Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 348: Manki sect

Near the airport in Jinxiluo, a bearded middle-aged man was waiting outside the train station. Cigarettes in his hand followed one another, and the smoky fumes drew anger from many pedestrians around him.

The plane landed steadily, and the passengers gushed out like a tide. Among the crowd, a young man with a handsome face walked slowly.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's eyes brightened, he stepped off the cigarette butt, trot all the way up, and tempted, "Mr. Lin? You are Mr. Lin, I have seen your picture."

Lin Lang nodded: "It's me."

The bearded man glanced up and down Lin Lang, and secretly, it was a young talent, and he suddenly paid tribute: "Zou Haokang, the sixteenth-generation disciple of Yaowangzong, saw the deities of Shangzong."

Although he is a disciple of Yao Wangzong, it is not an exaggeration to call him a named disciple, because what he learns in Yao Wangzong is not a skill, but the outermost is responsible for doing business.

Yao Wangzong gave him permission, and as a tool for making money for the ancestral gate, he was one of the most popular in the ordinary world, especially in Luoshi.

Therefore, Yao Wang arranged the beard to Lin Lang, at least for Lin Lang who is not familiar with his life, it is a good arrangement.

"Yaowang did his best." Lin Lang nodded.

And this bearded man is obviously a familiar one, without a couple of sentences, he had a relationship with Lin Lang. He was suddenly surprised to find that the messenger who came from the last sect was quite earthly, unlike the previous messengers who were arrogant and never looked at them ordinary people.

In fact, these two days Lin Lang has been in a good mood.

Lin Lang nodded and headed straight to the theme: "I'm here for the purpose of Luo, Yao Wang should tell you?"

Beard nodded: "I know where you are going, the location is probably in the woodland to the north. According to the description of Yaowang, that area should be adjacent to JS Province." "You are sure to go there, but you cannot go there."

Lin Lang nodded: "What?"

"That is the famous mass grave post. There are often evil things happening, and the local guides are reluctant to lead the way. And the last time I received the immortal master of the last case, the immortal master revealed that the depths of the mountain are very likely There is a hidden Sejong gate, and its strength may be no less than that of Yao Wangzong. "

"I'm going there." Lin Lang said.

"He should have been established by the Medicine King Sect to Wan Guizong. After all, there must be a constant connection between such sects." Zou Daxiu thought for granted.

Now that Lin Lang has already said so, Beard had to lead the way. He is a local resident of Luo City and once escorted another master Shizong Danshi into Wanguizong. His understanding of this place is no better than medicine Wang Zongnei has less information.

The next time, Zou Beard personally drove Lin Lang on board. The winding mountain road from the airport finally stopped at a foot of the mountain.

This is the end of the road.

The two had a trek between the mountains on foot, and eventually stopped in a forest of monuments.

"I see Mr. Lin's success as a young man, and there is a style of everyone between walking. Presumably, Yao Wangzong is also a recent rising rookie?

Along the way, Beard complimented, and on the other side he asked Lin Lang's identity.

After walking a distance, Beard stopped and looked around.

"Here it is." Beard said, "Last time I went to Wanguizong with Elder Guo. At that time, we came here and tapped the tombstone a few times, and then someone from the medicine kingzong came to us. . "

"Mr. Lin knows Elder Guo? It's been three or five years since Elder Guo left Luo City last time, and I don't know how his old man has been doing recently?" Beard sighed.

"That person was killed by me." Lin Lang fainted.

"Uh ..." The bearded man was stunned, and suddenly realized: "No wonder, I said that no one in Zongmen had reconciled with me in the recent past. It turned out that Elder Guo had an accident."

"Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong. I don't have any friendship with Elder Guo. On the contrary, I have to prepare a generous gift for Elder Guo every quarter."

Beard quickly explained: "Now that you have taken over the position that originally belonged to Elder Guo, this dividend should be transferred to you."

Having said that, the bearded man also developed some anxieties. Elder Guo was originally responsible for him. He made money for Yao Wangzong. Every quarter, someone would come to collect the accounts and reconcile them. A large part of this money flowed into Yao Wangzong's pocket, while the other part was 'filial respect' to Elder Guo.

Originally, there was Elder Guo as a backer in Zongmen, and his position was as stable as Mount Tai. Even if he was in trouble, Wang Zong would send out warriors to calm down. But now that Elder Guo is dead, he has to find a new backer for himself.

He knew too well that Yao Zong was powerful, that is, to take away his business, and then he would just change the name of a spokesperson. Hesitating for a moment, Beard said, "Besides that, between Elder Guo and I was turned over to Zongmen every year, Elder Guo's share was to be prepared more, which is about one percent Twenty, now that Mr. Lin has taken over his position, how about business as usual? "

"I'm not the one with the medicine Wang Zong." Lin Lang frowned.

Obviously, the bearded man regarded him as the medicine king.


The bearded man was stunned, and co-calculated with him for a long time, this was explained for an outsider.

However, there was no disappointment about Lin Lang's identity, but he paid more attention to it. Because he knew that even if the other party did not come from Yao Wangzong, how could such a person arranged by the Yao Wangzong himself be an ordinary person?

What's more, even Elder Guo died in his hands, and so far others are still alive and kicking, which shows its extraordinaryness.

"I remember it was near here."

Although Zou Beard is not familiar with driving, he has at least one experience of entering Wanguizong. Following the memory impression, he walked back and forth a few times in the forest of monuments and stopped Lin Lang in front of a lone grave.

In the distance are some well-known monument forest cemeteries. There are several clusters of flowers or tribute in front of the tombstone. Only this lone tomb is particularly special, brand new and clean, and there is no trace of worship by anyone. It looks like It is a boundary stone.

"Um. It should be here. At that time, Elder Guo didn't know what mechanism was touched on this stone monument, and a door was raised underground." Zou Beard murmured and rubbed his fingers over the stone monument, but the stone monument is indeed No response at all.

"No need to find them, just call them out."

Lin Lang fainted. He didn't know what mystery was on the stele, but he didn't come to worship the mountain anyway, there was no need to treat him with courtesy. The easiest and quickest way is to destroy the stele.

As long as the stone monument is destroyed, those who are not afraid of the ghosts will not come out.

At the same time as the voice fell, Lin Lang shot a beam of light with his fingers, blasting it on the surface of the stele, and numerous debris fell.


The stone trembled for a while, and cracks appeared on its surface, but it didn't break on the spot.

"Well? Somehow."

Lin Lang looked at the stele in surprise. He has been promoted for a long time after the foundation building, and almost approaches the peak of the foundation building, that is, the innate realm, even if his random hit is not an ordinary stone monument can bear.

"It turned out to be a stele for the formation."

This stone tablet incorporates formations, and its defense is surprisingly good. It is expected that it should be a portal for Wan Guizong to communicate with the outside world. From here, you can listen to the outside movement and serve as a doorbell.

This place is not really a mountain gate.

"Since it doesn't come out, I'll force you out."

Lin Lang sneered, and another finger shot a beam of light, hitting the stele fiercely. At this time, the stele was shaken violently, and its ground was swelled with a soil shaped like a tomb.

Suddenly, the stele rose up.

In the soil layer below, a coffin broke out of the soil, a black hand cut through the gap of the coffin, and sharp nails were scratched on the iron skin on the surface of the coffin, bringing out a string of scalp-like friction noise.

A shawl with red and white hair slowly stood up from the coffin. This is a white corpse who is about to turn into red evil.

"Huh? It turned out to be him?"

Lin Lang's brow froze, although the corpse's face was purple and blue, and the facial features also had a burst of black gas, but according to his dried-up features, the appearance of this corpse's face turned out to be seven or eight points like an old person in Lin Lang's body. similar.

"Lu Beidou?"

It was the master Lu Jia who had an astonishing blockbuster at the beginning of the martial arts conference. I remember that at that time, Master Lu Jia took an elixir, and the combat power soared from the beginning of the transformation to the middle of the transformation. He was even pulled by the most refined King Kong Monastery. Drop one arm.

As for the death of Lu Beidou later, the corpse that was supposed to be in the coffin waiting to be entered was missing, and there are various signs that Lu Beidou crawled out of the coffin himself.

At first glance, everything makes sense. Lu Beidou took an elixir that was inextricably linked to Wan Guizong, and after death he was recruited by the Wan Guizong people as a corpse.

It is just that Lu Beidou's intellect is almost annihilated, and the whole person has completely turned into a half-human half-corpse existence. The muffled beastly roar represented that he had been completely transformed into a white fierce corpse, guarding the stone monument of Wanguizong.


Lu Beidou snarled at Lin Lang, but did not immediately launch an attack. He stared at Lin Lang for a while, and the scarlet mang in his pupil suddenly rose, attacking Lin Lang aggressively.

Ordinary black fierce and white fierce can only be manipulated by corpses, there is no difference from those ‘zombies’ described in the movies, the actions are rigid and they only know to act on primitive behavior. However, Hongsha has begun to give birth to a new deity, and is no longer a line puppet.

Although Lu Beidou turned into a corpse corpse, although his strength has increased a lot, he is only limited to 'half red evil'. How can he be Lin Lang's opponent.

He can burst even the real red evil.

Within ten strokes, Lu Beidou was defeated and destroyed by Lin Lang. He lifted his foot and stepped firmly on the ground. Lu Beidou was struggling constantly, Zhang Yawu claws holding the ground.

"I'll give you a treat."

Lin Lang just wanted to shoot and completely fell off Lu Beidou, but at this time, Lu Beidou suddenly gave up his struggle, which made Lin Lang's raised arm slightly.

"Eh? No, his consciousness is not completely extinct." Lin Lang was a little surprised, and in Lu Beidou's body, he could feel a faint wave of soul. Although it may be extinguished at any time like a candle in the wind, it is at least not yet Completely annihilated.

Lu Beidou may not be dead!

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