Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1351: Common People's Tribulation

In today's fairy palace, where is the pure land left to all races by the ancestors at the time, it has been completely reduced to a colony of the demons. As for the aboriginal creatures in the fairy palace, most of them were slaughtered by the demons, and only a few people remained, but they were also pets raised by the demons.

The fairy palace is the base camp of the demons!

In order to avoid the chase of the demon masters, the emperors had to hide their identities and turned into demon monks. However, there are differences between sentient beings and demons. It is not that simple to disguise, unless the true spirit is hidden.

Although this method can conceal the exploration of ordinary demons, it is not suitable for real masters.

What's more, there is also a supreme Yuanshi Demon Emperor in the Demon Race, who will guide the direction, and the masters of the various races hidden in the Demon Race group are successively removed.

The masters of the outer universe suffered heavy losses and wanted to escape, but the entrance of the fairy palace was already blocked by the demon army, and it was not so easy to pass safely.

"Fairy fate, which kind of fairy fate is this."

The Great Emperor Yan Luo said, they thought that the fairy palace should be surrounded by fairy sounds, and there are countless opportunities, but they never thought that the opportunities in the fairy palace are indeed rich, but they are all controlled by them. In the hands of God the Great Demon Race.

Even if they can't absorb it, it is absolutely impossible to let these opportunities fall into the world, and the natives in those fairy palaces have a place to turn over.

Although the strength of the emperors of the ten thousand races is not weak, they are much worse than the demons. Especially in the number of top masters, the demons are several times the number of the outer universe.

Many emperors are hiding in Tibet, and there is no lack of superb strength, and the monks who luckily killed their opponents to obtain fairy fate exist. But the vast majority of people are hiding in Tibet under the chase of the demons, and they have fallen bitterly.

The emperor of the human race is so worthless to enter the territory of the fairy palace!

Another group of masters of the demons led the demons to escape from the fairy palace and counterattack the outer universe. For them, the original fairy palace was a shelter for their survival, but with the passage of time, the fact that the fairy palace could not get in or out was equivalent to a prison, keeping them tightly trapped.

right now.

The fairy gate is wide open, how can they not seize the opportunity to plunder the resources of the outside stars?

Prior to this, the demons also seemed to have received news early, and had gathered a large number of monks to form a large-scale army, just waiting for the liberation of the fairy palace.

This is undoubtedly a disaster for the creatures in the outer universe. There are a huge number of demons, and their individual combat power is stronger. In the long years, even a pig can cultivate to the realm of immortals.

Therefore, wherever the demon army is located, it will penetrate the defense lines of all races like a broken bamboo. Even if there is a heavily guarded pass between the immortal world and the underworld, it only held for three days before being conquered by the demon army.

The demons at this moment, like a sharp knife, penetrated deeply into the hinterland of the central universe. It is conceivable that if the center of the universe falls, it will only be a matter of time before the surrounding universe is occupied by the demons.

And along the way, the Demon Race also revealed their nature, and wherever they went, whether they were mortals, monks, pigs, sheep, or vegetation, they were all wiped out by the Demon Race's army.

This is a blood-stained road, all beings wailing and cursing, but what effect can these have on the fierce demon army?

In the central universe, corpses were everywhere, and beautiful human women were arrested for fun and walked with the army. The middle-aged and elderly monks were ruthlessly obliterated by the demon army.

As for children...

This may be the most tempting food for the demons. A large number of children were looted by the demons and turned into food for the army. What's more, they were refined into dried meat by the demons, and their souls were confined in a small square. In the bottle.

Such things happen almost every moment.

Perhaps from then on, the creatures in the Central Universe finally realized that Jie Tianjun was right. The opening of the fairy palace was not a gift, but a catastrophe capable of destroying the common people.

It's a disaster!

It's a pity that they didn't listen to Jietianjun's voice. On the contrary, they stood on the "righteousness" point of view, rebuking Jietianjun for being selfish.

Among these people, there were also many monks who joined the resistance against Jietianjun.

With the arrival of the demons, there will be no suspense in this war that swept across the heavens and all realms.

In the universe, the stars that were originally dazzling are shattered one after another in the fearful and desperate eyes of countless creatures.


Even the battlefield of the demon army can't get close, so what kind of resistance do they rabble people do?


The central universe is about to fall. I believe it will not be long before the war will cover the entire universe. Even if they escape now, where can they escape?

All they can do is wait for death!

"Jie Tianjun, we knew it was wrong."

Countless people repented, regretted, and even knelt on the ground begging for shelter. But what is the use? Facing the demons, these negative emotions are just stimulants that make them more arrogant.

"Tianjun, open your eyes, please give us strength, please take care of us!"

Countless people prayed, chanting this Lin Lang's name silently.

Some people even knelt on the ground, begging senior masters to come.

But what's the use?

Lin Lang was caught by Pluto and couldn't get out. Now he has been fighting for more than three years. As for the group of senior masters and monks, it is unknown which one is not chased by the demons and has no way to enter the earth, and even save their own lives.

Despair and confusion have become the main theme of this starry sky. And the sound that accompanied the melody was not any music, but the miserable howling of the creatures of all races.

"Although I am insignificant and my cultivation base is humble, I don't want to just succumb to the demon's lustful might."

A Jin Dan stage monk rose into the sky. He left everything behind and came to the battlefield alone. On the opposite side, is the aggressive demons army.

Use one person to fight against the entire army of demons.

As a result, it goes without saying.

Before he even got close to the front of the Demon Race, he was killed by streamers coming from a surprise attack.

But, not long after.

Several figures appeared one after another in the sky. Their cultivation level was not high, but they were in the realm of real immortals. They were so different from the huge demon army on the opposite side. Under the starry sky, they looked so small.

But they dare to make their own voice!

"Although the ants are small, they have unyielding ambitions."

In the sky, people kept coming closer, and more and more people made their own voices.

Even though, their appearance is so weak and helpless.

Ten, a hundred, a thousand, and more and more masters came from all parts of the universe. They have different cultivation bases. The weak ones are only the cultivation bases of the Golden Core period. The strong ones also have famous immortal emperors.

They stopped in front of the two armies, and finally made the final shout!

From the beginning, the monks of all races have gathered forces to form an army of different sizes.

Even though they were still a mess of scattered sand, the gathered strength greatly delayed the progress of the Demon Race.

"This group of **** ants, with such a weak cultivation base, is also worthy to stop my demon army?" A demon **** sneered and choked to death a human immortal emperor casually.

Indeed, at this moment, there is no master in the universe, and just relying on these temporarily gathered cultivators alliance, it is impossible to be the opponent of the demons at all.

What they can do is sacrifice themselves and provide others with sufficient preparation time for rent.

Even though, their resistance did no harm to the demons. But even so, it also caused a lot of trouble to the march of the demons.

the other side.

Lin Lang, who was fighting in the fairy palace, naturally saw all this.

The earth was devastated and bones covered the ground. The stars in the universe shattered and turned into countless dust, and even the unscrupulous laughter of the demon monks, tortured the monks of the ten thousand races by various means to satisfy their perverted desires.

"When the catastrophe arises, who is the one who should do it."

Lin Lang's expression was dim, and Zu Hao once called him a person who should be robbed, perhaps because he was too high on him. Now that he is entangled by Pluto, he can't separate his mind to save the creatures in the universe.

Watching sentient beings fall, is also worthy of being called a person who should be called a robbery?

He can't even protect the people around him.

"From the moment the fairy palace opens, the ending is actually doomed. No matter how I stop it, this catastrophe will happen eventually."

"This person who blocks me can be Pluto or other people. Even if there is no Pluto, many emperors will rush into the fairy palace. This is not something I can stop."

Thousands of emotions flashed in Lin Lang's heart.

"I can't bring all of this back to the original point, so I have to stop all of this. Enough of the creatures of the ten thousand races have fallen."

While such thoughts flashed in his mind, Lin Lang already had a plan.

On the other side, Pluto also seemed to see Lin Lang's emotions, and at this moment he calmly said, "Why, do you still have compassion for these humble creatures?"

"What does their death do to you."

Pluto smiled and said: "In my opinion, the human race is despicable and all deserve to die. How about letting my demons unify this world and purify you filthy people."

Lin Lang snorted coldly, and the 18-epee sword formation around him rose, wrapped in the power of the robbery, and shot towards the direction of the Pluto.

Pluto took a step forward, and the power of the six reincarnations swept the world, evolving a complete reincarnation aspect.

At the end of the cycle, there is an endless river of Styx below, and above, a temple stands tall.

That is the ultimate manifestation of Pluto's cultivation of the Profound Righteousness, the Temple of Six Paths of Reincarnation!

In the depths of the Styx River, a Styx behemoth slowly poked its head out, making waves, and patted Lin Lang's location heavily.

The eighteen epee array was blasted to pieces, but Lin Lang's figure, from near to far, at the moment when the Styx beast appeared, Lin Lang had already withdrawn and retreated far away.

"At this time, you still want to support the outer universe?"

There was a thick ridicule on the face of Pluto, thinking of the direction Lin Lang was in, pursuing him. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1351 The Tribulation of Common People), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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