Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 349: Kill Ten Thousand Ghost Sects

After Lu Beidou swallowed the elixir from Wanguizong that year, the whole person was assimilated into a half-human half-body monster, but at that time he was not completely dead after all, and the master was repaired in his body, the spirit is far more ordinary People and others have to be overbearing, so that the spirits have remained to this day.

"It's nothing but your chance to meet me. If it's two months later, Da Luo Jinxian won't save you."

Lin Lang sighed and was able to meet Lu Beidou again here. This was something he never expected, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to study what happened to Lu Beidou.

Lu Beidou did not resist, and allowed Lin Lang's thoughts to drive straight into him and probe into his body.

After a long while, Lin Lang finally slowly recovered his consciousness, exhaling a long breath: "So it is."

"The elixir of Wanguizong can gradually change the physique of the devourer into a corpse with a strong body. Warriors have a good foundation, which is far more common than ancient corpses, and the manufacturing cycle is shorter."

Naturally, this group of people of all ghosts hit their ideas on the warriors and used them to make higher-level corpses. The corpse made by the great master is even more powerful. In a few years, it may grow into a half-red evil.

Lin Lang continued to cast spells, and passed in the purest divine power to grow Lu Beidou's broken and broken spirit. Lu Beidou was supposed to be a dead person, but the speed at which the soul dissipated was slowed down because the flesh shells transformed by the elixir imprisoned the soul. It is for this reason that Lu Beidou's weak spirit has survived to this day.

What Lin Lang can do is only to strengthen the strength of Lu Beidou's spirit. As for the seven souls of the three souls and seven souls, they have already dissipated at the moment of his death, and all that remains in the body is only the light, cool spirit, and spirit. Three souls.

What Lin Lang has to do is release the consciousness imprisoned in Lu Beidou. Lu Beidou woke up quietly, his gaze was a little dazed at first, and after a while, he found Lin Lang beside him.

"Thank you, Grand Master Lin." Lu Beidou bowed his head in worship, and then expressed his gratitude. Although he turned into a corpse, the three souls were still imprisoned in the body, but it did not mean that he knew nothing about all the external changes. He was only imprisoned in the flesh and could not control the behavior on his own.

"Just do it." Lin Lang shook his head. Lu Beidou once again scratched his head and thanked him for his words of gratitude, and it was difficult to express his gratitude for life. He was supposed to be dead but was pulled back from the edge of death. After a while, he sorted out his thoughts and asked, "Master Lin, is this going to Wanguizong?"

Lin Lang nodded, Lu Beidou's face changed slightly, and said, "Many ghosts can never go, the people there are weird and perverse, they are extremely disgusted with outsiders, and even take the initiative to catch living people and become corpses. Half of our martial arts disappeared every year are taken by them. "

"Rest assured, Mr. Lin is the man of Yao Wangzong. Even if Wan Guizong is extremely ferocious, at least he has to give this zong a face." The bearded man came back from a distance again, and did not seem to feel scared by the corpse How embarrassing things are.

"Drug King Zong? You were taken away by King Wang Zong?" Lu Beidou murmured: "Yes. Although you had the ability to kill Bai Mu Xu Zhan at the time, but the King of Drugs was a real late stage of transformation and even the peak of transformation. . "

"You killed Xu Zhan. Was Yaowang going out of the mountain to find you in trouble later? Detaining you for Yaowang Zong?" Lu Beidou frowned.

"That being the case, then I will bring you back to Yaowang Zong for justice. Although I will lay down my body for cultivation, at least the physical body of the demigod can fight with Yaowang."

Between words, Lu Beidou shook his body, and an invincible confidence radiated from the inside to the outside. It is enough to stand on the invincible ground without dealing with any of the Grandmasters based on the demigod body alone.

Lin Lang laughed and said: "I think you may have misunderstood. The medicine king can't beat me, so he has to explain to me the position of the ghosts. He wants to detain me and dream."

Lu Beidou opened his mouth and stopped talking. After a long while, he finally exhaled a sigh of sigh: "It seems that during this period of my disappearance, you stirred countless things outside. Even the medicine king Zong didn't want you."

"It's just ..." Lu Beidou paused and said, "It's just that Wanguizong is different from Yaowangzong. Yaowangzong is good at refining medicine, so any force should let him have a little face, in the comprehensive strength of Zongmen. Located at the bottom of many hidden Sejong gates. "

"But Wan Guizong is different. My contacts this year have been deeply astonished by the history of Wan Guizong." Lu Beidou took a deep breath: "Hundred years ago, there was no Wan Guizong in Huaxia martial arts. They are newcomers, and they are said to be branches of a major force. "

"But even so, they can stand still the first time they enter China, and get the approval of the other hidden Sejongmuns, because their founders are the gods of the world and worship other high-pressure worshipers."

"In addition, Wan Guizong also has a corpse, which is a higher-level corpse than me." Speaking of the essence of Wan Guizong, even though Lu Beidou has not encountered much, he deeply feels that Fear of fear: "They are terrible. Even the ancestors of the Divine Realm who were a hidden Sejong gate a hundred years ago died under their siege."

"You have the confidence to defeat the **** corpse, but you have fought over the **** realm, and have fought several corpses and countless siege together?" Lu Beidou solemnly analyzed.

"What can you do if you can't fight it? There are so many ghosts, you can kill them without much effort." Lin Lang didn't care. The details of Wanguizong are indeed difficult to speculate, but if he is so determined that he will destroy Wanguizong, even no state of God can stop it.

Because before he was going to destroy Wan Guizong, he had prepared a big killer, enough to annihilate Wan Guizong ten times. That is the energy contained in the ghost flute, which not only absorbs the power of several gods who worship the gods, but also incorporates the order of the congenital false Dan.

This is how he dared to walk the world.

Enough to kill the capital of any Divine Power!

"I still hope ..." Lu Beidou didn't know Lin Lang's confidence, he thought the other party was crazy.

At this moment, a cloud of steam was rising on the ground.

Several figures suddenly emerged from the air. At the first moment, someone screamed, "Who disturbed me all ghosts!"

This is four yellow robes plus one red robe. Behind them, dozens of corpses were following. It was so foggy that no one noticed when they came from where.

"It is the elders of the red robes and the disciples of the yellow robes." Lu Beidou said positively: "The majority of the disciples of the yellow robes are disciples of martial arts, and the elders of the red robes are equivalent to transmigration. As for the black robes, there are only two. One is Wangui Suzerain, the other is the elder, and controlling the corpse is comparable to the state of God. "

Lin Lang's eyes fell on a few people, and they also looked at Lin Lang for a while, and the elder head of the red robe was surprised and said, "Weird, this dead corpse actually recovered spontaneously? It is extremely rare to have a dead body. "

"Fart. You grabbed me over to watch Shoushan Gate, but now you still ask me!" Lu Beidou scolded.

"I was awakened from the memory of the past life. I still think you are a psychic in the corpse." The elder red robe nodded: "Come, I will help you get back, so that you won't suffer from Shou Yuan's suffering again."

Lu Beidou's nose was crooked, and he could not wait to rush to his death. But here is the back of Yao Wangzong, saying that it will not cause much trouble, and can only wait for the opportunity to escape this right and wrong place.

At this time, the eyes of the elder red robe fell on Lin Lang: "It is up to you to disturb Yao Wangzong, and you don't need to take you back to Yao Wangzong to take the punishment. You will be killed and you will be converted into a corpse to pay for your sins."

"You're still a long way off." Lin Lang shook his head: "Let your suzerain come out to speak."

"Just because you want to see our Sovereign?" The elder red robe smiled strangely: "You deserve it? Look at me and take you down, ignite your soul one by one, and make you a corpse. "

Lin Lang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He flicked a sword and fired at an amazing speed. He magnified infinitely in front of the elders of the red robe. The sword gas dispersed, and there was an extra headless corpse in situ. Behind him, countless corpses were like leeks, and their heads fell down thinly.

"this is……"

Lu Beidou froze in place. Randomly kill the powerful realm, even ordinary demigods can't do it, let alone him.

"He is a demon!"

As for the remaining disciples in Huangpao, they looked at the dead headless body beside them and looked at each other in shock. Who could have thought that a master of transcendence was beheaded by such an understatement.

They were frightened and war-free, all they wanted to do was to return to Zongmen. But as soon as they turned around, Lin Lang continuously pointed to the past, and a big hole appeared in the chest of each of the three yellow robe disciples, dying by death.

The only one left was trembling and ran away like crazy. Just before he ran out a few meters away, a figure terrifying him appeared in front of him. He turned around and ran in the other direction. Lin Lang's figure followed him, blocking his way several times.

"Let me go……"

Disciples in the yellow robe trembled.

His voice had not yet fallen, and there was another turbulence in the space. The air around him seemed to twist, and several red figures slowly emerged from head to toe.

Obviously, there was so much noise here that it completely shocked the elders of Wanguizong.

"It's the elders!"

In addition, in another direction, several red robe figures appeared. A figure wearing a black robe was surrounded by the red robe elders and came forward. Beside him, there was even a red-haired corpse.

"The elder! The elder also brought a red shaman, and he was saved!" The disciple in yellow robes burst into tears with excitement.

A demigod elder, with a red evil spirit, is also followed by nearly ten red robe elders, such a pomp, even if the divine realm comes, you must drink hate.

"Who is your Excellency? Why come to my troubles?"

The elder frowned, and he felt that the practice of the other person was not inferior to him, so he didn't rush to do it.

"You don't have to know my name." Lin Lang faintly said, "I ask you, are you the lord of all ghosts?"

"No." The elder shook his head: "The lord is still in the mountain, and it is enough for me to come out, I am the elder of the Wanguizong ..."

His words were only half spoken, and a cold voice interrupted him: "Let your lord come out to die."

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