Invincible God of War

Chapter 1207: They want to shake my Daqin's mountains!

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"So strong?"

People were dumbfounded.

Instantly kill everyone, what is the strength of the sky?

But what shocked everyone most was Qin Feiyang's courage.

Not only did he kill two young children, Zhuge Haolong and Zhuge Haoyu, he also killed Zhuge Jing and the elders of the ten tribes.

To know.

These people are all important figures of the Zhuge family.

Especially the elders of the ten tribes, even Zhuge Wuhou himself must respect the three points. However, these people said that if they killed, they would not kill the Zhuge family!

Everyone is thinking, where are these people holy?


In full view, Qin Feiyang opened the portal, said something to Lu Hong, and turned and walked in without looking back.

"Do you want to leave like this when you killed my Zhuge family?"


There was a rant.

Follow closely.

A young man in purple clothes bursts into the sky like lightning, and falls over the Jumbo Pavilion.

"It's Zhuge Mingyang!"

"I didn't expect to shock this imperial capital's first demon!"

People are trembling.

But Qin Feiyang has entered the portal, and Lu Hong and Lu Zheng also entered the portal.

Only Dan Wangcai is still outside.

Hearing Zhuge Mingyang's voice, Dan Wangcai looked up, his murderous eyes flashing.

Qin Feiyang said lightly: "Don't worry about him."

Dan Wangcai smiled coldly, turned around and stepped into the portal.

"Hugh wants to go!"

Zhuge Mingyang was furious. With a big wave of his hand, a fighting spirit rolled out and hurled towards the portal.

"Don't try your best!"

Dan Wangcai's indifferent voice sounded inside the portal.

next moment!

A vast emperor's power emerged and the mountains and rivers were swept away, and the fighting was instantly annihilated.

Diwei pounced on Zhuge Mingyang.


Zhuge Mingyang was immediately blasted out, his mouth raging with blood and blood.

"Clown Jumping Beam."

There was a contemptuous laugh inside the portal, and then Qin Feiyang disappeared, and the portal dissipated.

"So strong!"

Zhuge Mingyang's eyes shivered.

Not long ago, he received news that someone killed Zhuge Haolong and Zhuge Haoyu, so he came to see it.

But I did not expect that the other party actually had a warlord!


Judging from that Diwei, it is not a one or two star war emperor.

But who is it?

Zhuge's reputation is far-reaching, and its status is far superior to other Wuhou houses. Who has the courage to kill his Zhuge family?

"Is it ..."


A figure appeared in the mind of Zhuge Mingyang, muttering: "Is it really him?"


At this time.

Another figure came.

"See the leader."

People bowed to salute.

That's right!

This person is the leader of the Qilin Army.

He also received the news and came to see it deliberately.

"what happened?"

Qilinjun commander swept the **** picture under his eyes, frowning slightly, and asked Zhuge Mingyang.

Zhuge Mingyang said in a deep voice: "My second uncle, ten grandpas, and Haolong all of them were attacked by poisoned hands here.

Qi Linjun led the pupil contraction, and Qin Feiyang was thought of for the first time in his mind.

Because the entire Great Qin Empire, only Qin Feiyang has this courage.

"Who did it?"

He asked quietly.

"Don't know, a few strange faces."

Zhuge Mingyang shook his head and said coldly: "But I think no one dares to be so rampant except him in this world!"

The eyes of the Qilin Army commander flashed.

The person Zhuge Mingyang said is obviously also Qin Feiyang.

The commander of the Qilin army scanned the crowd below and said, "Who can tell the specific situation to this commander?"

There are many people below, who have witnessed the whole process.

For a time.

People talked and chattered.


The commander of the Qilin Army learned an idea and shouted: "Sun Dahai, come out immediately!"

Sun Dahai hurriedly ran out of the Treasure Pavilion and bowed: "I've seen Master Lord and I have seen Master Zhuge."

The Qilin army commander said: "It happened in your treasure hall, why not stop it?"

"It's bad to lead this."

"This is not happening in the Treasure Pavilion, but in the street outside the Treasure Pavilion. I have no right to intervene."

"Furthermore, those people were fierce and I could not intervene."

Sun Dahai apologized.

These are all scenes, and anyone can hear them.

Zhuge Mingyang said angrily: "But they entered the Treasure Pavilion!"

"I don't deny this."

"But they came to the Jumbo Pavilion to buy items."

"My treasure house opens the door to do business, it is impossible to refuse them because they have a little bitterness with your Zhuge family!"

Sun Dahai laughed.

The implication is already obvious. Although your Zhuge family is in full swing now, you ca n’t control what I want to do in the Treasure Pavilion.

Zhuge Mingyang clenched his hands and said in a deep voice: "You have to understand that this person is most likely he!"


Sun Dahai asked.

Zhuge Mingyang said: "You know clearly."

Sun Dahai shook his head and said: "The old man really doesn't understand. Please tell Master Zhuge to express?"

"Qin, Fei, Yang!"

Zhuge Mingyang has every word, every word is as sharp as a blade.


People's eyes flickered.

Sun Dahai raised his eyebrows quietly and smiled, "Master Zhuge's imagination really admired the old man."

"I'm not kidding you."

Zhuge Mingyang said in a deep voice.

"The old man is not kidding."

"The old man just received them just now, and he didn't find any one similar to Qin Feiyang."

Sun Dadao.

Zhuge Mingyang said angrily: "Don't you know that there is something called Phantom Pill in this world?"

"Master Zhuge, the old man respects you, but please don't insult the old man's IQ."

"Why would the old man control the Treasure Pavilion for so many years?

"However, I have tens of thousands of guests every day in the Treasure Pavilion. It is impossible for the old man to test their identity one by one with Sky Eye Stone?"

"You know, this is a great disrespect to the guests."

Sun Dahai said lightly.

Zhuge Mingyang's face sank like water.

Sun Dahai glanced at Zhuge Mingyang and the Qilin Army commander and smiled: "There are still many things in the Treasure Pavilion, waiting for the old man to handle it.


The commander of the Kirin Army waved his hand.

Sun Dahai smiled and turned to enter the Treasure Pavilion, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to auction potential Dan immediately.

But now it seems that we have to wait for the wind to pass, otherwise, it will certainly cause Zhuge Mingyang to doubt.


Outside the city.

Over a dense forest!

Lu Hong looked at Qin Feiyang and asked, "Will Sun Dahai betray us?"

Qin Feiyang laughed: "Relax, if he betrayed us, he would not let us leave the treasure hall."


Lu Zheng looked at Dan Wangcai on the side and was surprised: "What's the matter with your cultivation?"

The two-star war emperor soared to the four-star war emperor, a full increase of two small realms.

As far as he knows, there is no such tactic in the world.

Dan Wangcai turned a deaf ear, silently stood beside Qin Feiyang, closed the forbidden technique, and repaired and returned to the Second Star Warlord.

This made Lu Zheng even more surprised, and said with a smile: "It's not an outsider, anything to hide, let's talk!"

"you are annoying?"

Dan Wangcai looked at him impatiently.

"With personality."

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "Actually, if you don't say it, I guess, you should have some kind of forbidden technique."


Dan Wangcai raised his eyebrows.

"Don't forget, I'm from the Lu family."

Lu Zheng smiled proudly.

Dan Wangcai coldly said: "Then don't forget, even if you are from the Lu family, I can kill you with one hand."

The smile on Lu Zheng's face stiffened.

This guy really does not leave a little affection!

But at this moment, Qin Feiyang took out the colorful fruit and carefully examined it.

The fruit is as brilliant as a colored diamond.

The rich fruit rushed to the nose and made several people's tongues talk.

Dan Wangcai looked at Lu Zheng and said indifferently: "You said that the Lu family has been amazing all the time, and it's so arrogant, that should be omnipotent, know everything, then do you know what this is?

Lu Zheng's face twitched.

If he knew it, he wouldn't be bored!


Dan Wangcai asked, his eyes looked aggressive.

Lu Zhenggan coughed and said, "Although I don't know what it is, it is certain that it is definitely not a mortal thing."

"Is this what you said?"

Dan Wangcai rolled his eyes and said: "Since I don't know, then keep a low profile, don't always be a terrible stinky kind of me."

"I said, do you think I'm bullying?"

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, and his expression was full of discomfort.

Dan Wangcai said with a blank expression: "I just can't get used to your high-spirited virtue."

"Then don't watch it."

Lu Zheng waved impatiently.

"Okay, what age are you still arguing?"

Qin Fei raised his eyes and folded the colorful fruits.

Lu Hong suddenly asked: "Right, why didn't you just kill Zhuge Mingyang just now?"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed, saying: "It's not the time to kill him. Moreover, now he is favored by the emperor and the master of the country. There must be some killer tools hidden."

"for example?"

Lu Hong asked.

"Guo Shi's killing idea."

"In the beginning, Qin Lao gave me a ray of killing thought to let me defend myself, so the national teacher could naturally give Zhuge Mingyang a ray of killing thought to let him defend himself."

Qin Feiyang said.

Lu Hong nodded suddenly.


It was at this time.

Qin Feiyang's image spar sounded.

After he took it out, the ghost image led by the Qilin Army emerged.

Seeing how Qin Feiyang looked at the moment, the commander of the Qilin Army even frowned: "It was you who killed Zhuge Jing."

Because now, Qin Feiyang has not recovered his true content.

"Yes, it's us."

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

The commander of the Qilin Army asked, "Why? Did Zhuge Mingyang offend you?"

"Zhuge Mingyang I haven't put it in my eyes yet."

"The reason I killed them was because they were damn."

Qin Feiyang said.

"What did they do to you? Do you hate them so much?"

The Qilin Army is puzzled.

"They want to shake my Daqin's mountains!"

Qin Feiyang saw a murderous surge in his eyes.

The crown prince is the son of Zhuge Wuhou and the current emperor. If he didn't kill the crown prince, then after the crown prince inherits the throne, Daqin will inevitably become the Jiangshan family.

This is something he cannot tolerate!

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