Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1350: Fairy Palace Base Camp

"Time and space roulette, back and forth time."

By this time of the battle, Lin Lang's Immortal Sutra had completely expired, and he had to sacrifice the time and space roulette, back to himself with the power of time and space, and evoke his peak state.

On the other side, Pluto took advantage of the situation to kill, although his strength was already weak, he also possessed the ability to threaten Lin Lang.


The chaotic air contained in the chaotic cauldron turned into a chaotic beam, passing through Lin Lang's body through his chest. At the same time, the power of Time and Space Roulette was also stimulated, and his injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Do you think my practice is only so simple?"

Pluto seemed to smile, but the realm he had fallen into was almost restored to its peak at this moment. Although many of his avatars were injured one after another, the original injuries have been wiped out after such a long recovery.

In other words, if Lin Lang can't really kill the clone of Hades, he will only remain at the peak in the constant recovery.

Although this method is faster than having to recover from dead menstruation, it can maintain the true immortality in a certain sense.

After several bitter battles, Lin Lang also did not gain any advantage. On the contrary, with the passage of time, Lin Lang suffered more and more injuries.

"We must find a way to break the many clones of Pluto."

Lin Lang thought a little, he couldn't mobilize the power of the time and space roulette too many times. When the power of time and space dries up and the Immortal Sutra can't operate, then Pluto will firmly secure the victory.

And the best way to solve the dilemma is to go all out and make a quick resolution without giving Pluto any chance to breathe!

Thinking of this, Lin Lang didn't care about his injury at all, and attacked in the direction of Pluto with all his strength.

Boom boom boom!

Supernatural powers erupted one after another, completely submerging the area where the two were.

As the battle progressed, Pluto's recovery speed couldn't keep up, and sometimes he didn't even have time to switch his clone, so he was directly killed by Lin Lang.

After a confrontation, the two retreated far away. Lin Lang was waiting to be pursued. At this moment, Pluto turned back slowly, with a smug smile on his face.

"Look, my reinforcements are here."

Needless to say from Pluto, Lin Lang naturally felt the changes around him.

Behind the area where the cultivators were fighting, there were shouts and killings, and a black cloud shrouded in demonic energy joined the battlefield, instantly breaking through the blockade of the cultivators from all sides in the universe, and the formation was in chaos.

This is a well-equipped demon army. Although the number is not comparable to that of the Central Universe, the number of masters is not weak. Among them, there are four demon gods.

It is the base camp of the demons under the Great Abyss!

With the addition of this army of demons, the situation on the battlefield changed again, and the delicate balance that had been maintained was instantly broken.

Several demon gods did not really take action, but they wandered around the battlefield, and from time to time they released a magical power capable of killing the emperor. The experts on the Lin Lang side had to be distracted, but at this moment of delay, their original opponents broke free from the shackles and rushed to the position of the fairy palace.

There are only three or four God masters in the Mozu, but with their joining, the Great Emperor's formation is in chaos. Many people have already taken advantage of this opportunity to put down their original opponents and rush into the fairy palace.

Lin Lang's face was slightly dark, and when he raised his hand, he set up a barrier, firmly blocking the front of the fairy palace. On the other side, Lin Lang stepped forward, blasting terrifying supernatural powers in his hand, and suddenly smashed into the many great emperors who rushed in.

Pluto also took action at this time, reaching out his palm, replacing many emperors, blocking Lin Lang's magical powers.

"Look, you can stop me, but what you can't stop is the thought of common people."

Pluto was seriously injured, but he still made a leisurely voice, his smile was full of sarcasm.

Lin Lang silently.

Indeed, although he came to save the world this time, only a few people can understand him. The vast majority of creatures were still blinded by the fairy relationship. Compared with the opening of the fairy palace, the demons inside the army marched across the border, and the human race first got into chaos.

"is it."

Lin Lang smiled coldly, he lightly stamped his foot, and the surrounding space changed rapidly, and the five colors of holy light were intertwined and intertwined with each other, forming a world completely covered by crystal lattices.

In each crystal lattice, there stood a Lin Lang figure, which was not his clone, but a magical power that sealed him.

And this is also a great gift that Lin Lang prepared for Pluto.

"Jie Jian!"

Lin Lang lightly stomped his foot, a crystal lattice in front of him shattered, and immediately after that, the phantom of Lin Lang standing in the crystal lattice also began to evolve magical powers. Within a few breaths, the sword light flashed by. , Accompanied by a strong atmosphere of Tribulation Dao, slashed towards the location of Pluto.

the other side.

The second crystal lattice shattered, showing Lin Lang's Five Elements Avenue.

The third crystal lattice shattered, and the avenue of light and darkness condensed into a mottled divine scissors, killing the Pluto.

The fourth lattice...

Along with the fragmentation of the crystal lattices, all the magical powers sealed in it exploded, and all the great magical powers that could shake the masters of the ancestral realm, at this moment, it was like a pear blossom rainstorm, madly shooting at the location of the Pluto.

This kind of magical power was learned by Lin Lang from an emperor realm master. After his continuous improvement, it can now carry the ancestral realm magical powers, and the number of crystal lattices has reached a dozen.

It is equivalent to more than a dozen Lin Lang, and at the same time inspires supernatural powers, such a power, even the ancestral realm master can't bear it!


This time, Pluto also sensed the crisis of life and death, and had to call up all the clones in his body. Each body was equally equipped with Lin Lang's magical powers.

Finally, when all the lattices in the domain shattered, Pluto survived smoothly.

But in the process, Pluto also suffered serious injuries, and every body fell into a state of serious injury.

"The power of this magical power is indeed beyond my imagination."

Pluto clutched his chest, and the successive collisions of supernatural powers had exceeded the limit that his body could carry. Now the realm of cultivation has fallen sharply, and his state is even worse than Lin Lang.


A weird smile suddenly appeared on Pluto's face, he waved to the surroundings, and the domain belonging to Lin Lang collapsed.

However, they did not appear in the original void, but had descended on a brand new continent.

"here it is…"

Lin Lang looked at the unfamiliar environment around him. There were dark clouds, mountains and rivers, and it was like a peaceful world. I don't know when, they have already left the original starry sky battlefield and landed in a completely unfamiliar space.

The tip of Lin Lang's nose became loose, and the abnormality was quickly discovered.

The spiritual energy here is extremely thin, replaced by a thick magical energy. Even if there is peace between the world and the earth, the tyrannical and bloodthirsty breath seems to be everywhere.

"This is the fairy palace?"

Lin Lang frowned high, and the situation in front of him gave him a bad premonition. Move from the starry sky battlefield to this area in front of you, don't think about it, it must be Pluto's handwriting, taking advantage of Lin Lang's magical powers, forcibly twisting the surrounding space, and directly descending into the fairy palace.

Obviously, Lin Lang was not the only one affected by this.

In the more distant area, all the monks in the entire starry sky battlefield were moved by Pluto with great supernatural powers. Some people were still fighting, but the surrounding space changed rapidly. The next moment they appeared inside the fairy palace.

Entering the fairy palace, their fighting naturally didn't make any sense.

At this moment, all the emperor monks abandoned their original opponents and ran to the fairy palace farther.

On the other side, the demons living in the fairy palace were also alarmed, and a large number of local masters of the demons rushed in the direction of the creatures in the central universe.

"Humans are wild humans outside, what a wonderful smell."

A majestic demon **** flew from a distance, only to smell the scent of the crowd, a lot of saliva was already flowing out of the corner of his mouth. His greedy eyes were cast on many human masters, but the first to kill here were all elite monks among the ten thousand races, far more powerful than these demon gods.

"Go away!"

The Emperor Zhou yelled angrily, raised his hand and slapped him, directly killing a large number of Demon monks. But at the same time, more people in the distance poured into the battlefield, and there were plenty of God-level masters all around.

The demon clan of the fairy palace, its strength as early as the end of the last cosmic era, has already surpassed all the major forces. At that time, it had hundreds of masters in the realm of the emperor. Now, after hundreds of millions of years of gestation, the number of masters of the demon clan is far Better than before, it is simply not something the emperors of the outer universe can contend with.

With the addition of a master of God, the masters of the universe who were still arguing with each other were quickly broken up and fleeing in various directions.

Of course, if the many masters of the outer universe can gather together at this time, it is not difficult to retreat in the fairy palace.

But the fault lies in the fact that the masters of the outer universe have no constraints, like a disc of sand, even if there are only a dozen demon gods on the opposite side, they still have no power to fight back.

They did not escape to the central universe, on the contrary, they rushed towards the depths of the fairy palace.

This is the fairy palace, which contains the chance to become a fairy. Just this little temptation is enough!

In other words, although the demons still occupy the fairy palace, their special physique cannot bear the baptism of the fairy fate, so even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, the opportunity in the fairy palace still exists, and the immortal intention has not disappeared.

For them, this is a fatal temptation.

With their deepening, gradually, the emperors finally realized that the Immortal Palace Demon Race is definitely not easy to provoke!

Even if the people present are all the long-established emperors of various races, but is there a lack of masters among the demons?

After discovering the masters of the human race, they quickly gathered their strength and separated eight teams in four directions, east, west, south, and north. Several great emperors united together to encircle and suppress the masters of all races.

For a time, the masters of the outer universe suffered heavy losses, and many people had to hide them, but at this time they discovered a serious problem. There is no place for them to hide in Ruodaxian Palace. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1350 Fairy Palace Base Camp), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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