that was already very close to it.

Although this tiger has not yet reached the exaggeration level of a divine beast, it is not too far apart. This shows that this beast must have a great relationship with the beast, and the blood in its body also contains a strong heritage of the beast.

However, just as its poisonous mist was about to spray out, a hand stretched out abruptly and pinched its mouth.

Xiao Hei's mouthful of poisonous mist was squeezed in his throat, almost choked to death by his own strength. It turned its head, looked at Rong Kaixuan angrily, and yelled: "You're getting nervous, it's all about throwing me into the Heavenly Dao Fist today. What's going on now?"

Its scream was heard in other people's ears as a "hissing", but Rong Kaixuan could hear it clearly.

However, at this moment, he didn't have the mood to deal with Xiao Hei at all. He grabbed Xiao Hei and didn't let it act rashly, but his eyes were staring at the giant tiger. This person and tiger seemed to have long been agreed, tacitly agreed. Looking at each other.

Xiao Hei yelled a few times, and instantly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. He turned his head to look at this person, his small eyes blinking inexplicably, as if thoughtful.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in the yard. A figure fell from the sky, and it was Mother Lin, who raised the long staff in her hand and slammed it towards the giant tiger's head silently.

The violent wind tremors, if it is smashed, even if it is the powerful body of this giant tiger, I am afraid that it will lie down for a while. However, the figure of the giant tiger swayed slightly, and the ghostly energy on his body was rippling, spreading like a wave.

Madam Lin's rod was powerful, but it passed by the giant tiger lightly, as if it was deliberately missed, without causing any harm to it.

Mother Lin was shocked, she also hurried over when she sensed the breath of a giant tiger. Seeing the confrontation between Juhu and Rong Kaixuan, she naturally would not stand idly by. But I didn't expect this giant tiger to slip so far, making her miss.

Just when she raised the staff again and wanted to continue pursuing, she heard Rong Kaixuan yell softly: "Sister, wait a minute."

Madam Lin hesitated for a moment, but stopped and said, "Master Rong, what's your order?"

Rong Kaixuan hurriedly said: "I dare not be told, but it is my friend, please don't hurt it."

"It's your friend?" Mother Lin looked incredulous. When she felt the terrifying aura on the giant tiger, even she felt extremely dangerous. How could such a fierce beast be Rong Kaixuan? What about friends.

"Mother, this is my brother's business, let's go." I don't know when Qi Duoduo has already walked out. She smiled and pulled Madam Lin's sleeve, smiled at the giant tiger, and turned away.

Mother Lin frowned, but since the young lady had spoken, she could only do what she ordered.

Seeing the two of them leave, Rong Kaixuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Brother Meng, is that you?"

The ghostly spirit on the giant tiger quickly turbulent, and its eyes showed a trace of doubt and struggle. It seemed that Rong Kaixuan's words evoked a memory deep in his heart and trembled.

Rong Kaixuan's face changed slightly, and he immediately understood that something mutation that he did not know must have happened to this giant tiger, otherwise such strange things would never happen.

Xiao Hei licked his mouth and said, "This guy should be a lunatic. Why don't you let me eat it." It spit out a red tongue with a look of dissatisfaction, and said, "It has the blood of the extremely deep tiger in its body. And it's very rich, if I eat it, it will be great for me."

Rong Kaixuan said dumbfounded: "Don't talk nonsense, this is my good friend."

Xiao Hei snorted softly, and said, "You never said that you have a friend with a sub-shen beast."

Rong Kaixuan smiled bitterly, but he couldn't explain it to him, he could only concentrate his energy on the giant tiger.

After a full quarter of an hour, the trembling body of the giant tiger finally calmed down slowly. When it opened its eyes again, there was finally a look in those eyes that made Rong Kaixuan feel familiar.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up, and he said with surprise: "Brother Meng."

Although Qi Duoduo once assured him, Meng Yan is still alive in the world. However, before seeing it with his own eyes, Rong Kaixuan always had a trace of doubt in his heart. That day, after hearing the familiar whistling sound on the head of the city, he suspected that the creature that made the whistling sound had something to do with Meng Yan.

Now that he can see the giant tiger in Meng's mansion, he is even more sure.

The giant tiger stepped back a little, it grinned, just refused to make a sound.

Whether it was the giant tiger or Rong Kaixuan, they lowered their voices as much as possible, except for Qi Duoduo and Mother Lin, no one was disturbed anymore.

The Giant Tiger and Xiao Hei Shi Cai also fully restrained their breath and power range. Otherwise, if these two guys are facing each other, even if Rong Kaixuan wants to cover up, it is absolutely impossible.

Rong Kaixuan looked at Juhu's eyes, and he would never forget those familiar eyes. Taking a deep breath, he said: "Brother Meng, do you remember me? Go to the Orcs to find the Nine Reincarnated Heart Grass Rong Kaixuan with you."

Juhu's body trembled again, and the familiar light in his eyes finally slowly recovered. Then, it just stood up like this, and the ghost aura on its body became more and more intense. After the fluctuations for a while, those ghost auras surged crazily toward its body.

In just a moment, the ghost aura that was permeating was reduced by more than half, and the giant tiger's body shape was also undergoing tremendous changes at this time, slowly shrinking into a human body.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes trembled slightly, and his heart throbbed because of the excitement.

"Brother Meng, I have known for a long time, you must be alive." Vaguely, tears appeared in his eyes. He clenched his fists tightly, as long as Meng Yan was still alive, then no matter what he became, it was fine.

Finally, the tiger man completely transformed himself, and the familiar face appeared in front of Rong Kaixuan. However, when he was completely transformed, he was staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Rong Kaixuan's face changed slightly, and he stepped forward to hold him.

Meng Yan raised his head, his eyes had already recovered a piece of clarity. Looking at Rong Kaixuan, he smiled and said, "Kaixuan, you have also improved."

Rong Kaixuan nodded heavily, his voice was a bit astringent, and said, "Brother Meng, how could you become like this."

Meng Yan smiled and said, "Triumphantly, I can survive, but in fact, there should be more girls."

Rong Kaixuan was startled, and said in surprise: "Duo Duo?"

"Yes, before we entered the orc realm, she gave me a practice technique. After I fell into the abyss with the Great Abyss Earth Tiger, we swallowed its flesh and blood and refined its body."

Although Meng Yan said it lightly, Rong Kaixuan knew that it must have gone through untold hardships and even crisis. He was able to survive in the end, and he was lucky enough to pay the sky.

"Brother Meng, but your body..."

Meng Yan gave a wry smile and said, "I don't know what's going on." He sighed softly: "After I swallowed the Tiger of the Abyss, my head was chaotic and I didn't remember anything." He paused. Continued: "This time with the beast wave coming to Liberty City, I remembered something faintly. Taking advantage of the chaos, you finally awakened the memory."

Xiao Hei sneered beside him, and said, "Huh, you humble human being who has swallowed the flesh and blood of the beast branch, but hasn't been assimilated by the beast bloodline. It's already pretty good. You want to control the body of the beast. It's really overwhelming."

Rong Kaixuan turned his head angrily, and said, "Xiao Hei, I am also a human being, am I also humble?"

The little black snake was stunned, and he was speechless.

However, Rong Kaixuan understood it, although Meng Yan survived because of a coincidence. However, the body he swallowed was too strong, and as a result, it was backlashed, so it became what it is now. This is because Meng Yan has mastered the power of the soul and is extremely determined. Otherwise, even if he is alive at this moment, he is completely incarnate as the Jiyuandihu, and he has no human memory and feelings anymore.

Meng Yan smiled bitterly, and said: "Triumphant, it is right, hehe, I can't imagine that I can refine a mythical beast. This is a great opportunity."

Xiao Hei rolled his eyes hard, cursing in his heart, if it was a real beast, then the only result after the kid swallowed it was his body exploded, and there was no other possibility. However, he is still alive at the moment, which is not a big miracle.

Meng Yan opened his mouth. When he was about to speak, his face changed again. The ghost spirit that had been suppressed on his body was overflowing again, and his face twitched violently, even between the human face and the tiger face. Faintly changed...

ps: second more

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