Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 248: Gossip Boyfriend

No one expected that Xia Bingbing invited Lin Lang, and Lin Lang also gave Xia Bingbing a puppet.

After Lin Lang's departure, an exclamation erupted suddenly among the crowd.

"I remember who he is, he is Xia Bingbing's gossip boyfriend!"

"I also remembered that the strange man who was holding Xia Bingbing on the cruise ship at the beginning, yes, that beast!"

"Oh my god, it's this guy, return my goddess! Return my goddess!"

Fans in the rear have called out to kill pigs, and a lot of goddesses have been defiled, aggressively looking for Lin Lang's existence.

Xia Bingbing's face turned crimson and her face hurried away. The fans in the back had already blasted the pot and rushed up, but most of them were stopped by strong men.

"This guy is a wonderful person."

Looking at Lin Lang's direction of departure, Chen Miaoxuan blinked, and her mind drifted away completely.


In the afternoon of this day, a Hongmen giant went to Shencheng Liyue Company to send a generous gift, expressing his willingness to resolve the grievances. At first, two of the siege of Lin Lang were giants from Hongmen. Later, Lin Lang became famous in the first battle, beheaded no less than ten giants, and killed the world. In addition, Lin Lang released the news through Yaozong.

Hongmen couldn't sit still and let a giant personally present him with a generous gift.

"In addition, many killer mercenaries in Dark Star and the Place of Judgment also withdrew from the territory, and the forces to which Dark Star and Nikuni Nozawa belonged have not yet stated their position. There is a killer king in the Dark Star headquarters. No fear, and the Nozawa family also has an old predecessor known as the sword god. "

"The old sword **** called Nozawa No. 1 and ranked fourth in the dark list. Ten years ago, he was already at the peak of transmigration. He claims to be the closest to the state of God. He has fought with Yin and Yang Taoists several times.

"I don't know what the reason was later. The yin and yang Taoists advanced greatly and defeated Nozawa Sword God within a hundred strokes. This is their last battle."

Mo Bingzhu summarized the information in his hand and reported it one by one.

"Let me know the news. I will meet them one by one." Lin Lang said lightly.

There, Mo Bingzhu's eyelids jumped over Shen Cheng, and he lost his voice: "Don't you want to challenge them, Ye Ze is definitely not easy to deal with, especially those who are unfamiliar in foreign countries, they may not use Zhengda Bright means to deal with you ... "

"It's a disaster to stay, and it's just to die." Lin Lang whispered softly. Since the two are unwilling to bow their heads, it is a hostile relationship, and it is naturally impossible to leave a threat in his style.

Mo Bingzhu rolled his eyes, how can a strong man like Nozawa be destroyed, even if the yin and yang Taoists just defeat, not kill.

In short, thousands of words converged into one sentence, be careful.

After letting down the phone, Lin Lang ordered Kevis to book a flight ticket to Japan. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally figured out Lin Lang's attempt and began to flex his muscles.

"This guy must report to the rhythm of entering the country of Japan. Fortunately, I recognized it early, otherwise killing me is almost a catch." Kevis hit a shock.

In fact, he was wrong. Lin Lang went out this time not just for revenge, but to seek to break through.

At that time, Wang Zong, a large medicine, was cleaned by him, and countless elixirs were refined into Dan. Some were used to treat injuries and could not be used to promote cultivation. This was scattered a lot. No small overhead.

Now the remaining elixir of the body is put together, at most, he can cultivate to the top of the foundation, and as for the breakthrough to the Jindan realm, it is basically impossible. Although it is not a problem at the moment, it is always necessary to have a longer look, and such things as holding a Buddha's foot temporarily cannot be trusted.

Kevis quickly contacted the airline. The flight ticket was booked three days later, which is also what Lin Lang meant, leaving three days of free time because he still had some things to deal with.

The first thing is to say goodbye to a few roommates back to the bedroom.

This time I went out for a few months and a few years. The next time I meet, I can't say that these people have graduated. It is likely that this is the last time they met.

"So I will leave Japan next week. Do you have any help?"

Lin Lang gathered the three together and talked about his schedule with several people.

"Of course there is, purchasing ... to help me ..." William said first.

"If you can afford it, you can try it." Lin Lang said with a smile.

"Can't wait!"

Lin Lang's request was ignored by Lin Lang directly. Instead, Sun Mingze, who had been silent, suddenly said, "If you want to go to Japan, I can work with you, and we have to take care of it on the road."

"Are you going to Japan?" Lin Lang's eyes flashed.

"It's probably just a few days now, go with my dad to see the fiancee." Sun Mingze nodded.

"Do you have a fiancee? Not a girlfriend? When did you have one? I don't know?" Liu Xiaochuan jumped up instantly.

After a series of cannonball attacks, Sun Mingze's head was so big that he had to explain patiently: "This is all about the older generation. At first, my father made a friend in Japan, and then he pointed to his belly. My father was here. Japan found me a fiancee. "

"Well, Niu X has made a big deal. He even found a daughter-in-law from Japan. The children born are all mixed blood. To improve the family ancestry, your father can make a wise decision."

"And there are still, you will have a nest in Japan, and you will find another beautiful daughter-in-law in China, and pedal two boats, your life is complete!" Liu Xiaochuan grinned and began to chatter.

Sun Mingze's face became increasingly dark.

Fortunately, at this time, a ringing bell interrupted in time. When William put down the phone and talked on WeChat, he looked at Lin Lang with a strange look.

"For you, Chen Miaoxuan wants your letter V ..."

Everyone's faces were stranger than one.

"College Chen spends this ... this is to follow your rhythm!"

Liu Xiaochuan's mouth broke again.

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