Invincible Evocation

Chapter 643: Late congenital

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In the spacious and bright room, Rong Kaixuan sat quietly in a corner, his body was surging, and his true energy was surging in his body like clouds and mist.

Although the battle of the beast tide did not last very long, to Rong Kaixuan, it seemed to have gone through a long time.

The release of the Light Healing Element gave him an unimaginable improvement in his ability to get out of his body. Several face-to-face confrontations with Grandmaster-level spirit beasts and the final struggle with the ancestor-level powerhouse Dieying made him reborn. General change.

This kind of change is not only reflected in his consciousness and spiritual world, but even his own cultivation level has risen, reaching a point of overflowing.

Calm down and feel the constant changes in the strength of the body, the transformation and communication of the true energy and spiritual strength in the body, and it grows slowly and firmly.

In the body of this average person, these two forces are incompatible and belong to different systems of energy. However, Rong Kaixuan has already blended them. No, it may be said that this is not fusion, but just being able to exchange with each other.

When the true energy is exhausted, spiritual power can be converted into true energy. In the same way, true energy can also be converted into spiritual power. They are independent of each other and harmonious with each other. It is precisely because of this that Rong Kaixuan's cultivation base is at least one level higher than that of the same level.

Even if a pinnacle congenitally fought with him in a war of attrition, and eventually fell first, it must be the figure who thinks he is strong.

Around Rong Kaixuan's body, a small energy vortex gradually formed, and a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual power swarmed in, making his whole person a glimmer of light.

When Xiao Hei turned into a divine beast, the spiritual power absorbed by the heaven and the earth was incredible. At that time, all the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth seemed to be absorbed by it. Even the nameless ancestor and the Buddha could not sense the existence of the spiritual power of the heaven and the earth.

However, it was precisely because Xiao Hei was so good at sucking that it caused the backlash of the power of heaven and earth. If you want to fight against this kind of backlash, either Xiao Hei bursts to death, or the spiritual power of this world is completely gone.

Although Xiao Hei, who had just been promoted to the beast, looked extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, he still couldn't compete with the whole world. Therefore, it was forced to leave this world.

And after Xiao Hei left, the spiritual power of heaven and earth surging everywhere gradually filled the area like a dry desert, making it full of vitality again.

At this time, Rong Kaixuan devoted all his energy to the cultivation of his own power. His face became more and more flushed, and the whole person seemed to melt into the dense mist. This is a manifestation of true energy and spiritual power boiling to the extreme.

Gradually, the scope of his influence slowly expanded, beyond the limits of the room, and spread to the courtyard.

This overflowing energy blends with the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, continuously transforming and communicating, until it reaches the point of fusion.

In the yard, two special spirits are guarding silently.

One of them is naturally the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer, and the other is the grandmaster-level special spirit body fighter who once wanted to assassinate Rong Kaixuan, but in the end turned back.

Although the strength of the special spirit body fighter has reached the master level, it is far above the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer. However, at this moment it willingly stood behind the special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer, like the most loyal bodyguard.

Not only that, there are still 10,000 innate spirit bodies around the yard.

After the tide of beasts, the number of remaining innate spirit bodies is extremely large, reaching a shocking number of 90,000. However, even if Rong Kaixuan was ignorant, he knew that he couldn't keep so many spirit bodies. Therefore, he let the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer relieved the protection of 80,000 innate spirit bodies and returned their power to the heaven and earth.

And among the remaining ten thousand innate spirit bodies, nearly half of them have special features. According to the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer, as long as they exist, one day they will incarnate into a semi-special spirit body. Although this kind of spirit body is inferior to the real special spirit body, it can also exist for a long time between heaven and earth.

These spirits surrounded Meng's mansion with their protection. Unless it is an ancestor-level powerhouse, there is no chance that anyone can threaten Rong Kaixuan's safety.

At this time, after sensing the change of spiritual power in the yard, the brows of the special spiritual body of the spiritual gatherer slightly frowned. Without seeing it making any movements, five ordinary innate spirit bodies stepped forward and came to the vortex of power that permeated the courtyard.

Here, is the junction of Rong Kaixuan's overflowing power and heaven and earth spiritual power, and the spiritual power changes here are extremely intense. As soon as these five ordinary innate spirit bodies arrived here, their entire bodies burst open with a bang, and turned into the purest heaven and earth spiritual power in the world.

Suddenly, the speed of spiritual power exchange here has accelerated several times, and Rong Kaixuan's true energy spiritual power is like taking a thousand-year-old big tonic pill, and it has suddenly improved a lot.

After a long time, five ordinary innate spirit bodies came forward. Under the command of the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer, the intensity of spiritual power here is far better than that of ordinary areas.

I don't know how long it took, and finally a long howling sound came from the house. This whistling sound rushed straight into the sky, endless, and there was a strong sense of catharsis. It seemed that someone had all the dissatisfaction in their hearts erupted out of this whistle.

Almost everyone in Liberty City heard this long howl.

However, the vast majority of people looked at each other, and they didn't know who had the courage to yell here. However, just by listening to the surging and strong momentum in the howling, you know that this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

Countless city guards in charge of public security came here following the howling aggressively. However, when they saw that the howling was coming from Meng's mansion, everyone looked at each other and then disappeared quietly.

Just kidding, with their guards, do you still want to control Master Rong Kaixuan? They finally survived the beast tide, but they don't want to find their way to death inexplicably.

Because they all know that if Master Rong Kaixuan misses...yes, as long as they die in the hands of Master Rong, then there is only one answer, and the miss is killed.

And after they die, at most they will get generous pensions, and no one will avenge them.

Therefore, the city guards came and went faster, just like the disturbing noise that still circulates in Freedom City today.

In Liberty City, all the master-level powerhouses who heard the howling were looking in the direction of Meng Mansion with complex faces. They faintly heard something from the howling.

Jiang Haiyan laughed dumbly and said: "This kid, he has advanced so soon, it is really surprising."

Ao Lidi shook his head slightly and said, "City Lord Jiang, are there few miracles shown by Rong Kaixuan this time? We shouldn't be so surprised."

Jiang Haiyan was startled, she sighed softly, and said: "He has grown to such a level." There was infinite emotion in her words.

After the battle of the beast tide, almost all the people who participated in the war were equivalent to traveling around the ghost gate. After the battle of life and death, there will often be breakthroughs. Especially for those who have stayed at the top of the realm for a long time, it is the best time to break through.

However, because of Xiao Hei's incarnation of a divine beast, the spiritual power of heaven and earth here is far less intense than before. If you want to restore to the previous level, I am afraid that it will take more than a year to wait slowly.

Therefore, although there were many people practicing in retreat after the war, among those with innate or above, no one could advance. Rong Kaixuan is undoubtedly the first person to break through congenital.

Thinking that when this kid first entered Liberty City, he was only a district teacher-level cultivation base, but now he is already so strong, it is natural that Jiang Haiyan and other Liberty City masters have mixed feelings.

Ao Lidi hugged a fist to Jiang Haiyan and said, "City Lord Jiang, since the beast tide has passed, then I will leave."

Jiang Haiyan was startled and smiled: "Brother Ao, didn't you and I have agreed to a battle?"

Ao Li sighed softly, and said faintly, "After seeing the power of the beast, is it necessary for you and me to fight?"

He made an appointment with Jiang Haiyan to break through his own limits and lay the foundation for attacking the realm of the ancestors. However, the appearance of Xiao Hei, and the omnipotent power it showed, the impact on them, the masters, was too strong.

Such creatures as divine beasts are terrifying existences that even this world cannot contain. But they witnessed the growth of the beast with their own eyes.

This is an extremely rich experience, even if it is a hundred battles between Ao Lidi and Jiang Haiyan, even if they observe ten times of desperate fights of ancestor-level powerhouses, it cannot be compared with this experience.

Therefore, the life and death struggle of the same level seems to have become unnecessary.

Jiang Haiyan smiled slightly and said, "In that case, Brother Ao is going all the way."

Ao Li nodded, he laughed, and said, "The imperial families of Qi and Zhang did not come here this time. It is absolutely beyond regret. Haha, City Lord Jiang, I hope that when we meet next time, you and I can change our identities. Speaking." He turned around and strode away.

Jiang Haiyan naturally understood what he meant, her eyes flickered, thinking of the scene where Xiao Hei turned into a beast. Unlimited reveries suddenly appeared in my heart, and it was definitely a great opportunity to be able to witness the scene at that moment.

Of course, she didn't expect that she could rise to this level all at once. But with this experience, it is of great help for her to hit the realm of ancestors.

Just as she continued to ponder, she heard a slight, almost nothing sound in her ears.

"Haiyan, give an account of the city's affairs, let Quenching Star preside over, and you come into the wind tunnel."

Jiang Haiyan's face changed slightly. Of course she knew that it was the voice of an unknown ancestor. But why let Quenching Star preside over Liberty City?

She didn't dare to neglect, she immediately ordered to go down, and rushed to the wind tunnel at the fastest speed after handing over the burden.

ps: There will be three shifts today, but Baihe is going out now, and the third shift is estimated to be very late. Please watch again tomorrow morning. Thank you……

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