Invincible Evocation

Chapter 814: privilege

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The place where the main altar of Pinbaotang is located occupies the nine peaks of this mountain range.

Although a place was smashed into ruins under the bombardment of the ancestor-level powerhouse, after the ancestor Pinbao’s command, thousands of spiritual artifacts were re-placed in another hall that was not inferior. , Provide all master appraisal and trial hands.

However, at this moment, most people's attention is no longer on these spirit weapons. They were in groups of two, each finding a close friend to talk to each other. From their excited expressions, you could see what they were discussing at the moment.

"Rong Kaixuan, the giant bear dumb melon, and the ancestor Li Xiaohai, these three names frequently appear in the mouths of many grandmasters, even those spirit beast grandmasters who lower their voices and roar seem to be repeating these three names.

However, it was reasonable for Rong Kaixuan's cultivation and what he did to cause such a sensation.

Old Ancestor Pinbao silently looked at the noisy hall and the many absent-minded grand masters, and there was a faint bitter smile on his face, but no one could see it, and there was also a hint of pride in his smile. The proud color.

The Demon Suppression Continent has not been such a big show for a long time.

"Brother Rong..."

"Brother Rong, younger brother XX, we are destined to meet today..."

"Brother Rong, after the Appreciation Conference, the younger brother is the host. Please have a drink together. Don't refuse."

Rong Kaixuan mingled in the crowd, and he finally realized the feeling of the attention. No matter where he goes, there will be people cheeky and initiative to come up to talk, their attitude is respectful and humble, and their smiles are irresistible.

Of course, with the strength that Rong Kaixuan had previously demonstrated, if he didn't pretend to be scornful, it is estimated that no master would dare to complain. However, Rong Kaixuan knew that this was a great opportunity to meet the heroes of the world.

Those who can come here are the best among the top sects on all continents. Perhaps after tens or hundreds of years, they will be promoted to a higher level and become the next generation's outstanding figures for a century. Since they wanted to show their favor, Rong Kaixuan would naturally not refuse unreasonably.

Seeing the same smile on Rong Kaixuan, more and more people came up to talk. Gradually, a small circle was formed around Rong Kaixuan. At least thirty great masters surrounded Rong Kaixuan with a smile. Talking.

Of course, those who came here on behalf of the sect were all arrogant people, no matter how thick the skin was, they couldn't be embarrassed to compliment Rong Kaixuan too much in front of many of the same rank. Therefore, although the number of people standing around Rong Kaixuan's body has always remained at this number, the personnel are exchanged in small numbers.

In just half a day, Rong Kaixuan had seen almost all of them.

Seeing Rong Kaixuan's flourish here, the ancestor Pinbao and Yuanba both smiled.

Suddenly, the countenances of the grandmasters surrounding Rong Kaixuan changed slightly, and they all subconsciously flinched. And a huge black figure came to Rong Kaixuan's side from the road that everyone let out.

Rong Kai turned his head and said in amazement: "Dolly, aren't you with Senior Kodak and others in the inner room? Why are you here again."

Numerous master-level cultivators are inexhaustible, calling an ancestor-level spirit beast a dull...

Looking at the world, I am afraid that only the freak Rong Kaixuan would do such an unreliable thing. Isn't he afraid of hurting the black bear's heart and making it rebellious?

The black bear stupidly disturbed his scalp and said, "Master, those old boys are too annoying to ask questions." It cautiously said, "I think it's better to be fun outside, at least have a fight with you. ."

Rong Kaixuan couldn't laugh or cry, and scolded: "Nonsense, when did I fight with someone?"

The black bear foolishly agreed, but he was dissatisfied in his heart.

The search for the Unicorn Pegasus all the way is to fight this pinnacle ancestor-level spirit beast. This reason is quite shocking, and it is also one of the biggest reasons why the black bear is willing to follow Rong Kaixuan.

Following such a master, at least you will not be bullied.

Rong Kaixuan waved his hand impatiently, and said, "You idiot is the ancestor of the light. The Kodak seniors asked curiously, it's nothing."

The black bear blinked his eyes. Although he was dissatisfied, he nodded, and then looked at Rong Kaixuan with expectant eyes.

With a light sigh, Rong Kaixuan said: "Well, follow me, don't make trouble."

The black bear dumb gourd immediately nodded its head like a rattle. It opened its big mouth and smiled happily. However, its honor fell in the eyes of the next master, but it seemed extremely terrifying, and the many masters surrounding Rong Kaixuan subconsciously stepped back again.

This guy is a super-powerful person who smashed the fart of Li Xiaohai's ancestor. No matter how many injuries he suffered, it seemed like a drizzle to him. Such a strong person, how can they provoke.

Rong Kaixuan nodded slightly to the crowd, and he was also relieved.

Although he also wanted to take this opportunity to make friends with these future powerhouses, he was almost unable to move in place after being surrounded by them for so long, which was quite depressing. Now taking advantage of the arrival of the giant bear, he was liberated from the crowd instead.

After taking a big step, Rong Kaixuan walked slowly in the hall, his gaze scanned over those spirit instruments. These spirit instruments were the ones he had seen last time, and this time he was just confirming it again.

"Brother Rong, you can pick out which spirit weapon you like." Suddenly, Fang Jian's figure appeared in the crowd. He glanced at the giant bear beside Rong Kaixuan, but he didn't dare to approach him, so he had to stay outside. Voice reminded.

This giant bear has advanced ancestors, and it is also a rare ancestor of light, even Pinbao ancestors and others value it extremely. If it suddenly went mad and slapped a certain master to death, it is estimated that it would die in vain, and no one would force it out to seek justice for them.

Therefore, including Fang Jian, all the masters subconsciously stayed away from it.

Rong Kaixuan was startled, glanced at the people around him, and smiled: "Thank you Brother Fang for your kindness, I will follow the rules and participate in the auction later."

These spirit tools that were taken out for appreciation and trial use were actually treasures ready to be sold. Anyone who fancyed these treasures could pay their spirit coins to compete. Of course, the price of the spirit weapon is also very different, some unpopular spirit weapon competitors are not many, as long as a small amount of spirit coins can be obtained. But some popular magic weapons are different. It may take fierce competition to decide who the winner is.

Rong Kaixuan naturally understood this rule, so he declined Fang Jian's proposal.

However, as soon as he said this, he heard someone laugh and say: "Brother Rong, just take out any spiritual tools you like. Haha, I'm afraid no one will compete with you here."

"Hehe, yeah, yeah."

"Brother Rong, just pick it out."

"Brother Rong, this is everyone's mind, please don't refuse."

"Roar, roar..."

"Twitter, my master said, Senior Rong please, we all support the spirit beast clan."

Rong Kaixuan looked around in astonishment, and there seemed to be some special meaning in those hot eyes.

With a bitter smile in his heart, he already understood. It is estimated that after seeing his own strength, these people suddenly broke the determination to compete with him for the spirit weapon.

Perhaps they have huge funds in their hands, enough to drown themselves with spirit coins. However, they are even more reluctant to offend themselves.

If no one proposes, everyone is playing fair, and they may have the guts to compete with themselves. However, when someone suggested, even if they were twice as bold, they would not dare to offend themselves so blatantly.

It's just a spiritual weapon, if it provokes the hatred of characters like Rong Kaixuan, it would be a stupid thing.

This was even recognized by the spirit beast clan.

Looking around, Rong Kaixuan smiled bitterly. He couldn't think that before the Appreciation Conference started, he had already become a bully.

However, at this point, he is no longer humble.

Holding a fist, Rong Kaixuan said loudly: "Thank you for your kindness, Rong Kaixuan."

"Haha, Brother Rong is polite."

"Yes, it's our honor to be together with Brother Rong."

Everyone clasped their fists in return. No matter what their thoughts were in their hearts, they all smiled at this moment and seemed very pleased.

Rong Kaixuan smiled slightly, his gaze turned, and he walked toward the many spirit artifacts. Hundreds of gazes in the hall moved with his figure.

Although the vast majority of people follow the trend and recognize Rong Kaixuan's priority to choose, they are still a little unwilling in their hearts. If Rong Kaixuan happened to choose the spirit weapon they approved, then they would be beyond regret. However, in the presence of so many powerful people, even if they regret it in their hearts, they dare not go back.

Rong Kaixuan wandered on, and before he came to a piece of armor, his eyes fell on the armor.

When seeing Rong Kaixuan's action, everyone was relieved.

Among the spirit tools, treasures such as armor are also rare. But everyone has seen and tried this spirit weapon, and apart from a slightly stronger defense, it doesn't have any special abilities.

If such a spiritual tool is given to a general master, it is naturally like a treasure. However, in the eyes of the core figures of these major factions, this armor with only excellent defensive power is extremely general, and it is not worth their effort to harvest.

Rong Kaixuan stepped forward and took the armor in his hand, and the familiar feeling came to his heart again.

He smiled slightly, and it would be better to be able to obtain this without competition.

Turning around, he drove around among the many spiritual weapons, and again selected three spiritual weapons, then closed his hands and clasped his fists in a salute, and said: "Thank you for your accomplishment."

ps: There are only two chapters today, and we will strive for three more the day after tomorrow.

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