Invincible God of War

Chapter 1208: Are you a fairy?

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"Shake the Great Qin Jiangshan!"

The Qilin Army commander shivered, his eyes full of disbelief, and asked, "Aren't you kidding me?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Do you look like I'm joking?"

"How is this possible?"

"I have also had many contacts with the Zhuge family. I have always kept myself safe and follow the rules. How can I do such a thing?"

The Qilin Army commanded.

This matter was really unacceptable to him.


"Huh, there are some things, but you don't know."

"You wait, sooner or later, one day, I will expose their wolf ambitions to the world."

"By then you knew that what I did today was right or wrong."

Qin Feiyang said, he directly closed the image spar.

This person is too loyal to the emperor, even if there is a seal of slavery, he can't control him. If he is known to the real prince, he will definitely tell the emperor immediately.

So, I can't tell him yet.


But less than three breaths, the image spar buzzed and trembled again.

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows, and his fighting spirit poured into it.

A ghost appeared.

He thought he was the commander of the Unicorn Army, and he didn't look at it, but even though he said angrily, "Isn't it over?"

"what's the situation?"

A suspicious voice sounded.


Qin Feiyang froze, looked up, but it was Yan Wei.

Qin Feiyang laughed: "Sorry, I thought it was commanded by the Qilin Army, how is your situation now?"

"Guo Shi is too cautious."

Yan Wei sighed deeply and smiled again: "But now, I have successfully entered the law enforcement hall."

"Inner hall?"

Qin Feiyang asked.


"But as long as I can enter the Law Enforcement Hall, I will be sure, enter the inner hall, and then become the confidant of the national teacher step by step."

Yan Wei smiled confidently.

"Be careful, don't show your feet."

Qin Feiyang smiled, and he still believed in Yan Wei's ability.

"I will."

"Then, where are you going?"

Yan Wei asked.

"Sea of ​​reincarnation."

Qin Feiyang said.


The sea of ​​reincarnation, located in the extreme north of the imperial capital, is endless.

The environment here is extremely harsh.

The wind was raging, the tsunami was running, powerful sea beasts were everywhere, and ordinary cultivators did not dare to set foot.

But it is in such a place that there is a village located here.

The village is only a hundred miles away from the sea of ​​reincarnation.

In the vast mountains, fierce beasts rampage, but strangely, there are no traces of half-headed beasts in the surrounding area for more than ten miles.

The village is not small, but it is not very big compared to the prosperous place like the imperial city. More than 2,000 villagers gather here.

It can be said that it is isolated from the world, but everyone lives very comfortably.

Strong man of the year is hunting outside.

The elderly women and children stayed at home, taking care of their homes, everything seemed so calm and simple.

Now at this moment!

A middle-aged woman stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the distant mountains, her face full of worry.

The woman is only thirty-five or six years old, but her face is pale, her eyes are empty, her face is full of wrinkles, and she looks like a man in her fifties.

As time passed, it was getting late.

The woman is still standing at the entrance of the village, as if waiting for someone to return?

The night finally came, the mountains fell into darkness, and every household in the village lit the lights.

Da! ! !


A steady and powerful footstep sounded from far to near.

Hearing the footsteps, the woman's empty eyes finally showed a glory.

In the dark, a middle-aged strong man dressed in an Orion gradually entered the woman's sight.

The strong man has a burly figure, one meter and nine feet, carrying a sturdy cow that is more than two meters long, and his feet are steady and powerful.

But there is no cultivation.

The barbarian cow is just an ordinary beast.

Seeing the strong man, the glory of the woman's eyes dissipated and was replaced by a trace of disappointment.

After seeing the woman, the strong man looked slightly stunned and suspiciously said, "Jer, fuck, why are you still standing here?"

"I am waiting for Jay."

The woman smiled, but the smile was stiff.

The strong man was stunned for a moment, wondering: "Jie'er hasn't returned yet?"

The woman nodded.

The strong man said angrily: "What is this kid doing? The boss is not small anymore, so ignorant?"

The woman shook her head: "No blame Jieer, Jieer went out, also to find his sister."

"His sister has been missing for so many days. He must have died under the claws of the beast. How could he be found?"

The strong man sighed.

The woman was immediately angry and shouted: "You nonsense, Jin'er will not die, she must be alive."

The look is full of pain!

The strong man couldn't bear it, and persuaded: "Don't be stupid, if she really didn't die, half a month later, how could she not return?"

"You get away, get away now!"

The woman binged.


The strong man snorted, carrying the wild cow, and went into the village without looking back.

"Jin'er will be fine ..."

"Jie Er will definitely find her ..."

The woman muttered to herself, looking at the mountains in the dark night, and she couldn't help but shed two tears.



In a dead mountain, occasionally a loud roar of the beast sounded.

Somewhere in the mountain stream, a 12-year-old boy walked alone.

"After my father passed away, I would have only my sister and mother. Anyway, I must find my sister ..."

The teenager clasped his hands together, and the dark eyes were like black gemstones, bursting with a firm light.

Twelve or three years old, just a child.

But on the face of this teenager, there is maturity and stability that are different from those of his peers.


The teenager came to a low mountain, looked up at the top of the mountain, and climbed up hard.

On the way, the thorns cut his skin, blood flowing, he did not care, and there was a stubbornness in his eyes.

at last.

He panted breathlessly to the top of the mountain, standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the night sky in the distance, muttering: "Sister, where are you going? Do you know that my mother and I miss you so much, worrying about you ... "


A hissing sound came from behind him.

And there was another stench that followed.

The young man was excited and turned his head suddenly. He saw a pair of green eyes a dozen meters away behind him, staring at him coldly.

It was a poisonous python with a length of more than ten meters, a thick bucket, and black scales all over it.


"Unconsciously, I actually left the forbidden zone."

The teenager panicked, but pretended to be calm, waving a small fist, shouting: "My fist is very hard, you better not come over ..."

The poisonous python spit Nobuko and stared at the youngster for a moment. The long and narrow snake eye flashed a little disdain, and then swam towards the youngster.

"I tell you, come again, I'm welcome to you."

The teenager kept retreating, a very fierce look on the surface, but in fact he was terrified.



The poisonous python quickened its speed, opened its big mouth, and exposed its sharp fangs, rushing towards the teenager.

The young boy saw it for the first time with such a large poisonous python, and he could swallow him without a doubt.

But at the moment.

He had retreated to the edge of the cliff, and there was nowhere else to retreat.

"I fight with you!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he drew a dagger from his arms, just an ordinary dagger, and flew towards the poisonous python.

The poisonous python was stunned. Obviously, the young man dared to resist.

But followed closely.

Its eyes were full of fierce light, and a piece of venom spewed out.

The young man was shocked, but he was very flexible. Like a monkey, he hid dangerously and dangerously, and then stabbed into the seven inches of the poisonous python.

He succeeded.

But the scales on the poisonous python were beyond his imagination.

With a clang, sparks splattered, and the dagger just scratched a mark on the scale.

This move also completely angered the poisonous python.

The long snake letter spit out, curled up the teenager's ankle, and dragged towards the blood spout.

"Do not……"

"I can't die!"

"I'm dead, nobody will take care of my mother!"

The teenager roared.

The strong desire to survive overcomes the inner fear.

He firmly grasped the dagger, backhanded the knife, and inserted it into the poisonous snake's letter fiercely.

The poisonous python's painful hissing sound, the snake letter loosened, and the teenager finally escaped, and immediately fled.

But the angry poisonous python raised its giant tail and snapped it on the back of the teenager.


A scream screamed through the sky.

The boy suddenly flew from the edge of the cliff like a meteorite and fell down.

This low mountain is only a few tens of feet. For the cultivator, it is nothing, but for ordinary people, falling down is fatal!



"I'm not willing!"

The boy shouted in despair.

However, he didn't pay attention, and the poisonous python didn't notice. At this time, the upper stream was empty, and two streamers flashed like lightning.

That's a man and a woman.

A man, about twenty-three or fourteen years old, with a raised figure.

Sheng Xue in white.

The facial features are as sharp as sharp knives.

A long hair flying in the wind, revealing a super-dusty air.

Female, exquisite figure, blue silk like a waterfall, beautiful facial features, also wearing a snowy white dress, like a fairy outside the heavens, graceful and graceful.

They are Qin Feiyang and Lu Hong!


"Who is calling?"


Lu Hong froze for a moment, stopped her figure, looked down, and immediately saw the desperate teenager.

Is there anyone in this barren mountain?

Still a child?


The next moment.

Lu Hong turned into a stream of light, skimming towards the teenager.

The teenager was completely desperate, closing his eyes and waiting quietly to die.

But he was about to fall to the ground. He suddenly felt someone grabbing his arm, his body suddenly lightened, and he was suspended in the void next moment.


The teenager froze, turned around, and saw a beautiful white sister standing next to him, instinctively asked: "Are you an angel?"


Lu Hong stunned slightly, shook his head and smiled, and took the teenager to the ground.

Qin Feiyang also swooped down and landed beside them.

"You actually fly?"

Seeing this scene, the teenager's eyes almost glared out and stuttered and asked, "Are you a fairy?"


Qin Feiyang was also stunned.

Isn't Yukong flying an unusual thing? How is it related to the fairy?

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