Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 247: Master's Pride!

Countless amazement looks, each looks at each other, unknown.

What the **** is it that can make these Sichuanese children so crazy?

Chasing stars? Why are they chasing stars as their identity, as long as it's time for them to come, find some second- and third-tier stars to accompany them in person, or meet with first-tier stars, it should not be difficult.

Even if it's Xia Bingbing ... they should be able to come, right? !!

The hearts of everyone were confused. Maybe if they let Xia Bingbing be the leader of the big leader, it would be like crazy people in Kyoto.

Because it is a big tree, a tree that is enough for all families to go further!

"If you can take the opportunity to get online with the person behind Xia Bingbing, it's not a worry!" Li Dongbin was so excited that he rushed directly into the backstage to grab Xia Bingbing.

However, Li Dongbin hadn't waited for the show, and the first priority was in front of him.

It was a strong man like an iron tower, stretched out his strong arms, and stopped the way. Before Li Dongbin rushed in, I saw the brave man gently stretch out his hand and put it on Li Dongbin's shoulder. He was thrown out of the door like he was carrying a chicken.

"Smelly Biaozi! What are you doing?" Li Dongbin was furious, and the granddaughter of Chuanshu let a caretaker knead like this, and his face couldn't stop.

"Ms. Xia asked me to stay at the door, you can't go in." The strong man shouted.

Upon hearing Miss Xia's name, Li Dongbin's face also changed, his eyes turned, and his wry mind moved. He got back to the strong man again, and quietly shoved a bank card into the strong man's pocket.

"Brothers, it's not easy for you to watch the wind and rain outside. This hundred thousand is the hard money you deserve. You only need to help me inform Miss Xia and say Chu Shuli ..."

Before the words were over, with a muffled sound, even people were thrown out with their cards, and Li Dongbin's posture was extremely miserable, and he fell into a dog stump.

The strong man was motionless, and there was no emotion in his thick face, as if he was a door god.

Others, young and old, took turns to battle, all returning.

This bodyguard is simply a role that doesn't allow you to get into the oil and salt. It's useless to win over and threaten, except that the janitor is the only job.

They are all self-contained, and now they are embarrassed by a small bodyguard.

In the end, Bai Zhizhen stood up and said calmly: "It was Miss Xia who invited us to come and asked my brother to do it for convenience."

"Ms. Xia invited only one person." The strong man glanced at Bai Zhixuan.

"That presumably Miss Xia said it was me, now you wait a moment outside, I will go back."

Bai Zhizhen laughed lightly, and walked to the background calmly. Unexpectedly, halfway through, the strong man reached out and threw him out.

"What are you going to do again?" The brawny man stared, speaking a rough Northeast dialect.

Bai Zhixu climbed up with a grey face and frowning, frowning: What are you doing, Xiongtai? Didn't Miss Xia tell me to go in? "

"Ms. Xia didn't call you, how can I let you in." The brawny snorted loudly.

"Not me? Who else can that be?"

Bai Zhi froze, and behind him looked uncertainly at the people behind him, a thought suddenly rose in his mind: "Do other people know Xia Bingbing, hold me to a high place first, and then watch me ugly?"

The more he thought about it, the lower Bai Zhizhen's face became, and the man was already dangling his knife from behind. If he didn't show a little attitude, he would only let others have an inch.

People he suspected shook their heads, and none of them seemed to know Xia Bingbing.

"It's not me. I don't know Xia Bingbing at all." Li Dongbin quickly stepped forward to explain.

"It's not me, if I know Miss Xia, why wait outside." Deng Qi shook his head.

"I just met Miss Xia on TV."

Everyone expressed their opinions one by one. In the end, Bai Zhixuan's eyes passed away from Chen Miaoxuan. Yes, Chen Miaoxuan's character was utterly disdainful of playing these cautions.

"It looks like we're wrong, let's go back." Bai Zhizhen frustrated.

"Wait a minute, let's miss someone, just in case who knows it." Sun Xiaohan said suddenly, holding up his chin and giving directions.

Looking in the direction she pointed to, naturally it was Lin Lang. Apparently, she was still worried about what had just happened.

"Forget it, where can he get in touch with Xia Bingbing, and he has no background, even if he gave him eighteen million, it is difficult to see people." Deng Qi shook his head.

"Everyone can know Miss Xia, but he alone is impossible." Li Dongbin said nonchalantly.

"This is where two parallel lines will never intersect."

There was a moment of silence in everyone's hearts. This was not deliberate satire, but something called the bottom line, which was far from upstarts. Even though Chen Miaoxuan supported him, they never took Lin Lang as the same level to communicate.

Not to mention what they can't do and where to get an ordinary student.

"Everyone go back to wash and sleep, we should be mistaken." Bai Zhi sighed and touched his gray nose, he didn't want to stay any longer.

"Well, it's a pity."

Others are also discouraged and come back in disgust, which is their true portrayal. Even the second daughter of Chen Miaoxuan was disappointed and turned to leave.

At this moment, the rough voice of the brave man came again: "Hey, don't go, you haven't entered by the door, Miss Xia is waiting for you inside ..."

The crowd turned back in anger, staring coldly at the strong man.

What? Shall we play?

The crowd was vomiting blood, eagerly rushing over to beat him, thinking that Miss Xia was still inside, so they did not dare to be too presumptuous.

"What do you mean, since we are not the one Miss Xia wants to invite, why bother calling us again, shouldn't you just make us happy?" Bai Zhicheng said coldly.

"Well, you're misunderstood. I'm not talking about you. You're not qualified."

The brawny man looks five big and three rough, but when he talks, he is very indifferent: "Miss Xia is going to ask you, but he."

The strong man pointed at Lin Lang, who had met Lin Lang on the cruise ship.

Everyone looked blankly, but saw that Lin Lang was unmoved, with no joy or grief on his face, and was not excited by the goddess's name at all.

"How could it be him?"

Li Dongbin was stunned, just feeling what he had just said, it was like a slap with heavy weight on his face, and he was ashamed of himself.

"Ms. Xia asked him for it!" Bai Zhihuan froze.

"It's a good luck kid. I could get the favor of the goddess. If I could take the opportunity to catch Miss Xia, I would like to say a few words in front of that person. Fei Huang Tengda is just around the corner."

Everyone had different minds, some were surprised by Lin Lang's reversal, and some were secretly angry that Lin Lang had deliberately made them ugly. Of course, there were envious glances.

"This kid is really lucky. I don't know when it was Miss Xia."

Bai Zhiyu's heart was sour. He originally thought it was his chance. He hurriedly came, but he did not expect it to be a foil.

"Brother Lin is really deep enough to hide, but the seven of us have been waiting for you for a while." Bai Zhixuan's eyes flashed, full of provocation.

Sure enough, the words fell, and the rest of the rich and young eyes also looked at Lin Lang's actions in his heart. Chen Miaoxuan also seemed puzzled.

Lin Lang didn't seem to hear his provocation, and shook his head: "I don't know if Xia Bingbing is looking for me, otherwise I won't come."

He originally thought that Xia Bingbing had invited other talents to come, but now he thinks that Xia Bingbing should be for the pendant.

And he was not very willing to help.

"Continue to blow, if you can do it, don't go in." Bai Zhixi snorted in his heart, but his thoughts had not completely fallen. At this time, Lin Lang slowly took a step in the attention of everyone, but turned to leave.

"No, this kid is playing ?!"

Bai Zhiyan's eyelids jumped.

Lin Lang's footsteps had just taken a step, and a very pleasant voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Lin stayed."

The crowd only felt a faint scent of fragrance, like the smell of lavender, and a little different. It was mixed with a faint body fragrance, like wine, which made people drunk.

When they returned to God again, before they knew it, a pretty lady flew past her.

Everyone looked at it, and saw that beautiful girl like a fairy, without even smoothing her skirt, and hurriedly chasing after her.

Bai Zhiquan was shocked, and Xia Bingbing greeted him in person!

"The little girl changed her head in the background and failed to welcome him personally, and asked Mr. Lin not to blame." Xia Bingbing smeared a few fluffy hairs at random, apologizing.

Countless people were stunned.

As a big star, she even put down the shelf and offered to apologize. What's the situation?

Doesn't Xia Bingbing only look for him, but something else?

"Xia Bingbing is the one who is worth the money. Even she has to be polite to Lin Lang. What is this guy's identity?"

Bai Zhixuan's eyelids jumped, but Lin Lang felt more and more unpredictable.

However, the client did not respond, turned back and said indifferently: "I said that day you and I have run out of fate, and this matter will be mentioned again."

After that, Lin Lang turned and left.

"Mr. Lin, wait ..."

Xia Bingbing took a small step, followed closely, his shoes were heavy, and also stepped on the hearts of every fan.

Lin Lang turned a deaf ear to his ears, leaving his negative hand indifferent, and disappeared in no time.

Everyone looked thoroughly.

Xia Bingbing invited himself, but he refused.

Xia Bingbing chased out in person, and then you are not a bird?

Looking at this posture, it seems that the little daughter-in-law is chasing the heart.

How big is this shelf ...

Countless dull eyes will gather together, dead, and no one will accept it strong enough to recover from consternation.

"Oh my god, this world is crazy." Bai Zhimao muttered.

Although Xia Bingbing has been working hard to chase, but how can he catch up with his feet on high heels, he sweated and was forced to stop within a few steps.

After taking a few breaths, Xia Bingbing just looked at Lin Lang's departure direction resentfully. At this time, Sister Li hurried to come over, picked up Xia Bingbing, and hated: "This kid is too hateful, just walk away and leave us no face!"

"Well, let's go back and ask Master, he must have a way." Sister Li still felt dissatisfied with Lin Lang's move.

"I have been in the body for a long time now, and no one except him can cure it." Xia Bingbing laughed and said, "Otherwise you thought my dad would let me enter the entertainment circle?"

Sister Li was stiff and understood the meaning. She said, "What if he refuses to show the lady?"

"We didn't seize the opportunity for the first time, so this time he will certainly not be committed to us, even if he spends his fortune, even if my dad came to ask for it, the result will be the same."

"This is the pride of the master!" Xia Bingbing sighed slowly, sighing suddenly.

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