Invincible Evocation

Chapter 813: Let it go

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"Not good." The ancestors of Pinbao exclaimed. Without thinking, the five ancestor-level powerhouses almost shot at the same time.

The power of the five different attributes soared into the sky, and instantly came to Li Xiaohai's side, blocking the water he was protecting.

The giant bear rushed up as if working hard, but when it rushed in front of Li Xiaohai, it was abruptly discovered that its opponent had changed people, and it had changed five at once.

Although it was called by Rong Kaixuan as a fool, how could it be a real fool if it could live to this moment in the innate secret realm. Seeing the crowd, its footsteps suddenly stopped, and then it did something that made everyone feel ridiculous.

It blinked its big eyes a few times, then suddenly turned around, yelling "Ao Ao" and fled as fast as possible.

The ancestors of Pinbao and the others looked at each other. They originally thought that this giant bear had already killed their eyes, so the five of them attacked together to prevent it from continuing to destroy. But he didn't expect that once this guy woke up, he would immediately regain his bullying and fearful nature, turning his head and running.

The corners of Zhan Yuxiang's mouth twitched slightly, and he slowly said, "What is this guy running? We don't mean to be an enemy."

Kodak and others are also having a headache. No matter who it is, they will feel helpless when they encounter such a guy who doesn't follow the routine.

The giant bear ran to the lotus platform, it raised its head and yelled towards the sky.

Rong Kaixuan's heart moved slightly as he controlled the Xuanyu Lingtai to land, and stopped firmly beside it.

"Stupid, after being promoted to the ancestor, can the spirit beasts be able to refine their throat bones and be able to communicate with humans?" Rong Kaixuan tilted his head, looked at it suspiciously for a while, and asked.

The giant bear was startled. It thought for a moment, opened its mouth wide, and said in an extremely slow tone: "Yes, yes, yes... yes."

Rong Kaixuan rolled his eyes, and it was annoying to hear such a speech, it was better than a simple roar.

However, the giant bear is very adaptable, it seems difficult to say a complete sentence, but after only a moment, its speaking level has greatly improved.

"I, I can, speak, haha, I can speak." The fool cried out cheerfully.

In fact, spirit beasts can refining throat bones and vomiting words are far from worthy of their joy. What really excites them should be the fact that they have finally been promoted to the realm of ancestors.

Seeing the ecstatic giant bear, Rong Kaixuan's heart suddenly moved, and said, "Idiot."

The giant bear immediately stopped the dance, turned around and lowered his head, and said respectfully: "Yes."

Seeing the dull guy still looks so submissive, Rong Kaixuan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Didn't you just die? Why did you live again?"

Although the spirit beast's heart is generally broad, but listening to Rong Kaixuan's question so directly, the giant bear dull melon can't help but roll his eyes. It said: "I don't know, your light power makes I was given a chance to linger, and then I heard the cry of the old immortal again, so I was very angry and wanted to kill him. As a result..." It disturbed the scalp with a baffling expression and said: "I I don't know what's going on, it's all right, and then I went up and beat him up."

Rong Kaixuan was dumbfounded, but he understood.

This guy is indeed lucky to go against the sky, he is already in danger, and he is left with a breath. However, at this moment, it was suspended by the power of light, but it heard Li Xiaohai's scream when he fell from the boat-shaped spirit treasure. As a result, this cry successfully evoked its hatred value and caused a huge change in its mood.

Perhaps it was a super powerful idea of ​​hatred, or perhaps it was a special state lingering in the depths. At this last moment, it realized the ability to get out of its body. And it just so happened that its talent was originally the power of light. When this talent was thoroughly stimulated, the enormous spiritual power of heaven and earth surged down, pulling its life abruptly from the gate of the ghost.

This series of coincidences all came together, and this gave birth to a powerful ancestor of light.

However, even if Rong Kaixuan understood the reason, he couldn't do it again on schedule.

Let’s not talk about whether it is possible to successfully hook the victim’s anger in that state of dying. Even if it is successful, the victim is unwilling to perish, but suffers this kind of mortal injury, unless he has The talent of the power of light, otherwise the suspended animation will become the real death.

Glancing at the giant bear deeply, Rong Kaixuan said sincerely, "Daughter, your luck is so good."

The two of them were communicating like no one here, no matter whether it was the ancestor-level powerhouses or the grandmaster-level powerhouses in the distance, no one dared to come and bother.

Suddenly, the gigantic bear fool turned his head, and when he looked in a certain direction, his eyes showed undisguised disgust and hatred.

"Master, I hate that guy, let's go and kill him together."

It is also smart, knowing that it is far from the opponent of the six masters by its own strength. But if Rong Kaixuan and his special spirit bodies were added, it might be possible to accomplish this feat.

After all, even the pinnacle of the ancestors, the one-horned Pegasus, who was only one step away from the ascending position, fled in front of Rong Kaixuan, so they might really be able to accomplish this feat together.

Rong Kaixuan smiled coldly, and said, "That's how you want revenge."

"Yes." The idiot said viciously: "This guy killed me once, how come I want to kill me again."

Rong Kaixuan nodded slightly, lowered his voice, and said, "You can kill him, but not now."

"Why?" The giant bear blinked and asked puzzledly.

Rong Kaixuan said in an angry tone: "He has a backing behind him. If you don't want to be in trouble, then find someone to solve him when there is no one."

The giant bear nodded without understanding, but as long as Rong Kaixuan promised to vent his anger, he would be satisfied.

In fact, there was still a word in Rong Kaixuan's heart that he didn't say.

It is refreshing to have a moment of gratitude and enmity, but doing so will offend too many people. Moreover, he still has the concern of the Rong family on the Continent of Demons, and he is far less lonely than the giant bear.

"Brother Rong..." A figure flashed in the distance, and Kodak stepped forward slowly, smiling: "Congratulations, Brother Rong has a good helper."

When he first met, Kodak was also full of barbarians, but in a blink of an eye, he changed his tongue.

However, anyone who has seen Rong Kaixuan's power trembling and howling the sea, and who has overcome it, will not feel that this ancestor-level powerhouse has done anything wrong.

With the strength demonstrated by Rong Kaixuan, he already has the qualifications to be equal to many ancestor-level powerhouses.

Rong Kaixuan clasped his fists and said with a smile on his face: "Senior Ke, this is a fluke."

Kodak nodded slowly, and he really felt the same about this sentence. Seeing that the black bear's life was hanging by a thread, instead of dying, he was promoted to the ancestor of light. This encounter is simply unthinkable and hateful.

Rong Kai turned his head and glanced at Li Xiaohai who was hiding under the protection of many ancestors. He said viciously, "Senior Ke, Li Xiaohai deceived people so much, why do you still protect him?"

Kodak smiled bitterly, and said: "Brother Rong, the Golden Gate is one of the best martial arts on the Zhongli Continent. Inside the gate is the strongest man who is sitting in the door. Do you really want to fight the Golden Gate?" He paused, and then said: "I heard that you are familiar with Pinbao ancestors. Brother Pinbao nodded and agreed to enter the Innate Secret Realm. Hey, after you kill Li Xiaohai, you can pat your **** and leave. Golden Gate may not be able to Find your whereabouts. But Brother Pinbao, is it necessary for him to take the blame for you."

Rong Kaixuan had already thought of this question, so he rejected the black bear idiot's proposal. But at this moment, he seemed to have suddenly realized, with a grateful expression: "Thank you, Senior Ke, for the point, this junior is reckless."

The black bear blinked his big eyes, and said in his heart, duplicity.

However, it is at most complaining a few words in its heart, but dare not say it.

The scene where Rong Kaixuan defeated the Pegasus frightened him and fled into the wild is already deeply imprinted in the mind of the black bear. Before his cultivation level surpassed the Pegasus, he did not dare to betray. And against the triumphant Rong.

"Haha." Kodak nodded contentedly, and said: "Of course, Brother Li didn't do his kindness this time. We will discuss with him and we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up, he clasped his fists as a courtesy, and said, "Then trouble the seniors."

Kodak laughed, flipped his wrist, and took out the shield spirit treasure that was flew by the giant bear dumb melon, and said: "Listen to Brother Pin Bao said, this is the spirit treasure originally belonging to the little brother, so please take it back. Go ahead."

Rong Kaixuan was not humble, and took the shield over and sighed: "This is the treasure that the younger generation compensated Jin Guangmen, but he did not expect Li Xiaohai to use this treasure to deal with the younger generation. Hey..."

Kodak also shook his head again and again, but he was quite puzzled.

Both the ancestors of Pinbao and Yuanba said that this kid was stubborn, and they were afraid that they would not let Li Xiaohai easily let go, so they were unwilling to persuade him.

However, at this point in the conversation, Rong Kaixuan gave him the impression that he was reasonable, and there was nothing unreasonable.

If Rong Kaixuan knows what he is thinking at the moment, I'm afraid his stomach hurts with laughter.

He just didn't want to let go, how could he easily give up this hatred.


The ancestor of Pinbao glanced at Rong Kaixuan with weird eyes. He stirred his palms and shouted a few words loudly. Countless practitioners suddenly rushed in. They sorted out the ruins and found out the many spiritual artifacts underneath. I sorted it out a bit and quickly withdrew.

The ancestor of Pinbao laughed and said: "Everyone, there was a little conflict just now. Now that the matter has been resolved, the old man has re-arranged the Hall of Guanxin. Please move to the Hall of Guanxin, and continue with the Appreciation Conference. "

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