The conversation between Lin Lang and Wan Jianyi was limited to the two of them. In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Lang was indeed injured.

"Even Wan Jian was killed by him, so who else can Huaxia have him ?!"

The warriors had a black line in their heads. This guy doesn't look like he was injured. I have never seen anyone who is injured and can survive the post-chemical period.

Lin Youye's strength is unfathomable!

This is probably the thinking in everyone's head. As to whether he was injured or not, how serious the injury was, it is unknown.

For a moment, Lin Lang turned his head back, and Bai Mu mentioned his throat.

However, he remembered that when Wan Jian arrived, he didn't fall short.

If you think about it, he can't run away!

Sure enough, when this thought flashed in his mind, Lin Lang was already approaching.

"I ask you, can you be convinced that you lost in my hands?"

Lin Lang raised his head, his figure was a little taller than Bai Mu. At this time, holding his head up was giving people a kind of condescending pressure.

"I give up!" Bai Mu persuaded for almost a second.

Although he didn't want to lose to a younger boy like this, but now the opponent almost crushed the power, these can not help him.

He wanted to use Wan Jian as soon as possible to eradicate Lin Lang, but the old devil was so angry that he would be killed if he could not kill him. At this time, Bai Mu was wondering if he would use some inferior means to get back in the future.

The so-called gentleman revenge is not too late for ten years. The guru can resist bullets, but when it comes to special armor-piercing bullets, empty-point bullets are not so easy to avoid.

With Baijia's influence in China, it is not difficult to get these.

Bai Mu promises, in fact, he already has his own abacus in mind.

Just then, a light voice without emotion touched suddenly.

"Since you've served it, you'll die!"

Lin Lang slowly raised his palm and gently fell on Bai Mu's shoulder.

Obviously it does not seem to have much lethality, but Bai Mu has been sealed and repaired by Lin Lang, no different from ordinary martial arts.

Even a weak attack is a disaster for him.

At the end of the day, Bai Mu's eyes were broken and he shouted, "I have already given up, and you even want to kill me!"

But Lin Lang's palm edge had already fallen on Bai Mu's body, the entire human head was smashed, blood was soaring, and the ground was three feet red, and the dead could not die anymore.

"I just asked you whether you would admit it or not, and I didn't say I want to let you go." Lin Lang shook his head endlessly. From the beginning, he didn't plan to let Bai Mu off.

Bai Mu is the kind of person who has a back bone, letting him go is to trouble himself, not to mention that Lin Lang is not interested in identifying the sincerity of the master.

Death is his best destination.

This **** scene was completely frightened by the soldiers present. One by one, if you are still chilling, you don't dare to shake easily if you have urine.

At this time, Lin Lang's mouth twitched slightly, and saw that trace of blood became clearer.

Finally, someone couldn't resist the pressure and chose to escape.

This person is Xu Zhan. He knew that offending Lin Lang was not trivial. People even killed Bai Mu, and sent him a little grand master?

Once this idea was raised, Xu Zhan wanted to slip away without paying attention, and when he returned to Yaowangzong to discuss with Yaowang, he would not be slaughtered by anyone like now.

But under the attention of Lin Lang, how did he run away.

"Did I let you go?" Lin Lang raised his eyelids.

Xu Zhan lifted his feet in the air and froze in place, saying nothing could be done.

"I've already acknowledged this. What do you want?"

Xu Zhan's face was somber and uncertain, after all, he didn't dare to vent his inner anger.

"I heard that there are thousands of elixir in Yaozong?" Lin Lang said lightly.

"The millennium elixir." Xu Zhan stunned.

There is indeed a few millennium elixir in the medicine Wang Zong. I never thought the other party had the idea.

"If you want a thousand-year elixir, I can't be the master of this. Please allow me to go back and discuss with the king of medicine, and I will take it home."

Xu Zhan made up his mind to go back to Wang Zong first.

It was a big deal that he couldn't close his door when he didn't believe that Lin Lang dared to come in and ask for this debt.

"Since it is there, it's best." Lin Lang nodded, and then pointed far away in the direction of Xu Zhan.

A splendid brilliance erupted instantly from the fingertips, traversed several meters of space and fell on Xu Zhan's body.


Although this Guanghua was not Lin Lang's full blow, it fell on Xu Zhan's body and he was still uncomfortable. I saw that he had been unable to dodge, and his chest had been shot through a large hole.

"How can you kill me?"

Xu Zhan stared at Lin Lang dullly. He thought that what he had just said should be seamless, but why he shot suddenly.

Asked this sentence, Xu Zhan's eyes have appeared a double image, Guanghua has long been no longer.

咣 Dang.

Xu Zhan followed in the footsteps of Bai Mu and went together.

He may be more guilty of death, because he didn't understand it to the end, Lin Lang was from the beginning to the end to treat Wang Zong's millennium panacea.

All the warriors did not dare to come out and looked at Lin Lang with fear.

This guy wants to kill people, it doesn't make sense!

At this moment, Lin Lang's mouth once again had a red blood stain overflowing, he waved his sleeve forward and quietly wiped the blood.

But this scene has undoubtedly fallen into the eyes of many people.

"Nima! Spit blood again!"

The gurus saw the blood spurting directly. This time, they killed Wan Jian as soon as he vomited blood, and now he vomits blood again. Xu Zhan also killed you.

You blood ... can you kill someone!

After doing this, Lin Lang's eyes glanced lightly at the few remaining great masters.

"The Bai family and the Deng family, go together if you want revenge."

The two warriors dared not be angry, they would not say anything, and once they went up, Wan Jian was useless. How could they have this ability?

"If you don't take the initiative, then I will do it myself."

Lin Langyou walked a few steps forward and came to the two masters.

"Everyone is dead, so it's better to fight with him!" Bai Ting gritted his teeth and rushed forward.


Baicheng also took a step forward, and his master's practice was undoubtedly revealed.

It was also at this time that it was the first time that Bai Cheng showed his cultivation in front of the public. Before that, everyone thought he was a half-step master.

"The Bai family has indeed become a super-family of three ancestors. Bai Cheng should have made a name for himself at the martial arts conference, but they offended people." Everyone kept shaking their heads, and they felt like they were.

Master Deng also knew his own ending, sighed and rushed up.


Each realm of Huajing is a huge gap. Even Wan Jianyi can easily solve several junior masters, let alone Lin Lang.

After a while, everything was basically the same as before, except that there were three more dead bodies.

"What about you? Don't you avenge your elders?"

Lin Lang smiled brightly, showing a row of white teeth.

"What else do you want? The guru is dead. Do you want to destroy my Bai family?"

The remaining Bai family barefooted their chests and simply gave up the resistance, thinking they knew that even the resistance was the same result.

At this time, Lu Huowu walked to Lin Lang's side gently and reminded him in a low voice: "Leader, we are also the people of the country, we should not do too much."

Although the Bai family had a great feud with the Lu family, she also wanted to destroy the Bai family very much, but this matter was totally unworkable.

Such a big thing as disagreement and destruction is not even a long time in Huaxia. If it was really done by Lin Lang, I was afraid that Commander Kong himself would not be able to provide security.

Lin Lang frowned. It was really not his style to let the Bai family go like this.

"Isn't Master Lin needing a millennium elixir? The Bai family has stored a strain, and the old man will send it here." An old Bai family man suddenly said.

The words fell, and several Bai Jiawu soldiers hurried away to get the millennium elixir.

"Master Zong, the Bai family has also collected a lot of treasures over the years. I will give you a list later. If you want to pick it up at will. Just ask you to let the old and the young people down the Bai family's road."

The Baijia old man knelt on, and almost grabbed the ground with his face.

Seeing this, Lin Lang's brow eased.

After experiencing this incident, no one dared to despise Lin Lang, even fainting near him. Perhaps the innocuous face of humans and animals makes countless people think that this is a good talking guy.

But they didn't react until now. This is also a demon king who does not blink.

Wan Jianyi, Bai Mu, Xu Zhan, which of these people is not the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world, now one by one end in such a desolate end.

Lin Lang stepped forward one step, penetrating a cliff obstacle of ten meters in an instant, and finally fell on the only boulder on the cliff top.

In the breeze, Lin Lang's sleeves flew and he no longer killed him, his temperament seemed like a gentle and gentle gentleman.

It was just that the faint blood stain on the corner of his mouth never disappeared, which seemed to prove how cruel the battle was.

"After all, the martial arts conference is just a springboard. This is just the beginning."

Big waves washed up in the sand, a new generation replaced the old, Baiyun Canggou, I don't know how many heroes were replaced by newcomers.

He stood on top of Emei and felt the world spinning, but I stood still!

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