Invincible Evocation

Chapter 610: Confusion

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Rong Kaixuan's face changed drastically, and his thoughts moved, and a milky white light suddenly rushed into his body. The light healing spell was released in his hands without hesitation.

However, he soon discovered that his power didn't seem to be of much help to Meng Yan at this moment.

Meng Yan's face was terrifying and terrifying, and the aura on his body was ups and downs. First, his face changed, and then even his body convulsed.

Xiao Hei blinked, and its wings suddenly opened under its armpits, and a strange force was released and circled them. The power of the beast is mysterious and unpredictable. Under Xiao Hei’s protection, Meng Yan’s uncontrollable aura was circled in the yard by Xiao Hei, as if there was an invisible imprisonment, not even a trace of it was leaked out. .

Therefore, inside and outside Liberty City, although the strong are like clouds, even the unnamed ancestor-level characters have not discovered the abnormality here. Of course, somewhere in the distance, the Buddha with the bloodline of the sky-reaching floating python in his body was faintly found a trace of abnormality.

However, because of the huge suppression of bloodlines and other levels, it dare not approach this place at all.

A large amount of cold sweat broke out on Meng Yan's forehead. He was breathing heavily, and huge goose bumps that were visible to the naked eye started on his body. The creaking of his fists were screaming, and he was enduring great pain. .

Rong Kaixuan suddenly raised his head and said, "Xiao Hei, do you have a way?"

Xiao Hei was taken aback for a moment and muttered: "Why should I help him."

Rong Kaixuan glared at him, and said, "You are helping me, can't you?"

Xiao Hei snorted. Although he felt a little dissatisfied, he stepped forward and sighed at Meng Yan. Its breath is generally thick black, but this breath spit out with a faint fragrance.

Strangely enough, when the strange fragrance reached Meng Yan's nose, his expression immediately eased. Soon, the lumps on his body healed one by one, and the clarity in his eyes was restored again.

"Triumphantly, the evil spirit of the Jiyuandihu is extremely fierce, I am afraid it will not last long." Meng Yan nodded gratefully towards Xiaohei, and said: "After seeing Liberty City, I have been awake twice, but every time I can The awake time is very short. Therefore, I dare not come in to see you at all." He pointed to his head and smiled bitterly: "Once I lose my mind, I will become a real Extreme Abyss Earth Tiger. The orcs work."

Xiao Hei interjected: "Hmph, this is the evil result of you devouring the blood of the beast branch. The power of this backlash will gradually increase. Now your consciousness as a human can wake up temporarily, but it will soon disappear completely." It flicked its tail, and said, "My enchantment won't last long. You can explain it quickly, and then go out of the city. Otherwise, you will be beaten to death here."

When Meng Yan became a tiger in the extreme abyss, he used the sound of tiger roar to fight against Rong Kaixuan's light healing technique. I don't know how many human powers died because of this, so most people hate it. If people knew that this extremely deep earth tiger sneaked into Freedom City, even Rong Kaixuan might not be able to keep it.

Rong Kaixuan's face sank slightly, and said, "Xiao Hei, do you have a way to remove the hidden danger from Brother Meng?"

The little black snake hummed a few times, and said unwillingly: "If I have grown up and want to eliminate the extreme tiger consciousness from him, it will be easy. But now, at most, it is temporarily suppressed. , But it’s impossible to eradicate it."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up and said, "When will you grow up?"

Xiao Hei tilted his head, thought about it seriously, and said, "If everything goes well, it will be about a thousand years."

Rong Kaixuan squatted his mouth a few times, only then did he understand that the world of sacred beasts was not understandable by mortals like himself. Thousands of years later, he and Meng Yan are afraid that the dust will return to the dust long ago, and the dirt will return to the ground, and then they will have to eliminate the fart.

Meng Yan coughed a few times, and said: "Triumphant, I am already satisfied if I can come back alive this time to take a look." He patted Rong Kaixuan's shoulder and said: "I have seen your performance, and I am relieved. "

Rong Kaixuan's heart trembled, and he faintly heard an ominous feeling from these words of Meng Yan.

"Triumphant, since I can't suppress the consciousness of the Great Abyss Tiger, one day the consciousness belonging to humans will disappear completely, then..."

"No." Rong Kaixuan waved his hand and interrupted him, saying: "Brother Meng, that is impossible. You must be able to fully recover."

Xiao Hei gave a "pouch" sneer, just looking at Rong Kaixuan's indignant gaze, and finally endured it, and stopped mocking. But, it secretly said in its heart. What is a sacred animal, even if it is just a branch, is far more powerful than humans.

It is already quite remarkable that this human consciousness can accidentally wake up under the suppression of the extreme tiger consciousness. This is because he is extremely strong-minded and has unresolved concerns. However, once you lose your mind and perseverance, you will gradually be assimilated by the extreme tiger's consciousness and eventually disappear completely.

At that time, this person is equivalent to death.

This process is not something that can be redeemed by humans. Without the power of the beast level, there is no way to save him. However, looking at the anxiety and sadness on Rong Kaixuan's face, it only muttered in his heart, but did not directly speak out to dampen his confidence.

Meng Yan squeezed Rong Kaixuan's hand and smiled bitterly: "Kaixuan, my own body is not clear yet." He pointed to his head and said: "My consciousness has always been vague, if It's not that I came to Liberty City suddenly, I'm afraid I don't even have a chance to wake up. But even so, my wakeful time is getting shorter and shorter now." He held Rong Kaixuan's hand harder and harder and said: "Triumphant, You are now strong enough to no longer need my protection. But I hope you do two things for me..."

Rong Kaixuan shook his head flatly, and said without thinking: "Brother Meng, I won't promise you any request." His eyes are piercing, and he said: "Whether you are taking care of Grandpa Jiexuan or taking care of your sister-in-law, you need yourself. Do it, I can't help you."

Meng Yan was stunned for a moment, with a wry smile on his face, and said, "You little fellow, finally become smart."

Xiao Hei blinked to the side and said in his heart: Rong Kaixuan is still quite smart. If he readily agreed, this kid would have his wish, and he doesn't want to be the Jiyuan Tiger again, I'm afraid he will be killed immediately.

Rong Kaixuan clasped his backhand and felt the power from Meng Yan's hands. He condensedly said: "Brother Meng, I know you are very bitter and difficult now. But I assure you that a solution will be found. Let you dignifiedly transform back into a human body." His gaze was unwavering, and he said: "You used to be like this to save me. If you can't recover, I will not stop."

Meng Yan took a deep look at Rong Kaixuan. He slowly stood up and said: "Okay, Kaixuan, if you have the ability, please help me. Hey, if possible, I don't want to give up." He raised his head and smiled and said: "Tai Xuan, in fact, I know that if I die, you will take care of them, right?" After that, he stood up and gently pushed away Rong Kaixuan's hand and body. While the shape was shaking, he was once again concealed in the dark night.

Rong Kaixuan stepped forward and wanted to chase it out. But Xiao Hei said behind him: "You better let him go."

Rong Kaixuan was taken aback, turned around, and said angrily: "Why?"

"If he stays here, he will definitely change back to the Extreme Abyss Earth Tiger, and he will still be the Extreme Abyss Earth Tiger that has lost human consciousness. What do you think the consequences will be?" Xiao Hei said slowly.

Although it is not yet an adult, the sacred beast has the memory of its parents, and sees some things more thoroughly than Rong Kaixuan.

Rong Kaixuan was stunned for a while, he sighed, pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "I must let him recover."

Xiao Hei slowly flicked his tail, looking like you were impossible.

Rong Kaixuan snorted softly and said, "You can't help it, but the ancestor may not have it."

Xiao Hei laughed and said: "What is that human ancestor, is his cultivation level still enough for our divine beast? Hmph, if he has been promoted to the heaven, maybe there is still a little possibility, but It’s a pity that he has never thought about it in his entire life." It arrogantly said: "You know what a beast is, even if the branch is not something you can understand, here, there is no... well, maybe someone can. Think of a way."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up and he quickly said, "Who is it?"

Xiao Hei hesitated and said, "The girl who has mastered the power of time, if she is willing to help, maybe there is a way."

"Duo Duo?" Rong Kaixuan looked surprised, he never expected this answer.


Suddenly, a shrill roar rang above the city. This is a tiger roar, and the voice full of majesty spread across the sky.

Suddenly, the beasts in the distance roared, echoing the tiger roar above the city. And almost at the same time, the whole city became very lively, and countless powerful people rushed toward the city.

They cursed in their hearts, this group of beasts is endless, and now they will not let it go even at night.

Rong Kaixuan listened carefully, and then slowly let out a sigh of relief. Because he heard clearly, the roar of the tiger is gradually disappearing, so although the roar of the group of beasts is huge, there is no real danger.

This is Meng Yan saying goodbye to him, and the roar of the distant tigers smelled of desolation and sadness, making Rong Kaixuan's heart aching.

He stared into the distance. Although his gaze could not be far away in the dark night, his eyes gradually became firmer.

Turning around, Rong Kaixuan headed towards the seven blossoming courtyard.

Xiao Hei twisted his body behind his back, swept his tail, and said, "Hey, she should have a way, isn't someone who can master the power of time is omnipotent?"

Below Xiao Hei, the treasure hunter nodded as if not understanding, and the blood-red eyes turned steadily, revealing a hint of weird color.

ps: The third thing is that this is still yesterday, and there are 12 chapters to be paid this month.

I recommend another book, "Ao Lin City", you know the type by listening to the name^_^. More than two hundred thousand words, you can take a look.

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