Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 192: Lu Beidou disappeared

China's third, a generation of old demon heads in the martial arts world for decades, Wan Jianyi fell!

The former predecessor of the Budo Assembly, Bai Mu, fell!

Yao Wangzong, chief guest secretary, Xu Zhan, fallen!

Bai Cheng, Bai Ting, Master Deng all died in his hands!

There are six grand masters who are broken at the top of Wanfo!

Prior to this, no one could have thought that this martial arts conference had provoked so many big people, and no one could think that so many big people joined forces and were even annihilated by an unknown boy.

Even now, there are still a lot of people who can't believe what they see is true. These guru masters aren't in the same place.

But today ...

As for the Bai family and the Deng family, after losing three top pillars, it was inevitable that they would recover from this.

In other words, without the two masters sitting in the town, they are almost dead.

Everyone looked at the silhouette of the mountain in front of them, their minds were quite complicated.

"He's the master of daggers that Yao Wangzong will follow."

"He is so fierce that even King Kong Temple has to bow down to practice his master."

"He is a master of transmigration who can't be defeated by any one of Wan Jian.

It is only now that everyone has discovered that all the auras of praise in this world seem to be concentrated on one person at this moment.

The peak of this man's achievements in all aspects has made people subconsciously ignore his age.

"Maybe this is the genius. He has done something amazing enough to make it hard to praise his age."

Master Chen's heart burst into emotion.

Bai Yutang was standing aside, and all the strong family members were destroyed. He was the only incense in the Bai family here.

Does he hate it?

Hate, the hatred in the chest!

"I want revenge!"

Bai Yutang squeezed his fist tightly. After a short while, he let go again.

His talent is said to be the strongest of the younger generation, and he is no less convincing than Bai Chen, but from the beginning to the end, Lin Lang didn't mean to find him to settle accounts.

He didn't consider him an opponent from the beginning!

Perhaps ... this is the sadness of the little man.

Thinking of this, Bai Yutang was already desperate in his heart. His enemies were younger and more talented than him, but his strength had reached the point where he looked up.

What could be more desperate than that?

Bai Yutang left the people of the Bai family and left in loneliness. So long after that, the whole martial arts world could no longer find him.

This person seems to evaporate out of thin air.

Lu Beidou looked at Lin Lang's back, a smile came out of his mouth.

"With this person, the Lu family has no worries for a hundred years."

Thinking of this, a trace of tears passed across the corner of Father Lu's eyes, and the dim eyes disappeared completely.


Master Lu Jia fell to the ground with satisfaction, seeing that the last wish was fulfilled, and he died without regret in this life.


"Master Lu!"

The Lu family rushed up, regardless of Wan Fuding's ban, and quickly carried Lu Beidou away.


Chuanshu, Lu family.

For the Lu family, this time of the martial arts conference was also a matter of joy and anxiety. They were so happy that the Lu family kept it, and finally they were happy to exult in front of other families.

This worry is the death of Lu Beidou.

There was a lot of vegetarian food in the Lujia Manor House, and the cry was accompanied by sorrow and happiness for a long time. The white couplet hangs all the way to the street, and the entire Lu family is immersed in a sad atmosphere.

In the shed, a golden coffin stands upright. Master Lu's family died for the family.

That night, the Bai family listed a series of bills and sent them to Lin Lang. As for what he called the millennium elixir, they were also sent to Lin Lang currently.

There is no doubt that the Bai family is breaking the fortune and avoiding disasters. They are really afraid that Lin Lang will initiate a madness and kill the Bai family.

"With this millennium elixir, refining Zengyang Dan should not be a problem. It seems as long as I find a day to open the furnace to refine the alchemy."

Lin Lang thought secretly.

After receiving the things from the Bai family, Lin Lang turned around and prepared to return to the house. When passing by the shed, the little girl Lu Huomai was kneeling in front of the coffin and wept.

"Well, grief, by the way, the old man is a good man, and when he arrives in the underworld, he will enjoy his blessing."

Passing by Lu Huowu, Lin Lang shot and patted her shoulder to show comfort.

Lu Huowu cried even more.

"If it wasn't for Grandpa who took the elixir I gave him, he wouldn't have gone so suddenly."

Lu Huowu still cried. Although the elixir was uploaded by Lu Jiazu, Lu Beidou took it out of her pocket.

This almost became a knot in her heart, always guilty.

"Elixir? What elixir?"

Lin Lang's expression moved, and the fighting during the day was too fierce, and he almost forgot about it.

Why is Master Lu's family able to improve so much strength at once, and the whole person is as invulnerable as a zombie, he is also curious.

There is also the green smoke surrounding Lu Beidou, which is not normal.

"In general, the outbreak of life potential overdose should not have such an overbearing medicinal effect." Lin Lang frowned.

There are a lot of elixir medicines for overstretching life to improve strength, but like Master Lu Jia, there is a rare death within a prescribed time limit.

Lu Huowu heard this, as if she had caught the last life-saving straw.

It was only at this time that she remembered that Lin Lang had another identity. He was also a Dan master!

"This is the elixir that Grandpa ate. It is said that the ancestors of Lu family got it by accident."

Talking, Lu Huowu pulled out a dark black elixir from her pocket and handed it to Lin Lang.

This elixir looks a bit unusual, with three waves wavy around it, and beside them, there are engravings of ghost heads that are hard to recognize by the naked eye.

This is truly a panacea!

No one knows better than Lin Lang. The three ripples represent its grade, which corresponds to the level of the immortal. Sanpindan medicine is for monks of Jindan.

The Zengyang Dan that Lin Lang is going to refine is nothing more than a second-grade elixir!

Sanpindan medicine has spread to the world, and was obtained by an ordinary transmigration, which is a bit tricky.

"Where have I seen such a ghost head totem."

Lin Lang was pondering. After all, he still couldn't remember where the ghost came from, but he didn't go too far. He had seen more totems than anyone else in his life.

If everything goes deep, I'm afraid he will have a headache too.

"Elixir can't devour so much vitality. Let me look at Lu Lao's body, maybe there is a chance to save it." Lin Lang said suddenly.

After a little hesitation, Lu Huowu agreed, and there was a faint expectation in her heart.

According to the custom of local people's burial, although the body was put into the coffin, the coffin nails were nailed one day after being buried.

Therefore, opening the coffin for autopsy does not require any setbacks.

But when we opened the coffin, everyone was scared.

I saw that in the coffin, there was nothing like Father Lu's shadow!

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