Invincible Evocation

Chapter 644: Rong Dun

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Rong Kaixuan took a long breath and walked out of the room. His energy was vigorous, and his eyes sparkled. Around him, a sharp breath filled. This is the powerful aura of the late innate, whether it is true qi or spiritual power, he has taken a step further than before.

Moreover, he has a special feeling that his current self is only insufficiently accumulated, once he has accumulated enough strength, he can continue to advance like a broken bamboo.

Of course, this world is rare. If he wants to fulfill his promise with Xiaohei, he will definitely need to work harder.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he immediately noticed the strange changes in the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth. Especially in the area centered on him, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is obviously much stronger. It is precisely because of being in this special environment that he can easily break through to the late innate period.

As soon as his eyes turned, he immediately understood where these rich spiritual powers of heaven and earth came from. Nodded slightly towards the special spirit body of the gatherer, and said: "Brother Juling, thank you very much."

When he said this, his gaze even glanced at the Grandmaster-level special spirit combatant.

Two special spirit bodies stepped forward, and the special spirit body of the gatherer said solemnly: "You don't have to worry about it, it will never hurt you."

Rong Kaixuan gave a wry smile and said, "You actually have the ability to command other special spirit bodies. I didn't expect it."

An extremely rare smile appeared on the face of the special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer Gu Jing Bubo, saying: "Except for the special spirit body above the ancestor level, once the other spirit bodies enter my range, they will not go against me. Will."

The corners of Rong Kaixuan's mouth twitched slightly. Of course, he understood how wide the scope of the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer was. With a slight movement in his heart, he said, "In that case, why didn't you directly order it to fight in the first place."

The special spirit body of the spirit gatherer naturally said: "You did not let me direct it to fight, and it is a special spirit body with its own will, unless it is unavoidable, I will not order it to force it."

Rong Kaixuan gave a wry smile, having to say that the worldview of the spirit body is really different from that of their human beings.

Turning his gaze, he faced the grandmaster-level special spirit combatant and said, "Why are you killing me?"

Although this grandmaster-level special spirit fighter finally saved his life, its original intention was to kill itself. If it weren't for the special spirit body of the emperor in the spirit body to react quickly and give orders in an instant, then Rong Kaixuan would undoubtedly die.

Thinking of this, Rong Kaixuan became more and more grateful for the far away Meng Yan.

If it hadn't been for him to come for a deterrent, the special spirit body of the Spirit Gatherer might not have time to order a counterattack. It can be said that his life was really recovered.

The special spirit fighter said coldly: "In order to fulfill my promise, I want to assassinate you."

"Promise?" Rong Kaixuan was startled and said: "Who asked you to kill me."

"Gu Yiyu."

The special spirit fighter did not hesitate to sell that person clean.

"Gu Yiyu, from the ancient family..." Rong Kaixuan's voice suddenly chilled, and his eyes were cold and gloomy.

The ancient family is really lingering, but the ancient family of Donghua County has long been wiped out with the cooperation of the eight great masters, but it is unexpected that there are still fish that slip through the net.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Where is Gu Yiyu now?"

"He is far away from Donghua County, and he is nowhere to be found." The Special Spiritual Fighter said coldly.

Rong Kaixuan asked for half a day. In front of the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer, no matter what he asked, the other party would give a complete and detailed answer. And Rong Kaixuan finally understood the relationship between this special spirit fighter and the ancient family.

Hundreds of years ago, a great elder of the ancient family and the owner of this spiritual body were friends of life and death. And this spirit body owner had confessed before his death, let the spirit body guard the ancient house as much as possible.

However, this time the ancient disaster came too fast, and under the joint hands of the eight great masters, the guarding mountain formation was completely shattered. Therefore, the ancient family had no time to ask for help. However, Gu Yiyu, who had escaped a catastrophe, invited this grandmaster-level special spirit combatant who lived in the mountains while he was far away from Donghua County.

And this spirit body did not live up to the expectations of its previous master and Gu Yiyu. After Baba arrived in Liberty City, it lurked down and was looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

Its existence time is almost as long as the nameless ancestor, and it has a thorough understanding of everything about the human race. Therefore, the timing of its choice is surprisingly consistent with Cheng Bo. But it is a pity that it will encounter the special spirit body of the emperor spirit gatherer in the spirit body, so in the end it not only fell short, but personally saved Rong Kaixuan's life.

Shaking his head slightly, Rong Kaixuan also smiled bitterly. If it weren't for these causes and consequences, he couldn't think of it.

However, he shuddered when he thought of a master-level powerhouse hiding in the dark, ready to ambush himself like a viper.

With his gaze condensed, he said: "Since you have missed, what do you plan to do now."

He made up his mind, if this guy still refuses to give up revenge for the ancient family, then even if the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer is face to face, he will find a way to kill it.

Based on his cultivation in the late congenital stage, it was ridiculous that he dared to slay a great master without shame. However, he has this confidence.

The special spirit combatant said without hesitation: "I have already made a move, which is considered to have repaid my promise to the ancient family. Since it has not succeeded, then I will not make a move anymore." It turned its head and looked at the special spirit gatherer. The spirit body faintly showed a faint zeal in his eyes, and said: "My wish is to guard your side."

Rong Kaixuan's heart loosened, he was greatly surprised, and said, "Why?"

The special spirit combatant glanced at him disdainfully and said: "Because it is the future of our spirit body, and only by its existence can we establish a country that belongs to our spirit body."

Rong Kaixuan was stunned for a moment. After the tide of beasts, he finally understood why it is recorded in ancient books that only the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer can create the spirit body kingdom.

He had always thought that the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer would continuously create special spirit bodies and establish a kingdom of special spirit bodies. But now he has understood that as long as this guy exists, then all spirit bodies within a certain range are not in danger of dissipating, and there are some ordinary spirit bodies that can advance to the state of semi-special spirit bodies.

This is where the real value of the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer lies.

"I don't need your protection." The special spirit body of the spirit gatherer said suddenly: "Beside me, there are ten thousand innate spirit bodies. No one can hurt me unless the ancestors come." Pointing to Rong Kaixuan and said: "I want you to protect him, because once he dies, I will also turn into dust."

The special spirit fighter took a deep look at Rong Kaixuan, and said, "Yes, yes."

Rong Kaixuan touched his nose and went around. This grandmaster-level powerhouse who once wanted to take his life eventually became the most powerful bodyguard around him. This wonder of fate is really elusive.

If it were a strong human being, Rong Kaixuan might not be able to believe it, but as a spirit body, Rong Kaixuan never doubted anything.

Because it has proved its loyalty to the special spirit body of the spirit gatherer on the city, as long as it comes from the order of the spirit gatherer, even if it is contrary to its will, it will not hesitate to give up its will and obey of.

"Well, since you are going to be by my side in the future, what is your name?"

The special spirit combatant said solemnly: "My old master calls me Feng."

"Feng..." Rong Kaixuan frowned and said: "This name is too sharp. If you want to follow me, you must change your name."

The special spirit fighter seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally said: "Since I have been with the ancient family but promised, I will no longer have any contact with the previous days. You can name me."

After listening to his words, Rong Kaixuan was finally completely relieved.

It can even give up its name, naturally it has the idea of ​​being completely cut off from the past. But only in this way, Rong Kaixuan dared to let go.

"Since you are here to guard my safety, call Rong Dun." Rong Kaixuan said solemnly: "Before Kai Yi and Brother Meng return to me, my safety will be given to you."

Rong Dun raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, anyone who is hostile to you can never hide from my eyes and ears. As long as it is not an ancestor-level powerhouse who kills you, you will have no life worry."

Rong Kaixuan looked around and nodded slowly. Indeed, with the strength around him now, there is absolutely no way for a master-level powerhouse to take him.

However, if there is really an ancestor-level powerhouse who wants to take his life.

Rong Kaixuan's brows were slightly frowned, and a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly: "What's next, let's talk about it later." He turned his head, looked towards the other courtyard, and said: "Duo Duo and Lin Mother hasn’t come back yet?"

The special spirit body of the gatherer shook his head and said: "Some innate spirit bodies saw Mother Lin carrying Qi Duoduo out of the city, but I don't know where they went."

Rong Kaixuan disturbed his scalp, he naturally couldn't guess why. But since the two of them went out by themselves, they felt relieved. Under the guardianship of Mother Lin, Qi Duoduo would basically not encounter any special danger.

"You guard the mansion. If they come back, you will notify me." Rong Kai turned around and entered the house again. He took a deep breath and removed a corpse from the wooden bracelet.

This is the corpse of a certain human female warrior. There is a huge hole between her chest and abdomen, and even her stomach and intestines flow out. At this time, her body had been frozen by the ice spell, and her blue skin looked extremely permeable.

Rong Kaixuan's wrist shook, and a ray of flame slowly appeared in his palm. After rotating around the corpse, all the ice cubes melted, but there was no scorch mark on the corpse. His control of the fire spell has reached an extremely delicate level.

Afterwards, Rong Kaixuan took out the special scalpel, broke his stomach on the corpse, and started practicing.

ps: The third chapter is here, it seems Baihe still has 12 chapters, right, I will continue to strive for three changes tomorrow^_^

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